that workmanship is amazing sorry you find your self with no work but i fail to see how that will be for long
Pete - I was thinking about your thread later on last night; rather than getting a job working for someone, would you not be eligible for a small business start up grant, and then work for yourself? It might take a wee while to get going, but if you were doing work like that for businesses and private individuals in your local area, I reckon that you would soon build a reputation and a steady wee business? Even if you had to make coffins etc for your 'bread and butter' to get you going, and build from there? Don't forget e-commerce/mail order stuff too -- I know a few people that would pay good money to have hand made furniture like yours.
What a wonderful thread this is evolving into. Pete, I hope that you will find encouragment and inspiration from these posts. The Job Centre mob are really beyond the pale aren't they? Your work is of the highest order and I would love to own a piece of your furniture, Jenny namaste
I dont know FC, its not an avenue I've looked into, starting up could be pretty expensive, good machinery is not cheap, plus the more machinery you buy the bigger workshop you need. A mate of mine went down that road when we were made redundant 6 yrs ago, he built a small workshop in his back garden. Six years down the line he seems to be doing more painting and decorating than joinery. One off, good quality, joinery is pretty labour intensive, so profits are small and you need contacts with money. Thanks everyone for the nice comments, I've been told by a mate to give a certain local company a call tomorrow, we will see what happens.
Pete . that`s minus to be a joiner , to be a plummer , carpenter , electrician , builder you will need a van ,tools and you can do your job. to be a joiner you will need lots of machines , that`s way hand made furniture are so expencive and most of the peoples will go to Ikea , buy , not really cheap furniture try to put togheter and then call someone to assemble them and end up to pay more then a proper job on the first place....two years later do it all again. Call few old friend as well , a good joiner is never out of work.
Good luck with whatever you choose mate - one thing is for sure, a talent like yours deserves to be used and shared!
I think it's a darn shame Pete that your skills aren't being used anymore. Off topic, I stay at a place in the Lake district which is a three story, quite modern house with great views. The couple who own it converted it into to 3 on suite bedrooms. The guy was a joiner and he made all the doors and other stuff himself. His work is absolute quality and no expense spared when they did it. Not your average B&B which is reflected in the price they charge but you get what you pay for and people do because you have to book well in advance.
That's one of the houses just before you get to the 'Keswick' sign (on the bend) made out of plants, isn't it?