Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK7...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Aug 19, 2012.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone,
    The foxes are as they say , very sly.....they make an apperance when the dogs are in the house sleeping,on the odd occaision the dogs have chased them off though but it doesn't deter them....i would be devastated if they got at my 'girls'....
    Hope the soreness wears off Moyra and enjoy your lunch out...hope Amber is ok too:dbgrtmb:
    Was Tiny having a lie in Woo...she has the right idea:dbgrtmb:
    It's mild here too but very damp:dbgrtmb:
    Wishing you all a lovely day,Takecare:SUNsmile:
  2. liliana

    liliana Total Gardener

    Sep 12, 2012
    Morning everyone, hope you are okey dokey? :dbgrtmb:

    Been out early though weather is very miserable, done all my shopping, coffee at Costa.

    Back, put shopping all away, checked my shopping list for saving, put info on my computer(been doing it since beg of January, to check how much I have saved ):blue thumb::pcthwack:

    Out in the garden, raked up 4 bucket loads of leaves from pear tree, cut back Choisya, all put in bin for recycling. Came back in dripping with sweat, :eeew: and had to change all my clothes, as everything was stuck to me. (more washing):nonofinger: Now going to have a rest before I make lunch, then out again to do my therapy session, with my nice young man.:wow:
  3. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone,
    How we doing....hope everyone had a good night:dbgrtmb:...I feel like i've done a work out,my arms and shoulders are aching like mad...all i did last night was bake 4 christmas cakes....the mixture was quite stiff and took some mixing:phew: it's been a very mild night and it's 12 degrees now:huh:....i'm on BackCare training today so i'd best look lively:yawn:
    Have a great day everyone and takecare:SUNsmile:
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Loli and everyone and hope you are all ok:smile:

    Loli,well done in getting those cakes baked and cooked and no doubt you will enjoy eating them over crimbo:dbgrtmb:

    Still very busy here at the moment and still kitty sitting three times a day so that takes up time:snork: Mr Kandy's back went into spasm again Sunday morning so is having to use walking sticks again and has had to take a couple of days off from work but is hoping to go back today:smile:

    We have had fog every day since Saturday and very dreek but today is clear so willl see how it pans out:biggrin:

    Hope you all have a good day in all that you do:smile:
  5. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha everyone,

    Mild and dry and, with a bit of luck, it will be sunny.

    Kandy, you want to get Mr K down the quacks!

    Loli, you didn't need to make a cake for us :). We don't have sweet things in our house - apart from Mrs Shiney :wub2:

    We've just caught the field mouse that ran in our back door two weeks ago when Mrs S opened it. It's in a humane trap with a piece of chocolate for company and will be taken for a little holiday to the field up the road.

    Badger came back the other day and dug out the hole that I had filled in :mad:. He'd also left pooh in it. I've got rid of that and sprayed a stronger solution of Jeyes Fluid around and into the hole. I'll fill the hole in again today and see what happens. Some idiot told us we want to feed them currant buns to stop the digging in the garden. I want to keep them away and not attract them :doh:. Maybe I should put currant buns in the neighbour's garden - we don't like him! :heehee:

    We're taking some friends out to lunch. They're in their 90's and he broke his hip last year. The op didn't go well (a repair) and he ended up in hospital four times!!! He's had to give up driving so they don't go out much.

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney:smile:

    Mr Kandy went to see the quack {locum}on Monday about another reacurring problem and the locum{our proper Dr is on holiday}examined Mr Kandy and told him to rest his back as much as possible and to take painkillers and anti inflammortories{sp}He is ok and can hobble around slowly but as soon as he sits in a chair for too long the lower back goes into spasm when he tries to get up.This is exactly how it was earlier in the year while he was on a weeks holiday from work.By the end of the week he was a lot better,oh and for the other problem the locum told him to drink plenty of fluids to see if that will help:eeew:

    Sorry about the badger problem and just think after next summer you probably won't have a problem if a good deal of them are shot,but at least the farmers will be happy:frown:

    Enjoy your meal out with friends:wub2:
  7. liliana

    liliana Total Gardener

    Sep 12, 2012
    Morning everyone, Hope Mr Kandy makes a speedy recovery. :blue thumb:

    Trying to take it a bit easier today,:whistle: Done my first laundry wash at 6.00am, :wow: now in drier, washing second load. Hoovered, and had breakfast. :yes:

    Want to get out in garden later to trim back another shrub. :psnp:

    Have fruit and veg in kitchen, that I should be making into jams and chutney,:stirpot:

    but, I am having a problem getting motivated.:sad: Still,perhaps this afternoon I might feel like it.:yes:
  8. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Aloha Everyone,

    I had a lovely lunch out yesterday with my friends and my sore throat never progressed to anything thankfully.

    Foxes worry me Loli because they are getting braver and coming out more in the day if the food is locked away at night.........I just pray that they don't attack your girls.

    Kandy, sorry to hear about Mr K. Hope he will recover soon, I don't think this weather helps. I know my back has been playing up but I am not sure whether it is the osteoarthritis in the spine or whether it is the kidneys playing up. Shall have some idea when I go to my next renal appointment next month.

    Shiney sorry you are having problems with the badgers apart from what you are doing to deter them I cannot offer any other ideas unless you get a gun!

    Take care everyone and look after yourselves please. Have a good day.

  9. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good afternoon folks,
    Just got in a let the girls out for a wander,the dogs are on patroll too.....i've already grated their cheese (thats what i take them to bed with:rolleyespink:) i think they'll be having an early night tonight as a nieghbour said she'd seen Mr Fox sat on our drive earlier:nonofinger:
    Hope Mr K is better soon:dbgrtmb:
    Shiney hows about putting a currant bun dowsed in plenty curry powder on the perimeter where you think he may be coming in...you never know it might put him off for good:thumbsup:
    This damp weather is no good for joint troubles...keep warm Moyra:dbgrtmb:
    Wishing everyone well...:SUNsmile:
  10. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good evening all my friends hope your day has been a good one,I have been busy revamping the garden getting ready for the next lot of turf laying,its been a sunny day and quite pleasant to work in,have a lovely evening and please take care :)
    Kandy hope Mr K is progressing well and is feeling better:)
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Kandy, tell Mr K that he should drink 4 mugs of warm water first thing in the morning - one after the other within about 30-45 minutes. That will make a big difference.

    Moyra, can't use my gun as it's illegal to shoot them!

    Loli, although they love currant buns they don't like the smell of curry powder so would just walk round it :sad:
  12. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening everyone :)
    well, been out all day. Went to my art group first, very good today. Went next to a mammoth hair session, colour, cut etc 3 hours worth :snork:
    Tomorrow am out, got some treatments to have, one on my poor fat feet. Poor girl having to touch them. We are away soon, going to a wedding so want to feel presentable.
    Hope Mr Kandys back soon improves and hope everyone else is bearing up :dbgrtmb:
  13. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Top of the morning everyone,how are we all to day,feeling good and full of bounceability I hope;) I thought I would wait until a reasonable time,to post this good morning to you all(didn't want to post it to early):heehee:have a super day and please stay safe my friends:)

    It will soon be time for this little chap to wake up:)
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha everyone,

      It's getting a bit breezy out there but still mild(ish).

      I may have to pop next door and apoligise to the neighbour as Mrs Shiney's car alarm went off at 3.45 a.m. :hate-shocked:. Fortunately, I was sitting in the lounge reading and having a cuppa so was able to grab her keys and rush out there to turn it off. It's the fastest I've moved for ages! :heehee: Did it in less than 20 seconds :thumbsup:. I know that because the alarm goes for 20 secs, then stops for 20 secs and then starts again etc.

      Either some wildlife disturbed the car or, as has happened in the past, a moth or spider went across the inside sensor.

      My car has to go to the garage today to have new brakes. When I had a service in July they told me The brakes should last until the end of October and I have a lot of driving to do in the next few weeks.

      I did quite bit in the garden yesterday - got five of the lawns mowed and cleaned and oiled two 6ft x 3ft wooden tables. I found that being hunched over the tables oiling them was tougher on my back than all the mowing! :doh:

      Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,
      Shiney...FIVE lawns mown:thud: and a record breaking sprint:love30: it wasn't that darn Badger was it:th scifD36:......
      Hope everyone is fine this morning:dbgrtmb:.....i really must straighten out the greenhouse it's looking a bit chaotic in there:rolleyespink:there are still some tomato plants in there that need to be out...why i'm hanging onto them i don't know because they've had it really:doh:
      It's nice and dry out there so i'll get cracking:dbgrtmb:
      Have a good day everyone and takecare:SUNsmile:
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