As per article in Daily Mail today, Family of 5 wear their 'Onesies' outside for the day. Well, personally, I would not emerge from my house wearing one of them. They are ok for around the house. Maybe a quick wander around the garden, but public...Nah. I look stupid enough already.
I didn't know what they were so I looked them up. No, not ok for out and about if you're older than about 2 year old. Ok for tiny kids, on grown ups they just look ridiculous. Its like the increasing trend of coming out in jimjams and dressing gowns. I've seen people actually at the shops dressed for bed. No self respect is all I can say. I was raised to believe that you dress yourself before venturing out. It doesn't take much effort to shot some clothes on.
people are going OUT in them??? personally, I dont own one and I dont see the attraction. Yes, no doubt they keep you warm, but if you need the loo you have to take it almost completely off, so you're getting cold! defeating the object much.
I did see, two summers ago, a man with lots of body hair and a beer belly wearing a man thong out side his house, i couldn't stop
I wouldn't even wear a onesie in the house! Some things are designed for babies, and should remain that way.
I used to love my onesies but they are a too warm for me now or i'd still wear them......i'm always parading around the garden in night wear....ask Shiney he'll tell you but no, i wouldn't wear them beyond the garden
Not for me sorry. I would be seen dead in one. Like clueless says how hard is it to just iron some clothes and look respectable!
No. Not even in the house. Apart from anything else, you'd have to faff about taking it off before you could go to the loo. Much rather wear my fleecy jammies around the house. I have been known to wear my jammies for walking the dogs over the fields on a Sunday early doors, with my big coat and wellies over the top