How times change

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I found out a few days ago that the kids at my son's nursery school are all able to manage the basics of using a computer.

    I'd deliberately made no effort in that respect with my son, figuring that at 3 year old, he's got better things to be doing that sat in front of a computer, like playing cars, trains, space stuff, or anything that stimulates his imagination and is fun.

    I decided he'd better have access to a computer for a max of maybe an hour a day now, so I'm setting my old laptop as an easy to use computer for the lad.

    This got me thinking. At his age (4 in January), I hadn't even seen a computer of any kind.

    When I was about 6 or 7, I remember great excitement when the teacher announced that the brand new school computer had arrived, and later that week, after the consultant had been in, we'd get to see it.

    Then a few days later, I remember the anticipation as we did technology related 'topics' all day, and then it arrived at our class. Two of the male teachers and a consultant pushed in a massive trolley. On this trolley there was boxes and wires. It was a big sturdy trolley.

    There was brief disappointment about an hour later when we heard it hadn't worked, and the consultant was just trying to fix it. For another hour or so we heard many strange noises and there was much activity, before the immense moment, we were told it was on and working.

    Teachers trying to conceal their excitement and pride then had us line up to 'ask' it, any sum we liked. I remember being totally in awe because when after trying to trick it by asking it to add two 3 digit numbers, it came back with an answer in less than 1 second.

    Older colleagues speak of a time even before this, when apparently only the creme de la creme got anywhere near the house that was the computer, and had to connect fly leads or use punched cards to make it do anything. Now 3 year olds are getting their own laptops.
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    • Pootle

      Pootle Gardener

      May 18, 2012
      You've got me going back now. I remember being introduced to the ZX81 in a maths lesson and playing a game which involved chasing two little dots around a screen. My kids started on computers a an early age and we particularly liked the reader rabbit and clue finders software don't know if it is still available but it seemed to be a good game with education involved too. I'm not that taken with computer games but my husband and kids have a lot of fun with them on occasion. A PS3 with 3 controllers and a game like little big planet leads to a lot of laughs in our house :)
      • Like Like x 1
      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        I think balance in all things. Trains, colouring books, toy drums, childrens TV, and yes, age appropriate software.

        Half hour a day maximum would probably be my suggestion because their attention span can either dwindle very rapidly or at the other extreme, he may get so enthralled it would be temper tantrums if he has to come off it.

        Good luck (and welcome to the wonderful world of IT parenting ;) )
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        • Robajobs

          Robajobs I ♥ Organic manure and fine Iranian lagers

          Jun 28, 2012
          One armed Lion Tamer. I'm still learning the Job.
          Newcastle, Staffs
          Good on you Clueless. There is more knowledge on the internet than any school library. :blue thumb:
          • Like Like x 1
          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            And more knowlege on GC than the internet.

            GC has already introduced Jamesy to Darleks:dbgrtmb:
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