Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK7...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Aug 19, 2012.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone,
    Pointless going to bed ,i had a restless night:dunno: but i'm up and doing now,dogs been out and now i'm just having brekkie before i go to work ...it feels a nice mild morning out there:dbgrtmb:...
    I hope everyone is well:dbgrtmb:
    Have a great day and take care:SUNsmile:
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    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Good morning, all :)

      Sorry to hear about your restless night loli (hope you haven't got something praying on your mind). Have a good day at work.

      Thanks for posting about lamb shoulder, shiney :dbgrtmb:

      I have baking to do today - I want to make some cakes for gifts and I have a nice full bowl of eggs that need using up.

      Not much happening on the garden front, but I still have some bluebell bulbs to go in so I really should get that done!

      Wishing you all love and laughter in your day today xMx :)
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      • wiseowl

        wiseowl Admin Staff Member

        Oct 29, 2006
        Philosophy of people
        Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
        Good morning Loli and Mum and all my other friends everywhere,sorry to hear about your sleepless night Loli and Mum picture the carpet of Bluebells in the spring and put them in sorry about that Mum but it did rhyme;) have a super day and please take care every one:)
        • Like Like x 3
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Aloha everyone,

          Today is our first rainy day for quite some time. It's also a day when we shall be out and about a lot :doh:. We're off to the big city very shortly for what should be a very good day :blue thumb:.

          We shall start by walking from Liverpool St station to The Barbican having a look at a lot of the floats that will be parked up waiting for the start of The Lord Mayor's show. At the Barbican we shall be going to the Museum of London for a private tour (run by my cousin, an art historian) for our family and friends.
          From there we shall be going over to the Royal Academy for the Bronze Exhibition (supposed to be excellent). Then we shall meet up with friends (who are involved in organising the L M's Show) to see the finish of it. After which we shall go over to brick Lane (Bangla Town) for a curry.

          We'll be wrapped up warm and carrying brollies! :dbgrtmb:

          Have a great day :biggrin:

          • Like Like x 2
          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            Good morning,Loli,Mum, Woo and everyone:smile:

            Woo,good luck with the turf laying today and hope the weather keeps fine for you and please watch that back of yours:smile:

            Loli,hope you and the girls are all ok plus Mr Loli,and hope that you have a better nights sleep after your restless night last night:smile:

            Mum,i am trying to establish some proper English bluebells in my garden as there is nothing better than the pefume of them in the spring.Have you ever seen the pink version growing in the wild? We found one single plant last year when we were away last year and this year found a clump of them growing in our local woodland.Hope you manage to get yours in an established before the bad weather hits:biggrin:

            Moyra,we have a rainy day fund set up to pay for any vets bills etc so we will be ok for when the time comes.I was speaking to the vet yesterday teatime and he said the results of the blood test shows Poppy now has slight deteriation in her kidney function since being on the tablets but her thyroid levels have come down which is very good.He says he will be contacting the animal hospital in the coming weeks to see if she will be suitable for the treatment and he said it will be a couple of months before all this happens anyway so at least she will be with us for crimbo:hapydancsmil:We have to take Willow in for an xray on Tuesday {Mr Kandy will do that on the way to work} to see what is causing the breathing problems as he is still not right.I just hope that nothing nasty is found and it is something that can be treated with antibiotics...

            Shiney we had already been to Mr T's shop last night so i didn't see your post until today.We did like the shoulder of lamb the other week,but there was an awful lot of fat in it{The local cats loved it though} so will probably stick to the knuckle end joints we normally buy:snork: Thanks for the info though:blue thumb:

            Anway,we have had rain overnight so glad i went leaf collecting yesterday,so this morning we are going to have our hair cut then will come home and get some jobs done indoors unless it brightens up and then we might go on a walkabout:smile:
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            • Kandy

              Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

              Apr 23, 2006
              Head gardener
              In the Middle Of Blighty
              Enjoy your day Shiney and hope you have good weather and a great time:wub2:
            • liliana

              liliana Total Gardener

              Sep 12, 2012
              Morning all,:sign0016:

              Was going to go and have a drive out, but I also had a restless night, dog was fidgeting, but mainly my mouth is really painful, have had ulcer on my tongue for past 10 days, and now have one the other side along the edge.:help:

              Have tried quite a few things, but as I have my monthly checkup with the doctor on Monday, I expect it will be antibiotics again. Since June after my hernia operation I have had nothing but problems, I know it is stress related, and my fibromyalgia pain is a real nuisance. :cry3:

              Still have to get on with things, got a bit of ironing to clear, and labelling to do ready for a show next Saturday.:hapfeet:

              Having a good clearout for a table top sale beginning of December. :yay:

              Hope you all a good day.
              • Like Like x 1
              • moyra

                moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                Sep 17, 2005
                South East Essex
                Aloha everyone,

                Shiney sounds as though you have a very full day ahead of you. I hope you and Hannah enjoy yourselves.

                Loli, sorry you had a bad night last night, I did too but that was down to Amber digging her feet into my back. Large double bed and still she has to pinch my side of it.

                Kandy, hope all goes well with your babies. That is always the problem that so many drugs affect the kidneys. I have the same problem myself. I have another renal appointment in about a fortnight's time.

                Lili sorry you are also in pain do take care of yourself.

                Mum, I had some bluebells in the garden but I cannot remember seeing this year, I expect the little mices have had them. I know there are mice around because I saw a little fellow sharing the peanuts with the birds. He was climbing up their tree and pinching them and then obviously taking them back to store and coming back for more. Since the bluebells were under that tree I expect her had them as well.

                WOO, if you are laying turf today, do please be careful and look after that back of yours.

                Have a good day everyone, it is raining here, Amber and I got wet this morning but she doesn't mind she loves the rub down with a towel afterwards and rolls on her back for her tummy to be dried off. Wanton hussey that she is.

                • Like Like x 4
                • Jazmine

                  Jazmine happy laydee

                  Sep 1, 2008
                  Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
                  Evening everyone, a bit tired out here after working at sons two days - will catch up soon :)
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • wiseowl

                    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                    Oct 29, 2006
                    Philosophy of people
                    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                    Good morning all my friends on this bonus of a Sunday hope you are all OK and looking forward to your day,busy day to day what with my turfing and going to our local Remembrance Service at Rochester Cathedral have a lovely day and please take care:)
                    • Like Like x 3
                    • Kandy

                      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                      Apr 23, 2006
                      Head gardener
                      In the Middle Of Blighty
                      Good morning Woo and everyone,

                      Not sure if we had the frost last night that was forecast,but i put on the greenhouse heater last night just in case:smile:

                      Not sure what we shall be doing today apart from me cooking the sunday joint and getting my car hoovered out and washed ready for it's sevice and MOT next weekend and we might get a walk in this afternoon if the weather stays dry:smile:

                      Keep warm everyone and have a good day:smile:
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • Lolimac

                        Lolimac Guest

                        Good morning everyone,
                        I'm at work this morning but i'll be sure to have the TV's on so the residents can watch the service...sadly they will need constant prompting that it's Remembrance Sunday but i'm sure we'll get a few toes tapping when the marches take place:dbgrtmb:
                        I wish you all a good day,takecare everyone:SUNsmile:

                        Lest we forget.......
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                        • moyra

                          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                          Sep 17, 2005
                          South East Essex
                          Aloha everyone,

                          Yes Loli once those cognitive ones realize the day there'll be some stories to be told there this morning. Bless them all for what they have endured and lost in a lot of cases.

                          Kandy, have a good day hope your car does well in its MOT test next weekend.

                          Waves to Shiney, WOO, Lili, Mum, Penny et all our friends who post on here.

                          Aloha! :wub2:
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          Aloha everyone,

                          The sun has come out to play on this frosty morning. :SUNsmile:

                          It was quite a busy day for us yesterday. We took the train up to London and then walked from Liverpool St station to the Museum of London at the Barbican. We went early so that we could get a good look at all the floats and groups preparing for the Lord Mayor's Show. They were lined up, and practicing, all the way along London Wall which is the route we took from the station. The atmosphere was great and there were displays and groups representing lots of official and much less official areas. Many of them had kids involved and some were quite humorous.

                          Our tour at the Museum, run by my cousin, was superb. We then went off to Picadilly to the Royal Academy to see their special exhibition of Broze sculptures, which was very good. We then went into Fortnum and Mason's to see how the other half live. Afternoon tea was £40!!!!! Although the fruit and veg looked very good it was about five times the price that we buy it at and some of the other foods were over ten times the price. Even a bread roll was £1.

                          After not spending any money in there we went on to not spend any money in Picadilly market. Then we went back to the City to watch the afternoon return journey of the Show. It went very well except that the Lord Mayor's Coach broke down. It's a few hundred years old so they were trying to work out how to get it back to the workshop without doing any damage.

                          From there we went to Brick Lane (Bangla Town) in the East End for a good curry. I used to work in Brick Lane many decades before the Bangaldeshi community moved in. We then walked back to Liverpool St and got a train home.

                          A day well spent. :dbgrtmb:

                          Shortly, I'm of to Nothampton to play a bridge match. It's a bit of a needle match (but played in a friendly manner) as both my county and Northants are usually heading the league. They're a very good team.

                          Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

                        • moyra

                          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                          Sep 17, 2005
                          South East Essex
                          Sounds like you had a great day yesterday Shiney. I hope you do well in your match today. Good Luck!:thumbsup:
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