I have waited 65 years for this.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by roders, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    :) In two weeks time I retire from work........ as I know it.
    What I need is any advice,tips,what to do, what not to do.
    I hope to spend more time on Gardeners corner for a start.
    I have just done a financial review and some of the intrest rates were rubbish,so have seen to that already.
    More time with the granchildren.....priority.....
    It's going to be a long two weeks lol........no only if I let it..
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Well, you won't be needing a reference, so if there's anything you've always wanted to get off your chest to your boss, you've got 2 weeks to do so:)
  3. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    :D Nice one Clueless:D
  4. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Congratulations roders....:gnthb:

    It can a double edged sword, not meaning to depress you but....

    In all seriousness, a medical check before you leave work incase you have employer health care. Retirement isn't a bed of roses for everyone, some people I know have had a nasty shock health wise after, as you say, waiting 65 years for this.

    Don't pi55 off your employer as you never know when you might need a job regardless of how old you are. Institutes, councils, business bodies all look to recruit from seasoned retired professionals which can be a good outlet for your brain and potentially an income. Schools certainly like to have people like you as governors and advisers.

    Stay busy, find a sustainable hobby you can enjoy with those closest to you and above all look after yourself. Don't change your routine too much like huge lay ins or stupid late nights. Your brain might know you have retired but your body is best kept in the dark on that front:hehe: Lethargy and procrastination have a habit of creeping up on you when you feel you have all the time in the world.

    Have fun, enjoy the honeymoon of it all but remember it's not a never ending holiday. Some people find it harder than others depending on how they define themselves, e.g. I am a teacher, banker...I was, I used to be a senior this that etc...

    Find out who roders 'the retired' wants to be:)

    Hope that helps :thumb:
  5. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Roders - its brilliant. I retired about 7 years ago and have never looked back. I can't get fired, there is no stress, I can get up when I want. What more do you need? I am sure you will think it is the best job you ever had. :D

    You need to look closely at the financial side. But, depending on your circumstance, there need not be any problems. You income may be reduced, but you don't pay NI and don't pay into a pension fund, so your deductions are less. Also as you get older you find that you don't need to buy as much. So much of what we buy is not neccessary and I no longer feel I have to conform, or have to keep up with the Jones, or have to keep buying a new car (not that I ever did).

    But what you do need is a hobby. Something that you enjoy and will fill your time. And in my opinion something that will stretch you. I started gardening when I retired, having never taken any interest before. I started a makeover of the garden just before I retired. It was a deliberate attempt to have something to fill my days when I stopped work. The net result was that I was laying a patio, building walls etc, which meant that I was working harder after I retired than before. The result was a very smooth handover from work to retirement, so much so that I didn't have time to miss my work or colleagues. As time went by I relaxed a bit, but even so I still like to keep busy. My interest in plants has grown from this, because once I had finished the hard landscaping of the garden - I needed to fill it with plants.

    Why not build on your gardening interest, and build a greenhouse, or build a lightbox, or make some cold frames, and then set out to grow types of plant from seed that you have never grown before. Initially you may have to push yourself to do something different, but if you are like me you will soon develop an interest in it. By growing new things, it gives me the excuse to Google them, which I love. Another thing that I have done is to buy a serious book on botany (I got an Indian university text book - because it only cost £15!), and started to study a subject that I knew very little about.

    You have got to push and do something that you want to do. I am sure you will love it.
  6. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Congratulations Roders and whatever you decide to do, enjoy. From speaking to retirees I know, they say they are always busy...but don't miss the early mornings!

    Enjoy your last 2 weeks at work.
  7. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Congratulations Rodgers. And so jealous. I have about 8 more years to go, don't like the years to get there wish it could be now. I have no worries about keeping busy then. I know my gardens will then be perfectly done all the time. And there are a lot of Free College courses I can attend then. General exploring the world, more traveling. Exercise classes. I remember being laid off work one summer, and I was busy all day long. Good luck to you dear.
  8. music

    music Memories Are Made Of This.

    Jun 14, 2009
    A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That.
    hi roders, congratulations on your retirement. you are asking for advice/tips.i think you have your prioritys in order. (1) . the grandchildren.
    (2) the financial review.(3)gardeners corner. (1) the grandchildren will take up most of your days,and like me, nights also.(2) the financial review. unfortunately with the state of the economy, money in the bank does not create very much interest. but be very careful of investments giving high interest.high interest means high risk ( i have been bitten by this dont go there). i have lost a few pounds.see your financial advisor before any decisions you want to take are completed .(3) gardeners corner. you will want to spend more time on here,but back to (1) they will not allow you, they want to play games on the computer. you will wonder (where did i get the time to work?). my days are more tied up now, than when i was working.
    as to 2 weeks to go just remember you have worked for 50 years!!.
    WHAT IS TWO WEEKS???. music.
  9. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    Hope you have a happy retirement Roders, I sure you deserve it.:thumb:
    I have 2 years to wait, people keep telling me not to wish my life away but it really can't come soon enough.
    I can think of a lot of things I would like to do now but can't, free weekends would be nice!
    All the best, no doubt we will see you on here more often with your 'spare time'.:)
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Congratulations and all the best Roders on reaching this mile stone:yho:

    I am sure you will find plenty to occupy your days,think of all those Lakeland mountains waiting to be climbed:D,local areas to explore where you live,new friends to meet on your travels and your new Grandchildren for you to enjoy:yho:

    Hope you have a long and happy retirement and if you do need to go back to work B&Q have a policy of taking on wrinklies or the :old:er generation,but the main thing is to relax,chill out and enjoy the thought of not having to get up to go to work on those horrible dank November days:D

  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    congratulations roders hope you have a very happy retirement, when my hubby retires about 4 or 5 years time he wants us to go to thailand 6 months of the year thats the plan anyway, im sure you will fill in your days, take up painting its a very relaxing and enjoyable hobby,you enjoy photography so loads of scope there, painting from your own photos.
    All the very best rosa xx
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Hi Roders,

    Many congratulations on joining our (gradually growing) select group. :gnthb:

    Everyone has given really good advice.

    You have probably done this but just in case - claim your state pension. It may seem stupid but they don't automatically send it to you. They should have sent you a letter telling you to claim it, but just in case here is a telephone number to do so. 0800 731 7898 (they sometimes send you an 0845 number but why should you pay for the call?)

    I agree with BM about not changing your routine too much. It is sufficient to know that you can get up late if you want without needing to actually do so. :hehe:

    Unless you have a number of hobbies that will keep you busy I suggest that you do just a few private jobs (for cash :hehe:) - I guess that in your work it should be fairly easy to do that.

    Be wary of spending too much time indoors and getting under the feet or 'her indoors' :). Some of my friends had that problem.

    As gardening is also a hobby you should now have time to go and visit lots of gardens. One thing that is good in that line is to find out when villages have their gardens open. A lot of villages do this to raise money for a local charity (usually the church) and you get a chance to see lots of different gardens from very large to tiny - and get some good ideas. I see that you are in Suffolk. The village of Lode has some gardens open a few times of year (for different charities) and are worth looking at. It is usually only about five gardens but it is a good day out - and it is next to Anglesey Abbey.

    As you say you would like to do more pgotography, join a photographic club in your area. I may be able to get you information on a good one in your area if you want :thmb:

    Hobbies are good if you can find something that takes your fancy. Look at a prospectus for the local college.

    Most of all - be proud you are a senior citizen :old:. You've earned the right to get respect for it - but don't play on it too much. It is quite handy to use it when dealing with jobsworth officials. Make them feel that they are picking on a poor old pensioner :hehe:.

    Wrinklies of the world unite!!!! :old: :rotfl:
  13. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Congratulations :D

    Its a mere dream away for a lot of us :( I would agree with the others though and keep active.

    My grandad is in his 80's and always says he doesnt know where he found the time now to go to work !!
  14. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Gosh, I hope you enjoy yourself Roders.
  15. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    :) BM (the enigma) Thanks for the informative advice,I will take it,specially about keeping the body in the dark lol.

    Peter I feel I have known you for a long time,you certainly have come a long way and are now a brilliant plantsman.
    It's always good to see your Cleome avatar.

    Thanks Aaron,I will certainly be busy,but on my terms lol.

    Redstar...........Your time will come ........You certainly have a beautiful garden to look after.

    Music thank you for your lovely post.

    Stongy you have your photography and your plants........If you are not sick of the sight of them lol.
    I am sure you will have grandchildren someday...............We didn't think we would have any......then TWO came along.

    Kandy bless you........We are in fact spending my birthday in Cumbria,one of my favourite places in all the world,will definitely spend some time walking and climbing weather permiting.

    Rosa ,thanks if ever I get fed up I can always cheer myself up by reading YOUR posts.

    Shiney,thanks for all your sound advice.....as always.
    I have claimed my old age pension,I was pleasantly surprised with how much I will get,I don't know how that happened,but any to come ,glad of it lol.
    Yes I will do some private work,but on MY terms lol.
    Yes it is a good idea to do a course,I had noticed a lot take place in the daytime which until now has been a no no.

    Sam thanks for that...........I think your Grandad is about right.

    Thanks Lollipop.............I will.......more time to listen to Dylan.

    One priority was to claim my bus pass,which I will use sometimes,I could have claimed it at 60 but haven't needed it before.

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