Anyone else get them? They usually pass off eventually but bloomin' annoying cause no-one seems to know what causes it. Val
Best see the GP I think. Then you'll know. My mam gets dizzy spells caused by vertigo, which apparently is nothing to do with fear of heights, but something to do with the way fluid flows in your ear or something. I get dizzy spells when I'm more tired or stressed than I realised I was. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that there are many possible causes, and we can't guess what causes yours. Best see the doc just for peace of mind really.
Both low and high BP could be the cause, but there are loads of things, medication, stress, diet. Best to get down the GP and get yourself checked over, blood pressure should be one of the basic tests they do. I do hope they can find the cause
Yes, I agree with everyone else. You should get off to the quack for a check. There are so many possible causes. It's almost certainly nothing important but if you're getting them regularly you should make sure things are OK. I get the occasional bout of vertigo but Mrs Shiney gives me something for it and it goes away. Although I really had it bad for a week, a few years ago. Even when I was lying down the world was spinning. The quack did a lot of tests and said there was nothing he could find but thought it had something to do with a cold I had a few weeks before.
Thanks for your advice everyone. I won't go to the Doctors though unless it gets really bad. I have a medical phobia, even taking the dog to the vets makes me nervous!!! Val
Dizziness often occurs just before you get a cold.. this one of the more likely explanations I think.. I often get a little dizzy just before a virus kicks in.
It is far easier to overcome the fear of the doctor, than to recover from a STROKE Go to the Doctors Val, Or as Loli suggested walk into a chemist and ask for a BP test PLEASE Jack McHammocklashing
I do not agree with the idea of going to the doctor at the last minute when things worsen significantly ... It helps to have a relationship of trust with your doctor for yourself to feel more relaxed when communicating with him/her and for him/her, to get a better picture of your case over a period of time. Otherwise the first thing that happens when you go to a visit is a racing heart and an inappropriate diagnosis of high blood pressure ...
I had my blood pressure checked at Lloyds pharmacy when I asked about something to stop a blood vessel under my nose bleeding. They said it was high. I went to the Doc and he said it was OK. The blood vessel needed burning to stop it for good. Dont bother with the chemists/ pharmacists they are a waste of time, just visit the Doc.