Lawns and dogs?

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by ajshep1984, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. ajshep1984

    ajshep1984 Gardener

    Aug 30, 2009
    How do you keep a nice lawn with dogs? :scratch:

    We have been using Dog Rockz which seem to lessen the damage done by them pee-ing on it but doesn't stop it altogther.

    Then there's the problem of them ripping it up while running about.

    Any tips greatly appreciated. :gnthb:
  2. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    To be honest I got rid of all my grass because I have two dogs ... but then I havent a huge garden so had decking installed where the grass used to be.

    It took away the problem of trying to keep the grass green when being used as a toilet, and ripped up when they have their mad moments of running round the garden. Plus obviously no grass = no muddy paws when they come back in lol

    If you have a large amount of grass and are wanting to keep it, the easiest way would be to section it off.

    Show grass - for humans and viewing pleasure

    Dog area - doesnt matter how it looks

    Plus teaching a dog to pee somewhere else improves the whole dead grass patch thing and chucking loads of water over it to dilute it helps too.

    I will though say its near on impossible to have nice grass and have dogs ... or kids :)
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    My dad's dogs will always choose to be discrete about their business, if that's an option for them. They will always choose to hide in long grass or bushes, and only do it for all to see if there is no other option. If your dogs are equally bashful (and I know some dogs aren't) then perhaps an area where they can conceal themselves would confine the problem to that one spot.
  4. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    I've heard feeding dogs tomato ketchup or tinned tomatoes negates the acidic content in their urine. I've never had dogs so I can't testify to this, but I presume one mixes it with their food?
  5. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    The only thing I'd be worried about with that is that contrary to popular belief, which is almost certainly derived from the fact that dogs will try to eat just about anything, their metabolism is a lot more sensitive than most would think. I'm sure tomatoes are ok for them in small amounts, but I'd be careful about giving them a significant amount in case it upset their stomachs. There are few things worse than a dog with a bad belly. House training goes out of the window, and the mop, bucket and Jeyes fluid must be kept handy:(
  6. ajshep1984

    ajshep1984 Gardener

    Aug 30, 2009
    Thanks all! So basically it's a lost cause! :lollol:

    We did try the tomato thing but it didn't seem to make any difference, the Dog Rockz seem to work better.

    We have a decent sized garden so could section it off but I don't really want to, I want the best of both worlds. :D

    Guess I'll have to keep seeding it over and over and over again!
  7. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Do the dogs pee at regular times? I am just thinking that if you can predict when the dog is going to pee then you drag it to where you want it to pee and when it has peed you make a fuss of it and give it a reward. After a couple of times most dogs get the message cause they want the reward. I have a German Shepherd bitch and dead grass has never been an issue. She pees when she goes on her walk which is twice a day. It is unusual for her go at other times and she only goes in the garden if really desperate.
    Unfortunately she is a digger and I cannot catch her in the act. I once tied her to a garden bench at my in laws on their immaculate lawn. When i returned a few minutes later Poppy was sat down a hole, looking very pleased with herself. I had to do some pretty desperate patching and rearranging of the garden furniture!
  8. Kelly38

    Kelly38 Gardener

    Apr 17, 2008
    We have 3 whippets and I consider my lawn to be in fairly good condition.. but it's hard work. Firstly the dog rocks probably work if they have no other access to water for example ponds..I'm lucky because my partner takes my dogs out before work so they manage to do that first wee and poo out!
    We also made a pee post out of an old sleeper which works to a certain degree for the lads, but when my bitch wees I tend to follow her around with a watering can...( I'm sure the neighbours think I am mad ) There is a doggie area at the bottom of the garden which they do use also. Regarding the 'running around' in the garden, my dogs are let out one at a time to minimise damage.
    The top and bottom of it is it's never going to be perfect with dogs. If anyone finds a solution be sure to tell me.

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