Fuchsia mite - how invasive?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by bobandirus, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. bobandirus

    bobandirus Gardener

    Jul 3, 2010
    So it seems that one of our small pot fuchsias in the back garden has gall mite. :mad:
    So thats going to the great garden in the sky tomorrow, but what I'm worried about is our 15 foot tall fuchsia hedge out the front.
    How likely is it that the gall mites have gotten to it? And if so, what can we do? Its going to be fun replacing that if it has to go. No obvious symptoms yet, but I haven't had that much of a look.
  2. SimonZ

    SimonZ Gardener

    Feb 9, 2009
    Unfortunately the mite is quite formidable, and will quickly work its way through fuchsias. It arrived from America in recent years, and there are depressingly few non-chemical remedies. This being so, I would opt for the RHS's policy of removing all infected shoot tips, while in the case of real worry, contacting your local FERA dept: http://www.fera.defra.gov.uk/contactUs/contactPlh.cfm
    In any case, the mites are pretty chemical-resistant.

    the good news, though, is that this pest does not affect plants other than fuchsia, and various fuchsia species are resistant to it:

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