A philosophical thought to ponder

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by clueless1, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I have some fairly crazy thoughts when I'm bored. Here's my latest one for you to ponder.

    You know how when you sleep, you dream. The dream is created by your own mind. If it is created in our own mind, how come we rarely know what is going to happen next? For example you might dream you're having a conversation with someone. If your mind did it, how come you don't know what they are going to say? How come you can be surprised in a dream?

    Also, sometimes when we awake, we only have the most vague memory of the dream we've just had, but we can remember in essence that it was a fairly elaborate dream. The harder you try to remember it, the more of it just slips away into the foggy recess of the subconscious. Again, if our mind did it, why can we not remember it properly.

    Another one is this: Sometimes in a dream we vividly understand something that just doesn't make any sense in waking life. Again as your own mind did it, why can't your own mind fathem it when you're awake?

    I just thought I'd share that with you all to ponder:)
  2. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Did you have an interesting dream last night that you are trying to recall Clueless? Very valid points you make........now you'll have me thinking! lol
  3. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    You are certainly right .... you have some crazy thoughts :)

    The same reply stands as last time ...... I would love to have the chance to get bored in the first place lol
  4. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Yes, know what you mean Clueless, I've had those kind. I think in our dreams we are freer to explore notions, ideas. But when we are awake are the environment around us can distract our minds from a deeper focus on something. And maybe that is the simple definition of a genius, they have the ability to hone/focus totally on something without being distracted.
    So you can ponder my answer now.
  5. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    :) Some things to ponder there for sure.
    I understood that when we dream we allow ourselves to let all the "repressed" thoughts of the day to surface so the thoughts are free so to speak.
    Are we more likely to remember a nightmare than a pleasant dream?
    I have vivid dreams and I like to think that is because I have an active mind :hehe:

    Why is it when we have a nightmare our sleeping brain doesn't "tell" us to escape from the stalking figure :skp: Well ,mine doesn't -it hurls me right in its path. :mad:
  6. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008

    I rarely have nightmares, and if I do they rarely take the form of someone/something trying to get me. On the rare occasions when I do get nightmares like that, I feel compelled to hunt them out and take them on face to face. I'm not sure what that says about me though:cnfs: For me, a nightmare is more likely to take the form of something bad, and beyond my control, happening to someone I care about. I guess it doesn't take much to figure that one out though.
  7. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    I believe that the brain needs to remain active when we sleep at night. Just because we may think that we don't dream, scientifically it has been proven that we do because it's a part of how our brain works.

    I have the most fantastic dreams now and then. My favourites are my flying dreams. Sometimes they are incredibly realistic. I recall that when I flew one night, I could feel the wind against my face. Rarely, I think, do we ever have this type of sensation, so it was memorable for me.:wink:

    I've also had vivid technicolour dreams where everything seems real, and I'm aware that I'm asleep and dreaming. Some dreams have been so exciting that I didn't want to wake up, but my mind in the dream told me that this wasn't possible.:dh:

    Yes, I too have the occasional nightmare, but I can't recall the last one.
  8. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    That's what they call 'lucid dreaming'. When I was younger I used to meditate a lot, and through mental discipline you can sometimes achieving lucid dreaming on demand. I haven't done it for years though. I've tried to get back into it but can't keep my mind still for long enough:) I know what you mean though, it is ace when you realise you are in control of everything. The only downside though is that because at that point your mind isn't really resting, sometimes you can wake up still tired.

    I think that's true, warts and all. I always used to consider myself fairly brave, until one time I had a very vivid dream that we were at war, and my best mate and I were part of a squad that suddenly came under heavy fire in an ambush. It was quite horrific, and most of our squad were killed, leaving just me and my mate. My mate advanced and I froze in fear while watching him trying to move forward. I woke up feeling quite spineless. The weirdest part is that neither I nor my mate were ever in the army. Although it did help me to imagine what it must have been like for those that we often take for granted who find themselves in these situations for real. I guess in that sense perhaps dreams not only help us figure out what's going on in our own heads, but maybe they give little insights into what life must be like for others, hopefully helping to give us a better understanding of each other. I wonder if a soldier serving somewhere like Afghanistan ever dreams that he's sat in front of a computer all day, in a stuffy office in the centre of Sheffield. Probably not.
  9. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Have any of you ever read Carl Jungs works on dreams-some very interesting stuff about how the make us acquainted with our unconscious self. The close parallels between dreams and mythology, archetypes, our shadow etc.

    I believe in very little in the way of mediums, and psychics and stuff, but I do feel we are never more attuned to the mysteries of our mind ( soul, whatever you call it) than whilst we are dreaming, and our unconcious mind is much more capable of things than we know or perhaps even remember.

    I remember once when my little girl was three, whilst we were all at the table eating our breakfast crumpets she said she had a dream last night. Bleary eyed I asked her what did you dream of ( thinking it'll be about ponies or something) and clear as a bell she announced that she forgotten she was my Mummy once and that I had a blue coat on the way to school. I nearly fell off my chair in shock at this announcement. I mean a little girl coming out with that? From nowhere? And yes, I had a blue school coat-it was my colour ( my sister had red-my Mum's idea to keep our clothes seperate and stop us fighting over things-I had blue jumpers, blue vests blue everything). I don't for a second believe she is the reincarnation of my dead Mother, but what is to stop her having somehow linked into something we don't yet, or may never understand-or something our rationalised adult mind has long forgotton.

    Having said that, I once dreamed my husband had had an affair and woke up the next morning blazing with him, so perhaps I am not that deep a person really lol.
  10. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
  11. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    My now 9 yr old once had a dream, about four years ago. He woke up screaming one night at around midnight, saying that the fields were on fire and the fire was coming towards the house. We calmed him down, he went back to bed. We lived in the middle of a 100 acre farm, and the farmer not being very well liked in the area (he had po'd alot of people in the years) was subjected to the odd small arson each summer. The next afternoon around 4pm, we saw the smoke from a field across the road. My husband went to investigate, saw fire trucks etc. on the scene, and it fast aprpoaching the roadway. He ran home, and we got hte kids in the car and got them out of there. As we were going down the road, police were on their way up to evacuate the four houses that were there. My son of course was very panicky, having dreamt this very scenario the night before.
    We have since told him to please go to sleep dreaming of six numbers between 1 and 48......but he hasn't been successful yet!
  12. music

    music Memories Are Made Of This.

    Jun 14, 2009
    A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That.
    as a child and into my older years i have had very vivid nightmares/dreams.
    it started when i was only 3 years old .i would wake up screaming, " my hands were swollen and huge "sitting on the bed screaming". my mother would take me to the sink and run cold water on my arms and hands,this did calm me down .as the years went on, the nightmares got more vivid.it got to the point when i awoke i had a note pad and pen at the side of my bed,and i would jot down pictures/situations/places,anything i could remember as i woke. i found out "most of the visions are gone ,once you awake and come to.
    my grandmother was of romany stock,and she would do readings. she was well into nightmares/dreams.i would wake in the morning and run to her room to tell her my latest nightmare/dream.she would diagnose the meanings of objects etc.and she would tell me the meanings. one morning when i gave her my latest nightmare/dream she said" beware of water son ".what i had told her she had diagnosed as disaster for me!. "i could die of drowning". i joined the merchant navy at 16 yrs. won gold/silver/bronze, in marathon swimming

    well granny, i am still here!!!!!!.
  13. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hi Music, well it just shows to take it all with a pinch of salt. There are a lot of things that can cause nightmares.

    Medication for example-I take quite a lot of medication now [heart meds] and it is a well known fact that nightmares and even hallucinations are a side effect of the concoction of meds I unfortunately have to take now but I am prepared to put up with that than be taken ill. :(

    My favourite dreams are the flying ones but when I fly I am "swimming" it is very strange. :hehe:
  14. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I do think that sometimes dreams can serve as warnings. Not necessarily in any supernatural or spritual sense, but in the sense that sometimes we take in a lot more info in our waking life than we realise, and our subconscious puts it together and gives us some clues.

    Perhaps Music's tale is an example of that. 'Beware of water' doesn't necessarily mean 'you will drown', but could mean 'you could drown if you don't be careful'. Going on to join the navy and become a keen swimmer obviously increases exposure to water, and with it the associated risks.

    In one of my dreams, when I was a new, inexperienced driver, I had a very vivid dream that I was driving along and another car some way ahead had stopped for no apparent reason. I didn't slow down because I figured I'd have plenty of time to work out what was going on. When I realised they weren't going anywhere, I hit the brakes but it was too late and I couldn't stop in time. We crashed. When I awoke, I remembered a piece of advice my dad gave me about how quickly things can change when driving and how you should waste time waiting to see what happens. A few days later, quite by coincidence, I saw a car stop in the middle of the road about 100 yards ahead. I figured he was turning right and as the other lane wasn't busy I figured he'd be gone by the time I got there so I held my speed. Then I remembered my dream and went gently for the brakes to be on the safe side. Before I knew it I was approaching rapidly and was braking hard. He hadn't gone by the time I got there, and I stopped just short of hitting him. Had I not had that dream days before I would have probably left it a bit later to brake, and there would have been a crash.
  15. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    I think dreaming of water is connected to our emotions, hence dreaming of drowning may not necessarily mean you are going to drown but that you are struggling within yourself to try to make sense of some emotional issues going on in your life at that moment.

    I did once have a couple of my dreams analysed by a dream analyst [on the local radio] and I have to say it made fascinating listening.

    I think if we worried about our dreams we would send ourselves silly [well I would]

    When you think about it our dreams are so varied at some point we probably all have a dream of flying, being chased, teeth falling out etc. As long as we keep it all in perspective :wink:

    Another fascinating subject is handwriting analysis which I paid to have done once [it was on offer :hehe:]
    Now that was so accurate. The person who did the analysing knew nothing whatsoever about me but was spot on.
    We are covering some of these topics on the course I am doing right now, it all fascinates me. The lady teaching us is Anita Martin if anyone wants to look her up, there is a video of her talking about her work. She is amazing.
    Happy dreaming :luv:

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