Nice pressie for newborn baby

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Sam1974x, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    My cousin and his girlfriend have just had a baby on Monday and I am wondering what to get them for a pressie.

    The baby was a whopping 11b 9oz !!!!

    Because of his size, I dont want to insult them by buying clothes that are too small already, or anything too big that insults them futher, as everyone has already remarked on his weight ! (plus the girlfriend barely talks to me anyway since my uncle called her dog fat at christmas and she had a go at me over it :skp: )

    Anyway ..... was wondering what different gift I could buy that would steer away from the whole 'big baby' thing ?

    My cousin himself is fantastic (shame his girlfriend isnt lol) so wanted to buy something nice but something that wont make her think I am insulting her yet again.

    Was thinking of a basket full of lotions, creams, wipes etc .... as god only knows how much you go through with a baby ... or it that too boring ?

    Clothes ....everyone has brought them clothes and no idea what size to buy either!

    Cant think of anything else, but need to get something this weekend ready for going to see them once all the immediate family have been etc.

    Any suggestions on good pressie's you have received or given for a baby ?
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    A hoist!

    Sorry couldn't resist :hehe:

    Something different is one of those kits where you make prints of the baby's hands/feet on card, they come with a frame so its ideal for the parents to give to grandparents etc - we've got one of our precious addition to the family and I thought it was a bit of a silly idea at first, but now it takes pride of place on the mantlepiece. :thumb:
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Congratulations to your cousin and his missus.

    I don't get why someone would be sensitive about the birth weight. Its not like anyone could suggest he was stuffing his face with pork pies and beer for the last 9 months.

    Anyway, onto the pressie. My Taiwanese mate bought us a little japanese doll/figurine thingy that is supposed to bring good luck apparently according to Japanese tradition. It was a nice sentiment I thought, and more thoughtful than the usual clothes that everyone else bought.

    My colleagues had a whipround and bought a big teddy and a rattle that straps onto his wrist, and some flowers for my missus. Don't forget the missus by the way, you might not like her but she's just been through hell and come out the other side don't forget.

    What about stuff for when the baby is a bit older, say 3 to 6 months (not clothes though if the lass is sensitive about baby's weight:) ). When people bought us stuff it was appreciated, but everyone got newborn stuff so we ended up with more than we needed.

    I believe the old tradition used to be to give 'lucky money', placing it in the moses basket or pram with the baby (the parent would take it out and put it to one side before baby had chance to eat it - not that they even move much in the first few weeks). Of course people are paranoid and defensive these days and gifts of money are considered poorly thought out, and cash itself is considered too unhygienic for a baby to go anywhere near (I suppose that's probably why once we have a baby in the house we keep getting rid of our money as soon as we get it:) ).
  4. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Premium bonds? If "he" wins, his parents can stick it in a saving account for him or spend it on baby clothes!
  5. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Ouch - well she has my utter respect having given birth to a kid of that size! Give me my little 7-1/2 pounders any day :)

    After having five boys, I can honestly say that the most 'useful' gifts were things that were needed past the point where they were newborn. Special baby blankets with their name on it were lovely - and even to this day, my 20 yr old has his at university with him! My 17 yr old has his in his closet. Things that came in handy from the age of 3 months onwards - a baby gym - great for giving baby something to reach for, move about - encouraging use of arms to move it about, make noises etc.

    If you think that money could be an option - maybe start off a small bank account for him? It may lead to parents being able to add to it. My eldest got his account on his 18th birthday - was a lovely little nest egg with years of putting away family allowance etc. after the account was started at birth.

    And.......a bunch of flowers or something for mummy :)
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    congratulations to your cousin and his wife on the birth of their baby,
    what about something in silver you can get some nice baby bracelets and a nice photo frame and also a lovely baby photo album.
    let us know what you decide to get
  7. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Congratulations to your cousin and his partner on the birth of their child. I'd be a bit sensitive if I had just birthed a child that size. Makes your eyes water just thinking about it.

    I have always given baby toiletry hampers, small or large (depending on how close you are to the parents) wicker basket, lined with one or two baby towels and filled with baby shampoo, soap, sudocrem, sponges, e few bibs, scratch mitts-you know the type of thing. Always seems to go down well, and not a whiff of a comment on a baby's size-as if it matters anyway.
  8. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Thanks everyone :)

    Going to have a wonder round town at lunch time today to see what I can find.

    Not sure about the Premiem Bonds though Aaron as I think only parents can buy them for their children. I remember by brother having problems buying some for his own children once because his name wasnt on the birth certificate or something.

    Claire - thats what i meant. Great mind think alike huh lol

    I also spoke to my aunty last night (cousins mother) and she actually said clothes as everything they brought was newborn and 0 - 3 months which they then cut all the tags off, washed and put away ready for baby. None of it fits him!! She was rushing round yesterday morning buying bigger vests and babygrows so he had clothes to come out of hospital in !!

    She has also said they still havent picked a name for him so she is calling him 'chunk' lol
  9. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Before we settled on a name for our son, he was 'caterpillar man', because the midwife wrapped him up tight in a green blanket leaving just his head popping out. Even after choosing his name, his name is just a formality, and he is now 'chunky monkey' because he is developing good muscles, is mischievous and his favourite noise is a short burst of 'oooh':)
  10. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    lol clueless.

    Well back in the day when I had my son, they didnt tell you the sex of the baby but I had one name for a girl and one for a boy .... and everyone else I know who has had a baby has already pre-picked names for them. Not sure why they havent ...

    Having said that, my son was called 'boy' by almost everyone from birth to now (16 soon). Not sure why but eventually we started saying it ourselves. Even now I often get back from work and ask if "the boy is home" .... OH's son also lives with us now and everyone still reffers to my son as 'boy' and OH's son by his name!

    Even if my mum, sister, brother, aunts etc ring because they want to know if he is going round their house or something they will say "whats the boy upto this weekend"

    Strange isnt it ? ..... I wonder at what age people will stop calling him 'boy' ?
  11. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    When my first Grand son was born as you can imagine i was thrilled.
    We had gotten him everything he needed in the months leading up to his birth.
    I was lucky enough to be there at is birth and wanted to get something special just for him from me to keep.
    I got him a beautiful crystal Guardian Angel that my daughter hung in the window on the curtain pole.
    When he was in his cot and the sun or light hit it he would watch the colours from it go round his room.
    She (my daughter ) loved it.
    So did my Grand Son who is now 7
  12. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Lyn, that wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in my house, your grandson must be very well behaved. My lot would have been at it in no time little ^&%)%&^*!
  13. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Sam, congratulations to your cousin and her boyfriend on the birth of their 'bonnie' baby. How about buying one of those mobiles that are put above the baby's cot. A great way to build up a baby's thought processes, and a means to getting used to movement, colours and so on.
  14. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    This is what it ended up being ....



    Wrapped up (in cellophane but its hard to see that !)


    Went to see them yesterday and they seemed to very much like it, even though all my family insisted that I must have brought it pre-done!! Not sure why no one thinks I am capable of walking round shops and picking stuff and then plonking it in a basket :hehe:
  15. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Very nice Sam - take it as a compliment that you thought of everything that should be in there and you did such a nice job on the presentation! A lovely gift :)

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