Ozzy's first day at school

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by "M", Jan 6, 2013.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    Took Ozzy for his first "Obedience" class today.

    And what a morning it was:-

    ~ lovely group of people (about 7 of us)

    ~ *everyone* loved Ozzy - it was almost embarassing how much attention he got; felt sorry for the other dogs not being lavished with the same amount of attention :redface:

    ~ all remarked on how "calm" he was and what a wonderful temprement he has.

    ~ Got to meet a pure Malamute (female) and now Ozzy has a girlfriend; have to say, she is doing all the running at the moment and he is feigning disinterest, but she is so, so pretty that I'm sure they will become good friends :) I'm going to take a photo of her next week :heehee:

    ~ Met a pure Akita too (my vet thought Ozzy may have Akita in him - I can't see it myself). He is smaller than Ozzy and not as broad, despite being older.

    ~ On with the lesson: what a little trooper he was! He did everything that was expected of him and for a couple of sequences, he was chosen to go first and he did himself proud!

    ~ There was a short play on the activity jumps at the end and, once again, he did everything he was asked/expected to do .... and he was the only one who didn't balk, stall or refuse any of them :dancy: (Or, at least, from what I could see).

    Then followed a trip to the pet shop to buy him a new toy. Whilst there, he once again was being given a lot of attention by other customers and he sat nicely by my side throughout ... up until I felt a slight tug of the lead and turned to see ....

    ... a little lad, maybe about 2 years old, had walked up to Oz, flung his arms around his neck and Oz .... bless him, he leant his head against the little lad in his "cuddle" action. The little boy asked if he was my teddy bear (Cue big lump in throat!). It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen and Ozzy was completely and utterly *safe* in that boys arms. :wub2: Wow! Not bad for a rescue dog who has had such little stability in his short life.

    All in all, a very good first day at school for Oz :dbgrtmb: (and, I must say, for me too :heehee: )

    Now, let's hope it doesn't all go downhill next week ....
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    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      Glad to hear it went well Mum. :dbgrtmb:
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Thank you, Sheal: that means a lot!

      I'm not of a "nervous disposition" per se; but, for me, this was quite a big deal.

      I took on board a Doberman female (many years ago) and just simply let her "fall in!" with how we did things. Naively! But, she was a star and much loved/missed.

      With Ozzy, I felt a strong compulsion that we *needed* to learn how to be good to him so he can be good with us.

      I did ask on the forums for advice re dog trainers; and, true to form, was given great advice. On the back of that, it did seem appropriate (for Pets Corner) to let folk know how the first day went :)

      It's a 6 week course, so naturally, I'll be updating along the way :heehee: I just never imagined that Day 1 in the Doggy Obedience School would be so encouraging (and beyond! Potentially).
    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      I think first day of dog obedience is probably very similar to first day of a child at school. You just don't know what the reaction is going to be and whether the second time/day is going to be as easy. Good luck! :)

      I haven't had a dog for three years, having had a bad experience with my last one. He was a living nightmare and made my life a misery, so I rehomed him after two years of perseverence, warts and all. Whether he is any better now, I don't know. I've had dogs all my life and I'm ready for another one now, but other half wants to take on an older rescue dog and I want a pup. We've had rescue dogs in the past but I don't want to take on problems created by previous owners again. So the jury's still out for the time being. :)
      • Like Like x 1
      • kazzie_SE

        kazzie_SE Gardener

        Jun 28, 2012
        East Sussex
        Mum... you are so fortunate to find such a darling. Glad the class went well... it sounds like you are discovering lots of positives about Ozzy. How wonderful that he is great with people, children and other dogs... lucky, lucky you... wish you could send a bit of that behaviour Abi's way!

        Sheal... I have heard lots of stories that rescue dogs seem to know that they have been given a second chance and can be more devoted to you because of this. Personally, I don't think I ever want to go through the 'puppy' stage again... flipping heck it was hard work. If I had my time again I would do things differently though.
        • Like Like x 2
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Well, Ozzy went to "night school" last night for a different class.

          Hmmm, not quite so successful; it was held in a village hall, so the floor was very slippery underfoot for him.

          The teaching method is totally food led, which distracted Ozzy rather than helped because he was getting far too overexcited about the food in my hand! :doh: But, to be fair to the "trainer", it did produce a result (of sorts! :heehee: )

          He *could* earn himself a kennel club "Good Citizen" certificate if we attend 4 consecutive weeks - and that appears to be the only criteria? - which seems a bit of a cop out to me, but hey, what do I know :dunno:

          I did meet a lovely lady with a boxer who would love to go for walks and playtime with Ozzy, so I will go back because I really would like to have a companion for Ozzy for walking/playtime.

          Back to "proper" school tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to it. Mr Mum has already noticed a change in Ozzy's behaviour when he takes him out on a walk, so that must be good. Ozzy is *always* good on my walks - but that's because I use a lead harness, thus no pulling, and Mr Mum doesn't :heehee: :whistle:
          • Like Like x 1
          • kazzie_SE

            kazzie_SE Gardener

            Jun 28, 2012
            East Sussex
            Mum... that doesn't sound right. They have to pass a test overseen by an external examiner to pass the GC award. They start on bronze. Lucky Ozzy finding a walking companion. Abi loves her pack walks.
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