Has anyone had any experience with the rambling rose, 'Bobby James'? It is said to have a lengthy flowering period, and if so, I'm thinking of getting a couple for the coming season.:thmb:
Non of the white ramblers have really long flowering seasons... but they do their thing in June... and are worth it. BJ is huge 20 ft +..... so I hope you have space..... and if you have space for two, make the other one something like "Paul's Himalayan Musk".. a beautiful pink rambler (and one of my favourites!)
Hi Strawman:thumb: Its an old Rambler type,its colour is best descibed as White or near white with a very strong Fragrance,It only flowers once in early summer ,It has small medium green foliage,very fast growing can be used on Walls South facing, Walls North facing, Pergolas, Arches and is ssssuitable for climbing trees
Thank you all, for your valued advice. Woo, you image makes it look beautiful. I was led to believe that BJ was quite a long flowering rose, but now I find otherwise. Quercus, is PHM long flowering, if so, how long? I would appreciate any help regarding a long flowering rambler, especially if it has a marvellous scent too. This is an ideal time for me to be placing an order once I've settle on the rose.
Paul's himalayan musk, and most of the ramblers do their thing for a few weeks in june... I think they are worth it for that... they are vigorous, but usually disease free, and very tough, so can take all conditions. For a longer flowering season, you need to be looking at the climbers, which tend to be smaller... and a bit more fussy and some of them are June flowering only as well!. "New Dawn" is a good one
I appreciate your information, Quercus, because when it comes to either climbers or ramblers, I'm totally in the dark. When I eventually make my choice, I'll go by what everyone has said in reply to my question. Thanks again.