Removing Weed from Tarmac Driveway.

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by darrenturner79, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. darrenturner79

    darrenturner79 Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 27, 2009
    Hi everyone

    I was hoping to get some advice about removing weeds from the edges of a tarmac driveway. The Driveway is about 130ft total distance.

    I have do some research myself

    Glyphosate(Round-up) :- When i read up about this weed killer it states that it is very harmful to aquatic life, this makes glyphosate a big NO for me because the drains set in the driveway drain off to a large lake with lots of fish.

    Vinegar : I have read that you can use vinegar but the acidity needs to be 15% and that you have to distill it yourself, from what i can gather there are lots of conflicting opinions on the usefulness of vinegar. Not sure

    Weed Torch : Just don't like using these things.

    One important point i have 1 dog, 2 puppies & 3 cats.

    Does anyone have any advice on possibly making an organic weed killer that is friendly to aquatic life, or if there is a specialised weed killer i can purchase.

    Any help greatly appreciated

  2. Clematis

    Clematis Gardener

    Jul 6, 2006
    Friday Bridge
    I use vinegar for my paths and patios all the time Darren. Works well for me.
  3. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Although it may look unsightly for a while, you could try laying some strips of old carpet on it, but first put some plastic sheeting between the carpet and the weeds. It should take about three weeks to clear it. Of course, if there are any weed seeds, they are certain to come up once the carpet etc, is lifted. It's a very old problem, especially where you can't use something like Roundup.
  4. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Welcome to the forum Darren.
    I used to have a similar problem with weeds growing in to the edge of a private tarmac road - some 250 yards.
    I found road salt dumped on them did the trick, even for difficult weeds like mares tail.
    I put it on in dry weather and added just enough water to start it dissolving and sinking into the roots.
    I'm sure by the time it reached any water course the dilution was enough to render it harmless.
  5. darrenturner79

    darrenturner79 Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 27, 2009
    Thanks for all the replies so far. I think i am going to try the road salt, and see how that goes.
  6. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    salt or vinegar? - smells fishy - maybe a load of cod.

    Joking aside, please try it out on a small scale first and after that in small doses as there are fines for polluting waterways and neither of the above are approved for killing weeds. If salt runs off onto soil it can kill the plants in borders etc
  7. Will Ting

    Will Ting Gardener

    Jun 28, 2009
    Darren can't you use Round up by lightly spraying it on?
  8. Quercus

    Quercus Gardener

    Nov 3, 2008
    On a dry day... it's deactivated when in contact with the soil (does tarmac count as soil?)... if rain isn't forcasted for a few days... like in the South now
  9. moonrakermagpie

    moonrakermagpie Gardener

    Feb 23, 2009
    Hi, I have been looking on the "net" lately re:- "homemade weed killer".

    Two or three seem to be popular.

    Homemade Weed Killer #2

    If weeds appear in the cracks of your sidewalk, the easiest and least expensive method to remove them is to simply pour boiling water on them. This method will kill any weed without using chemicals or changing your soil. This spot treatment can be difficult in tight areas of gardens, but is still very feasible with careful application.
    Homemade Weed Killer #3
    Boil water, pour on weeds, and then it will die.

    >>> Another site went on to say that one could use a steam making devise...such as a wall paper stripper, or some other steam making devise, either made for the porpose or "borrowed", such as a small steam cleaner or some thing.

    I like this idea, as it is "about the greenest of them all" what with no cemical or 'owt!!!!!......may need to repeat now and then:gnthb::gnthb:

    Others include:-

    The others use...bleach...or salt...or salt and vinegar...or using white vinegar, salt and dishwashing liquid. ...or1 cup of salt , 1 gallon vinegar 1 tablespoon soap.... went on to say...
    "and my weeds all shriveled up within 2 hours after just a light spraying. Never have we had this kind of success even with roundup or other name brands. I am a huge believer in organic weed killer and would love to see all the poisons stay out of our ground and stay natural."

    Salt & Vinagar treatment; 1 cup salt, I use cheap own brand cooking salt, 4 litres white own brand cheap vinagar, mix in a Plastic container until salt is dissolved then spray or use a an old cup and pour on the weeds.

    another interesting one for prevention :-

    >>>>>>>CORN MEAL (not corn Gluten meal): For the last 2 years we have been experimenting with corn meal as a weed suppressant. We have either ground whole dried corn or just purchased some cheap cornmeal at the store. It works very well. It is inexpensive & easy to get. After planting plants, or after the seeds we have sowed emerge, we sprinkle the area lightly/evenly with corn meal. This greatly reduces the amount of weeds sprouting in that area.>>>>>>

    If you google for "home made weedkiller" as I did, you will find lots of sites talking about the various ideas.

    Would not say if I would be happy to use all of them, BUT, compared to the vast amount of chemical used by farming (sulphuric acid to kill the tops of potato plants) and industry and on the roads by the millions of tons...maybe a small amount of "natural" substances used wisely (locally by hand sprayer maybe) would not be so bad in comparason.

    Many thanks

  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I can't help you with ideas for weeds along the edge of the driveway. I remove mine by hand - and with 260 sq m of driveway it can be tedious :(.

    It is different where we have weeds coming up in the middle of the driveway. The only one that makes it through the tarmac is bindweed. This not only grows through but pushes the tarmac up as it grows. I pull out the bindweed which leaves a small hole and the rest of the roots. Into the hole I put a few crystals of Sodium Chlorate and water lightly - just enough to dissolve the crystals. This generally kills off most of the roots and, of course, doesn't allow the killer to spread into the garden or water table. After a couple of hours I take an extension lead out to the driveway, plug in a hairdryer, heat the bulge in the tarmac and bash it back down - heel of my boot is usually enough but occasionally it needs a hammer. All done for a year or two :gnthb:

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