Untrained trigger words/sounds

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by "M", Jan 28, 2013.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    Many responsible owners will teach their dogs (or other pets) trigger words to evoke a particular behaviour. But, how many of us discover trigger words - or sounds - which evoke an unexpected behaviour?

    Ozwoz likes nothing more in the evening than to play with me, in a tug of war game (yes, yes, read all the blurb on how it shouldn't be encouraged/humans never win/puts dog into Alpha role :rolleyespink: - not my experience) and when we play, his antics really make me chuckle.

    Today, I was watching an embedded video on a thread on GC and it gave me a fit of the giggles ....

    ... cue Ozzywoz, with his toy in his mouth, getting all excited thinking it was play time! :huh: The more I laughed, the more he persisted trying to thrust his pull toy into my hand. :roflol:

    So, my lesson for today is: laugh and Ozwoz thinks - playtime!!

    For my chooks, they can hear the sound of a mealworm bucket lid being opened from 72 feet away! :loll:

    For my cat, he can be deaf for most of the time ... until he hears the sound of a meaty sachet being opened (despite how loud any background noise may or may not be) :heehee:

    Those animals are not so daft and soon train us how to care for them the way they prefer it :dbgrtmb:

    Which untrained words/sounds bring a consistent response from your feathered/fur babies?
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    • kazzie_SE

      kazzie_SE Gardener

      Jun 28, 2012
      East Sussex
      Yep... we have some triggers too. If I sing she'll run and get her ball (lol) and if I act stupid (don't ask), she goes get her ball.
      • Funny Funny x 1
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        When I was a kid our cat knew when dad's car had turned the corner at the end of our road about 500yds away! She was up and out into the front garden like a shot. I never quite understood this because dad didn't like the cat so never petted it :scratch:
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