Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK8...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Jazmine ...you'll recognise Armandii because he'll have a sofa with him:thumbsup: he has to keep hiding behind it you see:heehee: :sofa:
  2. Jenny namaste

    Jenny namaste Total Gardener

    Mar 11, 2012
    retired- blissfully retired......
    Battle, East Sussex
    :lunapic 130165696578242 5: :loll: :yes:
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      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      Yeah, Yeah, they're always picking on poor innocent 'ole me, Jazmine.:dunno: :cry3:
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning everyone.

      Hope you are all ok and looking forward to spring:smile:

      I think i over did things last week and seem to be paying for it this week, hey ho:gaah:

      Drove up to Sutton Coldfield saturday to pay a visit to Mr Kandy's cousin and her hubby who is unwell at the moment but had a nice meal at the local pub and then a nice session in their Jacuzzi which was most delightful and it was good relaxing in it and watching snow flakes fall:biggrin:

      Just heard on the telly that a hot air balloon in Luxor in Eygpt has exploded and fallen to earth killing nineteen tourists so that piece of news will interest Shiney....

      It is wet here at the moment so am having to spend time indoors,but at least i am keeping warm:whistle:

      Have a good day everyone:smile:
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha everyone,

      Kandy, thanks for the info. That sounds terrible. They have a lot of hot air balloons that fly over Luxor and an extremely good safety record. The flight is fantastic.

      I keep meaning to put the pictures here for you :snork:



      ARMANDII, that sounds like an excellent price for the job. Just doing a roof would normally cost at least that much. How did he get up on the roof? I hope it pressure hosed it from the top and aimed downwards. So of the cowboys just stand on a ladder against the house and pressure hose upwards. That way you get a loft full of water! It takes me about an hour to get the pressure hose out, set it up and then clear it away afterwards :heehee:

      It's a bit damp out there this morning but I got a little bit more work done yesterday.

      Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:
    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      Good morning Kandy,Shiney and all my other friends hope that you are all OK,have a lovely day and please stay safe:)
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,

      Sorry to hear you've set yourself back Kandy,take it easy:dbgrtmb: Your Jacuzzi session sounded a treat,Hope you are back on form soon:dbgrtmb: that goes for everyone who isn't quite 100% at the moment:dbgrtmb:

      It's dry again here this morning so i can get a bit more pottering done,the lawns are slowly drying out but i've still got them fenced off to save them from the chooks and dogs...
      The birds are out in full force too this morning...i notice the stoggies are making a meal of the little buds appearing on my wild plum tree:nonofinger: they did this last year and i only ended up with half a dozen jars of jam .....every other year i've been inundated with fruit.....they've obviously taken a fancy to them and are now bringing all their pals round:rolleyespink:

      Waves to all,
      Have a good day and take care:SUNsmile:
    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      Aloha everyone,

      Loli, what on earth are stoggies? Are they starlings?

      B cat from next door got one of our starlings this morning we sent Amber out after it to scare it out of our garden.

      Sounds like a good job Armandii. Spring must be around the corner!

      Morning WOO hope you are keeping ok.

      Kandy, naughty lass overdoing things. I suppose we all do it and know we shouldn't do take care of yourself.

      I keep getting contacts from facebook and I hate going on that site but I suppose I must go and sort out what all the kerfuffle is all about.

      Take care everyone and have a good day!

    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Sorry Moyra:doh: ....Stoggies are known as Wood Pigeons round here.....i forget we all have different names for things in different parts:)
    • Jazmine

      Jazmine happy laydee

      Sep 1, 2008
      Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
      Morning to all,
      There can't be many sofas attending Shiney's open day? :sofa: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
      He should be easy to spot Loli.

      Moyra do you mean you keep getting friendship requests, as with anything be careful what you accept. I use facebook mainly for contact with family and friends but a little while ago received a threatening and very nasty message from someone I had blocked. This person then opened another account to get round that. When I sought advice yesterday I was told the message was deemed as "threatening" because the person was laughing about knowing my address. It has all been reported!

      Kandy, the jacuzzi sounds like my sort of thing, never had one in the snow though!
      Have a good day, stuck in here, fed up, bored, cheesed off....
    • Penny in Ontario

      Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

      Sep 7, 2006
      Work for my husband.
      Ontario, Canada
      Morning everyone,

      Its a little nicer here today, or until later anyways. Expecting yet another winter storm to hit us tonight and dump some more snow on us. Cant believe that Friday is March already!!! It is nice though getting up now and its starting to get lighter out early!!

      Had a busy weekend as usual, and we got Kait back to school on Sunday, so she's there for 3 weeks and then she'll be home for another visit.

      Off to do some errands shortly, so have a great day all.
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Shiney is that the Kingdom of Kandy that you have put up there as the map and areas seem too small for my little eye balls to make out:snork: Also didn't realise there was the Kandyan Wars that went on.Amazing what you can find out about peoples names:biggrin:

      Loli,yes am struggling at the moment,tried to do some gardening last week but couldn't kneel down in the garden to do it so spent all of the afternoon weeding the borders bending down to try and work.At the moment i can't wake up in the mornings which this year is the worst i have ever had problems so don't know what is going on:snooze: :dunno: How are Theo and Archie/doing with their fur problems?Did the steroids have any effect?Our Willow has put on a bit of weight but still has coughing fits and now the vet reckons he has Asthma which i didn't realise that cats can get?

      Mr Kandys cousin keeps saying a Jacuzzi would do us some good for pain relief but we havn't got £10,000 to spare or a large enough enclosed garden so won't be having one,but i must say the water jets were nice on the shoulders and toes:biggrin:

      Moyra,i hate it when the cats get the birds,and often try to get outside to save them but the cats just run off.:gaah: Have you been watching Penquin Spy in a Huddle on the telly?Fantastic programme but hate it when the large predator birds fly off with the little ones.Love the Rock Hopper ones though:biggrin:

      Jasmine sorry to hear you are getting hassel with Facebook and hope they can get it sorted for you soon.Can people write nasty things on your wall if they are not your friend?My sister in law fell out with us because we didn't go to her and my brothers 40 th Wedding Anniversary party two years ago and although we are still friends with each other on there it looks like she has blocked me so that i can't see what she has posted and can't write on her wall so i don't know how it all works and so i don't post much on there or want squillions of so called friends:snork:

      Hope Woo and everyone else are ok:smile:
    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      No Jazmine, I do not have problems with Facebook thankfully but people keep leaving me messages and pokes and looking at the old photos I put on there at the beginning only trouble is I cannot seem to get them off there now. Well I still haven't been to update things there so I guess I will continue to get e-mails telling so and so has written on my wall or so and so has given me a poke. Kandy, we did try to get to the bird this morning but it was too late he left the dead bird and scooted through the neighbours fence. A cup of tea Calls:). Have a good afternoon all.
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Afternoon all,

      Kandy,luckily Archi's skin is fine....it's just poor little Theo....his skin is intact with no sores but without the steroids he itches like crazy and you can see it drives him nuts even though he is a happy little soul....he's pileing on the pounds though so i'm watching what he eats.....Poor little Willow....once when i was at the vets one of the nurses had a homemade contraption (looked like a large pop bottle with the bottom cut out)on the other end was attatched a ventolin inhaler....it was for a horse....marvellous what they do these days......
      Jazmine i am mean to Armandii:heehee: i'm sure he'll get his own back though:catapult: ....i know what you mean,this weather is putting years on me.....come on spring get your finger out:dbgrtmb:
      Moyra....there's a lovely big moggy that has turned up in my garden ...it's tail is missing and looks really cute...what you need is some chooks:biggrin: puss knows the score where they are concerned:yikes: i've started feeding it ...Ssssh don't tell anyone;) but only when the dogs aren't out:blue thumb: thankfully it doesn't attempt to go for the birds...but i'll need to keep a carefull watch when spring eventually arrives....

      Have a good evening all:SUNsmile:
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Kandy, yes, that was the kingdom of Kandy. It's just south west of the centre of Sri Lanka - one of the countries we visited this year.
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