Help needed on what to grow!!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by ChrisTomlinson, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    For advertising, Facebook is about the cheapest and most effective way to go.

    A friend of mine simply set up a new user account for her shop, and then friend requested us all from it. That way she can keep us all posted in her ad campaigns, and of course if she posts something that is not of interest to us but might be to another friend, we share it on, so gradually word gets round on book face.

    Of course none of that is a substitute for real face time. Produce some flyers (printing costs are peanuts these days - get a professional firm to do the printing, it is miles cheaper and better quality than doing it yourself on your little bubblejet). Post the flyers yourself and get seen about. Talk to your neighbours, and be seen doing a good job in your own garden. What I'm getting at is, just generally get known locally for what you want to be known for.
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    • ChrisTomlinson

      ChrisTomlinson Gardener

      Jan 23, 2013
      Horticulture Apprentice
      Already at making a facebook page! :)
      getting a lot of interest from child minders/schools who think this would be great for the children. Spoke to my uncle as well and the local farm by him is letting him use their polly tunnels and land to grow on! Everything is just taking off better than I could have imagined!!

      Thank you all for the advice and tips you have given me, it has really helped! :D My gardening/growing books have arrived at home today so can't wait to get home tomorrow to read through them. Can anyone recommend easy fruit/veg to grow? as the teachers said they want the easiest to grow so that the children can do it themselves.

      Thank you all! :love30:
    • RogerB

      RogerB Gardener

      Feb 18, 2013
      Aylesbury, Bucks
      I started out with my own garden maintenance business in May 2011 and started off with getting lots of flyers printed professionally (and some business cards for face to face meetings). I spent time going out delivering them myself to cut down costs and got a few responses. From these few responses, by giving quality service I have built up my business to a level I am comfortable with, mainly by recommendations from existing clients.
      Word of mouth appears to be a very powerful tool.

      The knowledge base I am working from is several decades of my own garden and allotment, plus the RHS level 2 theory qualification, but I have never had any practical training, keep talking to your uncle AND the allotmenteers around his plot. The more you can pick up the better - never be afraid to ask a question, even if it seems stupid. Let them laugh, then learn from what they say.

      After nearly 40 years working in a sales environment I have found that the way you approach a prospective client and the rapport you build with them can be vital to the success of any operation.

      And I am sooooooooo jealous of your access to polytunnels:frown:

      Good luck with the whole venture it sounds like you've got off to quite a promising start even though it may take a season or 2 to get up to full speed (as with any new venture)
    • ChrisTomlinson

      ChrisTomlinson Gardener

      Jan 23, 2013
      Horticulture Apprentice
      Hello Roger! :biggrin:

      Thanks for the info, I have been undergoing a princes trust enterprise programme to learn how to start up a business and word of mouth seems vital, So best make sure I do a good job eh! :blue thumb:

      For the time being I don't think I have all the knowledge and vital things to start up my own business this year, but it will be a working progress! I currently do not drive and so I will have to get my driving licence this year!

      Also I want to gain knowledge into sales and marketing, So I am going to try get some kind of gardening job this year, Preferably part time so it gives me time to research. The local community group may be able to get a grant for me to do some volunteering, If this happens I am going to talk to the 2 local primary schools by me and try get them to bring down a class on a set day so I can do some activities with them and if they enjoy this maybe next year on start up I will have some work with schools! I have purchased a book called '52 gardening activities for kids' which has given me quite a few ideas to keep them entertained!

      So hopefully this year will go well! Me and my uncle have already started to use the pollytunnels and the farmer has given access to a big plot of land to grow on aswell! :)

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