Have just had the most gut wrenching news and experience and I apologise but I want to unburden a bit. Yesterday morning we got the news that my fiancée's sister had lost her baby. She had been due last week, discovered it had stopped moving and was given the very sad news at hospital that she would have to go through hours of labour to a dead baby. All families are naturally distraught when they should have been celebrating. Having visited the couple with their deceased son last night I can say it is one of the most horrifying scenes I've encountered and I'm sorry to say I've seen a few. Everyone wants to make it better but of course we can't - there's nothing to do but get them through it. His name is Leo. I went through this with one of Erica's friends a couple of years ago and one of my close colleagues some years ago again. It seems so cruel and we know what's coming and there's nothing we can do. A hateful situation and I cannot imagine how the parents feel, it's beyond words. We can't do anything but support them and we'll do everything we can. I'd like to find a plant called Leo but my initial efforts have just come up with Rosa Leo's Eye. This will be a good choice although out of season and I'd appreciate any other suggestions you might have. Sorry to have upset anyone but thankyou for letting me unburden.
I don't know what to say to ease the pain. We went through the same thing Andy with what would have been our first daughter over 30 years ago. Hopefully there is a support network now, there was nothing then and even now it still hurts. You're just left with a numb feeling and never seem to get any proper answers. The best thing is to remain strong for your fiancee's sister and be there for her.
such sad news, you all must be devastated, i cant imagine the pain on losing a child theres a plant called doronicum "little leo" ?
Sincere condolences to all who will be grieving for little Leo Leo means lion - maybe a plant with that association? Thinking a little more laterally, Leo came into this physical world at the beginning of Spring, so perhaps something Spring related? A small tree, perhaps?
So very sorry to hear you horrible news. If it's of any help, a friend of mine had to endure 2 labours knowing her babies were dead, however after much persuation she tried again for a family. Many years on she now has 2 very healthy rugby playing boys. She has never forgotten the babies she lost and her whole family still have a little celebration each year on the birthdays of the 2 missing members of their family.
My sympathies I don't know what else to say. Hope you all stay strong through this very difficult time
Oh Andy I am so sorry to hear such tragic news.. I cannot imagine their pain or yours come to that.. You will do what you can I know & we are all here for you too.. My condolences to you all..
So sorry to hear such sad news - death is never anything but painful, but it seems massively amplified when it is a child. Your support will be invaluable now, and over the coming weeks, months and years. My only suggestion (mainly due to the fact that I am useless with plant names), is to echo Mum's idea for a tree, maybe even with a nice plaque in Leo's memory? If you need to offload at any time, or want to bend a cyber-ear, feel free to PM me.
Thank you all so much, it is much appreciated knowing you're here. I like the idea of a more lateral approach to the plants, I'll take a quick look. It won't be of any consolation to the parents at the moment but the two other people I've seen go through this have both had healthy bouncing babies within 14 months. I know their time will come but now is a time of getting through, day by day. We're going over later to see them now they're home again, taking food etc.