Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK8...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone,

    I've got up to a sky that's turning a nice shade of blue....now that's a nice change and even the sun is trying to shine:dancy: the birds look to be enjoying it too,all busy flitting around and the stoggies are cooeing away.....:wub2: the only thing spoiling the peace was the 'girls' screeching their heads off......they were telling me their water was frozen....all done now :pathd: :chicken: ......i could sit watching the birds all day but if they want feeding i'd best get to work.....Hi Ho:whistle: :biggrin:

    Hopeing everyone is getting back on track:dbgrtmb:

    Waves to all,enjoy your day and take care:SUNsmile:
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha everyone,

      Good to see you Woo :blue thumb:

      Very sunny but very frosty. Forecasters are saying that it will remain cold for at least two weeks. :sad:

      Although my cold has improved my chest isn't feeling too god but I've got a lot of things to do today. Have to go into to town to sort out some things for Barry and then get back to cook a dinner (lunchtime) for us and a patient of Mrs Shiney whose wife died two weeks ago. He's just learning to cook for himself at the age of 84! :frown:

      I'm cancelling everything else, except going up to feed Monty, and shall rest and feel sorry for myself :heehee: (don't like sitting and doing nothing).

      Have a great day :biggrin:

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      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Aloha Everyone,

        Beautiful morning this morning with the sun shining. Very cold though but I can take that provided the sun continues to shine. Got in a panic last night when I realized that this was Easter weekend and I hadn't got enough Tramadol to see me through. Particularly with the cold I rely on the Tramadol to keep my legs and hips and ankles and knees going. Anyway phoned the docs and the receptionist said she would get the doc to sign a prescription this morning and I can pick them up from the chemists this afternoon.

        Shiney I am sorry your chest doesn't seem to be getting any better I suppose some more sunshine and warm weather is what is needed.

        Loli, I have been out to put two more cocunuts up for the birds because the blue tits and gold crests have discovered the coconuts now and if they get a chance with the starlings hogging them all the time it is nice to see them picking on them.

        Well have a good day everyone and those under the weather like Shiney and WOO get better soon. Stay safe and warm everyone.

      • wiseowl

        wiseowl Admin Staff Member

        Oct 29, 2006
        Philosophy of people
        Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
        Good afternoon all hope your day is going well my friends and that you are all OK:)
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        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Good morning everyone,

          Woo good to see you popping in, hope your feeling better,take it easy:dbgrtmb:

          Shiney don't these 'colds' take some shaking off.....i'm left with a cough but it's slowly abating...hope you feel better soon:dbgrtmb:

          Hope all is well with our ladies:spinning:

          Another dry one this morning...that's 2 days in a row.....:thumbsup: if it wasn't so chilly anyone would think it was Spring;) ......
          Just today to do then it's my weekend off:yahoo:

          Have a great day everyone,take care:SUNsmile:
          • Like Like x 1
          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            Happy "Good Friday" to one and all.

            Woo - glad you are having trial flights in and out of here; hope you are back to full speed very soon.

            Shiney - I can think of a number of people who have had the cough/cold thing since earlier this year and simply cannot shake it off fully. I'm sure the weather has much to do with it. Aww, that is just so kind and thoughtful of you to be helping an 84yo to learn to cook. The poor man must be so lost and confused. I wonder if a "Student cookbook would be of any help to him? :scratch: I bought one from a supermarket a number of years ago and it was great! Found it on Amazon: here Just a thought.

            Loli - bet you can't wait for your weekend off!

            Moyra - so pleased that you were able to get your prescription sorted at the Dr's for the Easter weekend; I can just imagine how you must have felt when you realised you would run short!

            Well, I've just popped to the back door and we have a light snow fall going on outside. Good job I hadn't planned to go anywhere today, because I really do not fancy an outing in the snow!

            Yesterday, I got ... a mantis tiller! :hapydancsmil:
            I have been hankering after one and umm-ing and ahh-ing whether or not to invest in one for quite a while; Mr Mum decided to take the bull by the horns and buy me one. Isn't he kind and thoughtful :wub2:
            Reality check: he worked out how much they were to hire vs purchase vs usage = purchase would be cheaper :whistle:

            Can't wait to get out there and "play" with it. The plan is to practise in the copse end to see what I can do with it and then, hopefully, I can start creating some beds and borders in the main part of the garden! I've been taking notes on all the plants I have stored and ready, so this will be my first venture into "designing" a shrub border. I am a bit nervous that I'll get it wrong, but, that's what next Spring is for ... transplanting any errors elsewhere :heehee:
            Who knew I could get so excited over a tiller? :roflol:

            Next planned Uni visit will be Portsmouth in two weeks time. Hoping the snow weather is behind us by then! Youngest son doesn't know we're going (he's not quite as fired up as his brother, who we took to Lincoln) and we're hoping this visit will spur him on a bit. :dunno:

            Keep yourselves warm, happy and optimistic.
            Miles of smiles
            • Like Like x 2
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Aloha everyone,

              Mum, hope your visit to Portsmouth works out well. Yes I cannot tell you how relieved I was to pick up my Tramadol yesterday. I would have been really ill without them and in an awful lot of pain too.

              WOO good to see you dear, I hope you are feeling a bit better and will soon be very much better.

              Loli, Kandy, Shiney et al, hope you are all feeling better and I hope everyone has a lovely Easter. Take care everyone and wrap up warm I am off to walk Amber.

              • Like Like x 3
              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Aloha everyone,

                Thanks, Mum :dbgrtmb:, he's actually coping quite well. He made one rather poignant comment. He has wrens nesting in his loft and said it was nice to know that he was still sharing his house with someone!

                Be careful with your tiller. If the ground is very hard or stony the tiller can bounce. It's not a great problem but just something to be aware of.

                Yesterday was quite cold but nice and sunny and this mornig we have more brilliant sunshine. :SUNsmile:

                I've, sort of, sorted out Barry's things. He had the notices from the Council that he has lost his Council Tax Benefit and his rent benefit has been reduced by the 'bedroom tax'. I've asked the Council to send a claim form for him to attempt to get the 'bedroom tax' back through another Council benefit but there is nothing I can do about the loss of the Council tax benefit. He would need to be a pensioner for me to do that. He, also, wants to pay his rent and tax through his local post office so I've had to apply for special cards and paperwork for him to do it. The people at the council were very helpful :blue thumb:. So I'll have to go back to him when the paperwork arrives.

                This morning we have our regular visit to the chiropractor - except that he will come to us instead. As Mrs Shiney has her treatment couches he is able to work here. It will save us travelling two towns away and, as we're his only patients today, he will save paying rent for his room in the clinic. :thumbsup: He's happy to work Good Friday (divorced) and I guess our payments will not show on his books ;).

                We're taking some acquaintances of Mrs Shiney out to lunch today. They're in their 90's and he had to give up his car since his fall. They used to regularly go out for a "Senior Citizen's" lunch but can't do so any more.

                I'll have to pop up the road to feed Monty his breakfast. :cat-kittyandsmiley:

                Keep well and wrapped up cosy. Have a great day :biggrin:

                • Like Like x 3
                • Jazmine

                  Jazmine happy laydee

                  Sep 1, 2008
                  Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
                  Hi all, had a quick glance back to check in. Hello Mr Woo, lovely to see you fly past too.
                  Happy Easter everybody.
                  • Like Like x 2
                  • wiseowl

                    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                    Oct 29, 2006
                    Philosophy of people
                    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                    Good morning Lolli,Shiney,Moyra,Mum,jazmine and all my other dear friends many thanks for all your heartfelt wishes ,have a lovely day and please stay safe:)
                    • Like Like x 2
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Hi Jazmine,

                      Hope you're both feeling well. :dbgrtmb:

                      I've just got back from feeding Monty. He's left out to fend for himself at night whilst his humans are away. There's a shed he can go in if it rains or snows - or our greenhouse, which is warmer because of the propagator.

                      When I got there I was calling him but he didn't appear so I guessed he was wandering through gardens. I didn't really want to put his food out as Sarafi, or the foxes or magpies, might eat it. So I went wandering down the garden calling for him. I haven't been past the main part of their garden before and it's very big. It's about 400 - 500ft longer than mine - which is much too much work as far as I'm concerned. As I went down the garden a fox appeared and ran like mad and as I got further the rabbits started running.

                      No sign of Monty so, when I got back to where his food bowl is, I started putting the food in it and he suddenly appeared beside me! :doh: :snork:
                      • Like Like x 3
                      • moyra

                        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                        Sep 17, 2005
                        South East Essex
                        Arh, he was probably watching you all the time Shiney. Sounds a wonderfully wild garden they have.

                        Do take care everyone didn't quite understand all Barry's problems and finances I shall have to read that again but it all seems a bit unfair unless you feel he does get adequate welfare to cover these other costs now. I am too tired to take much in am about to go and say goodnight on the other thread. Goodnight all.
                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        No, he doesn't really get enough with his Disability Living Allowance (DLA) but he gets by. It was easier when his Council Tax and Rent was paid for him (which they have done for the last 40 years) and he had something similar to income support. He can eat and stay warm, watch TV and buy and listen to CD's but then there's nothing left to do much else.

                        I haven't seen him wear any new clothes for as long as I can remember but what he does wear looks OK and is clean (I got a washing machine for him from a charity as he's unable to wash clothes by hand).
                      • "M"

                        "M" Total Gardener

                        Aug 11, 2012
                        The Garden of England
                        Good Morning, fellow GC'ers

                        I've just spent the past half an hour watching a pair of crows taking a huge lump (bit by bit) of Ozzy's fur that I threw into the garden after his grooming session last night. They each had a different technique: one would fly in, hop over to it, grab a beakful - looked like it had a snowball in its beak :heehee: - then fly off. The other would fly in, hop over, hop away, look around, hop back take a beakful and hop a few feet away. Then, it would take a teeny piece, eat it, stand on the lump with one claw, grab a larger beakful, compact it and fly off. When the snow got a little thicker (but still only a light snow fall), they both backed off and waited in the Poplars until it went back to an occasional flake fall and then they returned to complete the task. Nature is wonder-full!

                        shiney - thank you for the tip :dbgrtmb: Weather being favourable, I'll be testing it Monday or Tuesday (can't wait! I love new toys :yay: )

                        Jazmine - hoping Easter brings some happiness to your world.

                        moyra - hope you managed some painfree sleep and have a bit more energy for today.

                        lolimac - Woohooo! It's your weekend off! Enjoy it and don't spend too much time on mundane things.

                        Mr Mum is on quick turnaround today (got home at 7.30, straight to bed then has to leave for work 3 ish) so I'm thinking of doing a little baking for his pack up. Just another 8 days of this stupid/unhealthy/unpredictable/unsocial shift pattern to go and then he begins a new shift system (well, the previous one to this!) and moves to a new area too, so shaving off a few miles and a few minutes each way :yes: He's not as young as he used to be (who is?) but he still thinks he has the same stamina. These past 17 months under this unGodly shift pattern is taking its toll but he won't give in or get a check up: silly billy! :nonofinger:

                        I've almost completed my shrub border design, but need a few tweaks here and there because I got my scale wrong on my graph paper (amateur mistake :heehee: ) so not totally back to the drawing board.

                        Wishing you all good health and miles of smiles
                        • Like Like x 1
                        • Lolimac

                          Lolimac Guest

                          Good morning everyone,

                          Are we all steadily getting back to full strength?:thumbsup: i hope so.......
                          I woke up snuffley again this morning:doh: .....don't get what that's all about,taking vitamins like they are going out of fashion and trying to be sensible:rolleyespink: feel OK in myself but my body doesn't seem to have the 'umph':dunno: .....But ...it's going to get the 'umph' today....wall to wall sunshine out there and i can't wait to crack on:dbgrtmb:
                          Still can't do anything with the lawns yet.....when it's not frozen it's soggy but there's plenty enough to keep me out of mischief:dbgrtmb: .....i'll get dressed first though eh....:biggrin:

                          Waves to all,have a great day and take care:SUNsmile:
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