Night work in the Winter months is the pits for going without any daylight. My ex (and his mother) were permanent night workers and I remember how tetchy and down they would end up getting. But, come mid Spring they were both back to 'normal' .... by Summer they were both moaning that they couldn't get any sleep during the day due to everyone and his dog being out enjoying the weather - back to Tetchy & Down, this time through sleep deprivation. At least Mr Mum has a rolling shift pattern, so even though he does nights, he also does day shifts too.
I do love it. Somehow, those first few days of BST are always sunshiney ones and the evenings are sunny too. Or is it just me imagining that they are? Jenny
Same here,ive only got voile at my east facing bedroom window, so soon as the sun hits my face im awake a few good red sunsets this week are a luxury but still no sign of a hot air balloon yet even thou the flying lessons on a small plane round here seem to be steaming ahead
Its a bit light all the time here. Especially when the local chemical works is malfunctioning, again.