my family shares you pain my daughter had to endure the same thing last year, my daughter said the worst things is when people dont acknowledge that it happened and gloss over it, shall keep you and your family in my prayers
Having been over, I can say they're being incredibly strong and just about keeping it together. Hopefully that will last but I know there's some tough times in the next few weeks ahead. I'm now also concerned about the in laws as they appear to be handling the whole thing much worse. They're terrified of being 'in the way' and don't want to intrude but the result is that they have no real idea of what's going on and they're going nuts. I've said they need to get their butts over and to show themselves for at least a short time to just be there. I think it got through but there's obviously quite a bit of grief happening.
Sorry to hear of your families loss Loofah. My wife went through the same 4 years ago. We have been lucky enough to have another son Rory since and we have another one due at the begin of June but we never forget Eliza at special times and she is always in our thoughts. My thought go out to you all at this very difficult time. There is a miniature sunflower called little Leo. Rusty
Thanks for the support Rusty. We're off to the in laws soon for a family dinner. Personally I'm dreading it as I think it will be a very maudlin affair but the family needs it. We decided on a star after all the choices of plants! I still might sneak one in but Erica decided they're not the garden types so fair enough - they can see the star wherever they are.
Only Time Can and Will Heal the Pain and Suffering You Are all Going Thru at this Traumatic Time My Hart and Priers Am with you All at this Tragic Time Up on Losing An Unborn Child of My Own My Brother as Child My Mother Young 60s My Dad Last Year I Always Found Comfort in the Poem Death is Nothing at All I Hope This Eases Your Pain Just a Little at this Tragic Time Andy God Bless to All Sides of Both Famlies Nick
Thanks Nick. Well who would have thought this one could get worse... The fathers two brothers wives (I apologise but am trying not to name them) are also pregnant at the same time (something in the water perhaps?) Both are now in hospital - touch and go with one but the other should be fine. Both at around 30 weeks. He is almost comatose with shock. The rest of our families are coming to terms, as time moves on. Probably won;t be updating any more as it's far too depressing for people.
It must be devastating to go through a long labour and get your baby dead at the end of it although he will go up to the sky as an angel... Anyway as for flowers there is this "antirrhinum majus" that in Italian it is called "lions jaws" that really convey the idea, especially if you squeeze the flower between thumb and index. Good luck.
What a terrible time for you and your family. I cant find the words to express my condolences. There is a brill charity for support for neonatal death and stillbirth that i came across when voulanteering It also has info on the memorial garden they have. And stay put vibes as they say for the other two babies!
Thanks again All. We were put onto Sand a while back when going through this with a friend; it's a fantastic charity and offers a wealth of support and information. It's now one of our chosen charities to donate to.
I am so very sorry xx Although I do not have a personal experience , my niece went through a similar situation. The had been having IVF treatment and the baby had been planned for years. The local hospital told her to ' go home' until the labour had progressed further... Her little girl died in the womb some 3 hours later ... My heart goes out to you all