Saturday Night Ghost Story

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Pretty sure i've related this tale before, but its saturday night & there's nothing else on telly:biggrin:

    Many years ago, my friends worked in a big old house.

    I do mean big, it was 4 floors high with about 40 rooms, attic rooms and a roof terrace.

    My friends were domestic staff with rooms in the attic, big long corridor with the attic rooms going off on both sides. I'd often stay over there to have a few beers.

    The place was an old folks home, lots of lovely but not very mobile residents.

    One of the staff (José) was a tough guy from Madeira, he'd fought in wars, been captured and tortured by the PLO, but he always locked his door in the attic when he went to bed, just put that down to him being ex forces.

    Until one night when Simon & I were still awake at 2am.

    I first heard the sound of footsteps outside the door, where no one should have been. Then Simon said he could hear a little girl, didn't doubt him as the tears of disbelief were streaming down his face:yikes:

    The footsteps carried on past the door & went upto the gable end of the house, where there was a window.

    No kidding, we were so freaked out we pee'd in the sink rather than open the door to go to the loo oposite.

    In the cold light of day we looked out. The way the roof slanted down, you would have had to been 2 foot tall to have made the foot steps we heard walking across the narrow landing to get to the window in the gable. We had trouble doing it on our knees.
    • Like Like x 4
    • HarryS

      HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

      Aug 28, 2010
      Spooky ... I wouldn't like to sleep alone in a place like that.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Part 2

        Some years later, I was talking to a woman that i worked with, Jill the typist, she said she'd been a pupil at The Croft when it was a Girls School and that the attic rooms had been the dormitories.

        She said exactly the same thing was happening, but if anyone mentioned it to the teachers they were told to keep quiet in case it upset the other girls.
        • Like Like x 3
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Just the thought of it scares the life out of me:runforhills:
        • JWK

          JWK Gardener Staff Member

          Jun 3, 2008
          Glad I read this in the morning :sofa:
          • Funny Funny x 2
          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Its not far from you John, Gomshall:yikes:
            • Useful Useful x 1
            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              Years ago a mate of mine lived in a flat on the top floor of a massive old house.

              I was round there one night drinking tinnies with him and his young lady. At 11:10PM there was a knock at his door. A very unmistakable knock. Somebody was at the door. It wasn't floor boards creaking or the wind rattling aerials on the roof. It was somebody at the door. My mate and his lass looked at the clock, then just carried on drinking their beer.

              I got up to answer it. My mate and his bird had not even acknowledged it. My mate just said 'No point answering that, there's nobody there'. I was puzzled by this. Clearly there was somebody there. The knock was clear. His lass was now chuckling to herself and I was puzzled. My mate then explained that every night without fail at 11:10PM there is a knock at the door. For the first couple of weeks after moving in, he'd actually gone to answer it. On one occasion he'd even waited by the door at the required time, so that he could answer it immediately as soon as the knock came, and still there had been nobody there. Once he acknowledged it was nothing more sinister than a really annoying ghost, he simply ignored it.

              So the teachers knew eh? When can we expect part 3?
              • Like Like x 2
              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                I wish I could have followed it up with tales of a real event that had happened, but I lost touch with all concerned.
              • Spruce

                Spruce Glad to be back .....

                Apr 10, 2009
                Zigs I hope you washed the sink out I dont know what was worse you peeing in the sink or the ghost itself, both make the hairs on my arms stand up :hate-shocked::lunapic 130165696578242 5:

                • Funny Funny x 4
                • Phil A

                  Phil A Guest

                  Wasn't my sink:snork:
                  • Funny Funny x 3
                  • noisette47

                    noisette47 Total Gardener

                    Jan 25, 2013
                    Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
                    I had a similar experience at Hampton Court Palace on a school trip. Not paying much attention to the official guided tour:oopss: my best friend and I were standing in a gallery overlooking a chapel, when I noticed 'piped' religious chanting, monks, that sort of thing.... I said that they seemed to be taking the 'effects' quite seriously..she replied 'What effects?' She couldn't hear the music at all! Only afterwards, when I got to look at the tour leaflet, did it appear that we had been standing in the haunted gallery:hate-shocked: I know what people are going to say before they say it too....haha...hahahaha....hahahahahahaha
                    • Like Like x 2
                    • Phil A

                      Phil A Guest

                      Hampton Court is great on a foggy day, not seen anything odd but the atmosphere is fantastic.

                      Not a ghost story now but a prank.

                      It was Friday afternoon, we had posession of Broomfield Church while we were doing major works to it, i.e. the public weren't allowed in it.

                      We were just clearing up the churchyard while my stonemason friend Adam was chipping away up the tower, making a new doorway for access onto the roof.

                      I had a tape of Gregorian Chant in the car, just Monks singing, which I put on very loudly so it was bouncing all around the churchyard.

                      Adam, on hearing this, thought there must be something going on in the church, so stopped working & made his way down the tower to the balcony overlooking the Nave.

                      Nothing going on there, so he came all the way down to find us just sweeping up out the front, apparently oblivious of the music filling the air.

                      Adam : Wheres that singing coming from?

                      Me & the others : What singing?

                      Adam : Can't you hear it?

                      Me : Hear what?

                      Adam : That singing, you must be able to hear it?

                      Me : (pausing on my broom to listen) Nope, can't hear anything.

                      Adam : (close to tears and with a wobble in his voice) You MUST be able to hear it????

                      The moral is, don't hit your site manager's new car, they tend to remember things like that.
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • Coolsox

                        Coolsox Gardener

                        Jan 26, 2013
                        Insurance Broker
                        I love a good ghost story and have had quite a few paranormal experiences.

                        My parents house is haunted, and even now unusual things happen. Mainly the activity was unusual noises, but other things happened as well.

                        Some examples....

                        Items being moved to to places where they shouldn't be. We've lost keys which have turned up in the dishwasher and saucepans have appeared in the wrong cupboards.

                        One night I was woken up by a noise in the kitchen below me. Something was banging on the kitchen surfaces (sounded like a ball bouncing) it started at one end of the kitchen and worked its way around to the other. Even my dog was awake and aware of the noise!

                        One day I was ironing in the kitchen. The small wall clock we had hit me on the back. It didn't just fall, I was about 4 feet away from the wall. In order to hit me, it had to lift itself up to release it from the keyhole slot and then this itself forward. That even got my dad worried!

                        A few months ago my stepmom (whom we had never told!) was in the house on her own, sitting in the living room watching tv. She heard the front door open and assumed it was my dad coming home from work so shouted hello. A few minutes later she went out to see him and there was no one there! The house is in the middle of nowhere, and there was no one else around outside.
                      • Coolsox

                        Coolsox Gardener

                        Jan 26, 2013
                        Insurance Broker
                        Oh, forgot to add. A few years ago, I was walking around Ludlow castle taking photos and caught this:


                        All he other photos I took that day where clear. It has not been photoshopped other than for cropping and sharpening.
                        • Like Like x 2
                        • Phil A

                          Phil A Guest


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