Hello fellow gardeners! Seems like an age since i was last here. I know i said i was going to do this last year but i thought i'd wait until the spring (supposedly it's spring?) Well I thought i'd start digging today. I found that the stones in the garden go quite deep in most places. It's left me questioning what to do. There's certainly no way i can get rid of the stones, there's far too many. Can you lay turf on a stoney underground? Will it be ok adding topsoil over the stoney soil? If so how much will i need? The area i'm tackling first is 3.6m x 3.4m. Or do i accept defeat and put up with what i've got? Remember i don't want to spend too much on this as i'm only going to get a couple years out of it most likely Cheers again! P.s I'm uploading the photos now, ask if you need to see them and i'll post them up. :-)
Hi Chris, we're all gluttons for piccies and I think it will help others to give a better opinion if we could see it as it is now. Personally, I think that you will be hard put to lay a lawn without removing some. They may make a "feature" somewhere else in the garden if you don't want to dispose of them. How's the pooch? Enjoying life with you both? Jenny
Yeah she's settling in fine. Mad as anything but for 10 months old she's pretty well trained. Here's a few pics of some patches i dug up. I'm now thinking of just trying to make the garden look half decent with flowers and plants and try doing the best we can with the current lawn. As you can see in one of the pictures, there's also some weed control sheets of some kind mixed in there too cheers
Hi Chris, That's certainly a lot of stones you have there, I'm wondering if the garden used to water log and somebody has put them down to help drainage. If you still intend to re-turf I'd put a layer of topsoil down first. I can't work out the maths for you but as a guide, grass doesn't need any more than four inches depth of soil for it's roots. If you use turf you'll probably get away with a soil depth of three inches knowing that there is soil mixed with the stones anyway. Don't forget to firm the soil down before laying the turf. The weed control sheets look as though they are old and breaking up and if there were weeds above them then it's no longer working anyway. I'd pull out any you come across and not worry about the rest. Any plants you intend to put in elsewhere you can do a soil change when you dig the holes.
Cheers for the reply sheal. The stones for drainage might make sense actually. With all this rain latelly (before the snow), our garden flooded on the patio area. Didn't affect the house as the house is stepped up from the garden. So far i've dug up the edges, i thought this would be a good idea to get a feel for the garden. I dug up the centre of the garden slightly, mainly to get the tree stump out that was there, and the centre didnt seem to have so many stones. But for now i think i'm just gonna dig up some flower beds, cut the grass and see what i can do