Hi all, This tree/plant (red in pic) always comes up once every two years, it will miss a year and usually come the next. Anyone know what this is? I have attached an image. Thanks all
Hi & Welcome to GC.. Well a little hard to tell but my first thoughts are an Azalea.. Leaves look too small for a Rhodidendron, but others will belong who have a better idea than me..
Hi, Thanks for the welcome, I did a quick google search of Azalea and yeah, it sure does look like it or something simular. Thanks!
Hallo blemdem, isn't it a knock out! I think it's a little Azalea too but I don't know its name. Someone will though. Hope you like it here in the Gardeners Corner Jenny namaste
Hey Blemdem thats really nice .. and looks very healthy .. give it a nice feed for putting on a lovely show like that .. Micky