Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning woo, kandy, peri, penny, takemore,jazmine, helen, shiney, strawman and everyone, wow great to see everyone back on, kandy so pleased you had a lovely time,peri sounds like you had a super time in london, ive started my xmas shopping just bought my grandson a chad valley care care centre at argos excellent buy and got loads of things at BM bargains going there every week to pick up more bits its so cheap and got some great bargains that shop was called right.
    helen was great to see you back hope your feeeling much better and you and bob take it easy at that allotment mind with the weather changing to winter probably you should have less to do lets hope so.
    have a great day all
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Woo,many thanks for your warm welcome back,much appreciated and to everyone else who has said welcome home:D:luv:

    Well I got up early to start my ironing and it seems too dark to even think about starting it so it can wait for a bit:D We are not used to being up so early and at times over the last fortnight we sometimes didn't wake up until either eight or nine o'clock.I think the fresh air and the walking had something to do with it:D Nice to be home though.The Lake District is lovely,but they can keep their rainy summers,biting insects and those blasted military jets that fly overhead when you are not expecting them and frightening the life out of you:p

    Nice to see we nearly have a full house on here and glad that you had a good time in London Peri with your OH.Haven't been down to London since 1991.Would love to go back but don't think I could cope with all that traffic and squillions of people that are down there:flag::D

    Must get on soon as I have another busy day ahead.We picked up the cats yesterday Put out two lines of washing,filled the cars up,went to the allotment and picked loads of stuff,came home had a bite to eat and then went off for a nice walk through the woods where we used to take Tina,came back home and then spent the evening preparing the last of the runner beans,although some of the ones Mr K picked were too old so they will have to go for composting:D

    Mr K is back to work today so he has his boxes of fudge to take in and hand round to everyone and tonight we are going to pick up Mabel from her holiday home:)

    Now I must go and make a start so hope yu all have a great day:luv:
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, since my holiday ive been going to bed early then im waking up very early in the morning this past week since i got back, dont think you will enjoy doing all that ironing since you got back , bet you had a great time in the lakes look forward to seeing your pics. you have certainly been very busy since you returned, have a great day
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,just been getting rid of all those creases in our clothes,seem Mr Kandy off to work and now I am sitting here for a couple of minutes having me porridge with strawberries and grapes on top.{Thankyou Boothes}:gnthb:

    We had a lovely time Rosa,only wish the second week was as sunny as the first week then I could have kept me shorts on which would have been less ironing to do now we are back:hehe: I am trying to fill my memory car up before I put them onto the computer and then I have to go through them chucking out the no so good ones and then have to turn them all up the right way.Mr Kandy was hogging the card reader to do his last night and I was busy doing the beans and texting the young lady looking after Mabel to arrange when to pick her up,plus trying to watch a programme about all the MP's and the holidays abroad they go on when they are out of parliment for 82 days and all paid for by Mr Kandy and all the other tax payers:mad:,so I was very busy multi tasking so to speak:D

    Hope you soon have your prison boards taken away and you soon start to see the light of day.Pity you didn't know all this would happen with the asbestos or else you could have booked your holiday away for when the work started:)

    By the way,I enjoy ironing been doing it since I was twelve,it is the unpacking after the holiday and getting everything back to where it belongs ready for when we go off on our travels again that does my head in.We start packing the caravan a couple of weeks before we go but when we get back Mr K insists on unloading the whole lot as soon as the van is on the drive,so there is bags of stuff everywhere,but he says it is my fault for insisiting on taking so much stuff with me:oops::p

    Hope you have a great day and will be in contact as soon as I have a bit more time:D:luv:
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy, Rosa and all!

    Thanks guys for your good wishes I'm feeling better every single day I'm even going to try some weeding today over at the plots or at least try to!:yho:

    Woo you are always a sweetie you take care too honey.:luv:

    Kandy glad you enjoyed your holiday sweetie sounds less painful than one of the other times for you & Mr.K. but I do pity you will all that washing & ironing to do.

    Kathy glad you enjoyed your little trip into the BIG CITY I hoped you stopped for a nice cream cake & a cup of tea to rest your weary legs?

    02 honey I started my Christmas shopping way back in January but I still need to get some more in!

    Jaz still keeping really busy eh honey? slow down a little bit!:D

    Rosa because I have been AWOL I don't know how your allootment plans went, did you manage to keep your little plot or not? Let me know honey as I have been collecting flowers seeds.

    Hope you all have a lovely day no matter what the weather is like.Hel.xxx
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Helen, welcome back :gnthb: . I hope your back is beginning to get better and please take care :luv:.

    Kandy, I'm pleased you had a good time in the Lakes. Were you at your usual place? Those planes do make a lot of noise but the wildlife don't take any notice of it. I'm sure all your menagerie were pleased to see you back :hehe: :luv:.

    Peri, it sounds as though you had a good time in London :yho:

    We got back yesterday from a great family reunion weekend in Paris. It is so easy using Eurostar. We went from Ebbsfleet, the new station, which is only a 45 minute drive from us (as long as there is no problems on the M25). Two hours later we were in the centre of Paris. Travelling around Paris is dead easy. Their travelcards are quite cheap and you are able to use them on the Metro and buses. As it is not a very large city it is not too difficult to walk to most of the famous sites - with a bit of use of the travelcard. Even Versailles was only 20 minutes by train (not travelcard).

    The weather was brilliant and I did a lot of wandering around the town whilst all the others were still in bed :).

    Oscar was pleased to see us when we came back and even climbed onto my shoulders (he normally only does that to Mrs shiney k-l). The garden is still bone dry and everything is looking a bit sad.

    Got to go as there is lots to do.

    Have a great day :D
  7. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its still raining here off and on, and cool.

    A place about 6 hours north of me got snow flurries lastnight, its cold here but not that cold yet, thankfully!!

    I am so glad that you had a great time in London, did you get a few pics Peri??
    Thats on my list of places to visit when we make it over there.

    Thats great that you had a nice time too Shiney in Paris, what is Eurostar??
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good afternoon Hel,Shiney and Penny.

    Hel,glad to hear that you are getting about a bit better now.I wouldn't let Mr K do as much driving like he did the other year when my Sciatica was really bad.I am sure he did it o to wind me up and then wondered why I couldn't get out of the car every few yards to take photos.He is obsessed{sp} with going up and down this twisty roads with a 25% gradient on them and then stops to take photos with me sitting in the car with a long drop my side eeek,but I still love him though,....just:D

    Shiney glad you enjoyed Paris,can't say it isn't one of the places on my tick list of places I must visit before I pop me clogs,but glad that all went well for you and your family.I remember you saying somewhere on here about the get together but didn't know when it was happening:luv:

    Yes we stayed at Castlerigg Hall www.castlerigg.co.uk again and the first week had some great views over Derwent Water,but the second week was more cloudy,although it didn't stop us getting out walking nearly every day and we only had to put the waterproof tops on once when we walking the last part of Buttermere and saw a lovely Red Squirrel although the photos I got are a bit naf because he was speeding so fast down the tree trunk:D

    Had a Hercules fly right over our heads but because my camera takes so long to get back to the photo mode after I have taken a photo my second shot was as it was going away from us.Got a really good photo of the helicopter taking off from Honiston lsate mines and you can pick out the four people sitting in it:thumb:We kept having the jets go over us as we sat in the caravan and also the trainer and then one day as we stood in the awning two jets went over us and I had to put my hands over my ears and it set my heart racing,they were that low:(

    We picked the cats up yesterday and will be picking Mabel back up this evening.Uggy{Davinia}reappeared early Monday morning so she must have gone home for two weeks.Poppy and Willow keep climbing all over us wanting more fuss:DWhen we were at Castlerigg there were two kittens in a cage in reception.Somone had abandoned them in a box outside the pet shop near Boothes along with three balck ones.:(The pet shop owner is related to the campsite owners so they were looking after the kittens{two toms}while the pet shop relation was on holiday.Mrs Shiney will love the photos I have taken of them both:gnthb:

    Anyway,I must go now as I have lots more still to do and like your garden ours is suffering big time as well.I think the neighbours forgot the bit about watering our stuff if they had no rain.:oops::p
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    afternoon everyone, kandy pleased you like ironing i hate it but it has to be done hehe shame the second weeks weather wasnt so good but you will be pleased you had no rain at the lakes.
    helen ive not got that allotment so will just have to wait till i get one from the council could take up to 2 years or longer and pleased you are feeling much better.
    shiney welcome back pleased you had a lovely time in paris hope you got some great pics im sure you will and penny eurostar is a train that leaves from our country over to paris ive never been on it myself.
    penny sorry to hear you got rain its dry here but had a lot of winds.
  10. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Good evening everyone, hope I'm not too late to say, welcome back Kandy!! :dh:I've just been reading everyone's adventures... really! You all seem to be doing so much lately. I went out today, spent some money,:hehe: had to wait inside the bank for what seemed like a coon's age before I managed to get out again, then shopped until my feet began to ache like mad.

    The weather wasn't cold, but it was damp and miserable, however, my spirits were high as usual. Now, I don't know what everyone thinks about books, but I love them. Today, I found one called ' The Map Book' obviously it's about maps, the history of them since the first one was drawn. Anyway, it's big, heavy and I had this desire to buy it. That's me and my books for you. :wink:

    Hope you all have a good nights sleep and awake refreshed in the morning. Enjoy your Wednesdays, everyone.:thmb:
  11. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends ,I trust that you are all OK,Its the last day of September to day,so have a lovely day and please stay safe.:)
  12. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    You too Woo, this Autumn lark soon comes around dosn't it.s00k 02
  13. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Tm02 ,It certainly does, have a great day:thumb::)
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, takemore, stawman and everyone,
    strawman sounds like you love to spend just like me haha shop till you drop that book sounds really good, ive got loads of books have a bookshelf in my hall and its just full so i cant buy anymore got nowere to put any, a lot of my books i brought back from america years ago just couldnt bare to part with them.
    anyway im busy each week buying xmas pressies as these weeks up to xmas will just fly by so im buying a few things each week.
    have a great day all
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Woo,Rosa,Strawman 02 and everyone,

    Looks like I am late this morning,or were some of you late last night?:D

    Woo,don't know about you but I think the days and months are just flying and I don't like these dark mornings or the early dark nights:(When we were away on our hols we noticed that a lot of the trees have brown crinkled leaves on them and they are dropping the leaves far too early than they should be.Something is defiently going wrong somewere because without the oxygen that the trees produce we sahll all be popping our clogs.:(

    Rosa, I have as you know made a start and when we got home our National Trust magazine had arrived with a gift book and there are a couple of nice nighties in there that I might get Mr K to buy me for xmas,although last winter I had me jim jams on most of the winter:D All the shops are gearing up already for the big day.I swear it gets earlier each year:p

    02 did you ever get any relief from those kidney?stones you had a problem with,although knowing me I have got that wrong:D

    Strawman,we have loads of books and I keep saying to Mr K we ought to get rid of the really old ones.I don't like looking at them when the pages start to go brown and they start to smell musty:p I am reading one called River God by Wilber Smith at the moment which is a bit gory but is a good raed all 600 plus pages of it.I love reading maps and I often siot and study our OS maps and often wonder how the names of places that are in them came about aall those years ago.I have just found two good ones on one of our maps,Jopplety How and Hogs Earth.LOve to know how they came about.Enjoy your reading:thumb:

    Anyway,hope you all have a great day in all that you do:)

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