Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hel, love that story! :hehe: I have lots of "senior" moments these days. I fell out of the door when I left my psychology class. I just hope nobody noticed :D There was a step and I didn't see it...
    Dear Rosa I don't think I will fly just yet but Eurostar is a definite yes so I will be looking for tips from our Shiney here. Yes I have heard it is expensive but hey ho you can't take it with you. Oops sorry about the cake and turkey.
    Penny glad to hear you are still getting veg! My seeds are growing soooo well especially the corn? It's going great guns. We will have to get a new camera as I have pics I want to post.

    Hospital wasn't too good, the cardiologist wants more tests done and I have to have an endoscopy done but I said "Oh no" so now have to go to GP to sort out what they will do next. She said it's a matter of "managing" my symptoms so life quality is good. I will need a pacemaker in 10 years or less...:( I will be on medication for life for the arrythmia.
  2. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Hi everyone,

    Its 7:10pm here, so its 12:10am for you's and its still cold and raining here.

    Hiya Peri......my favorite soup has to be potato and leek soup, i make huge batches of it, and everyone here loves it, i infact freeze some and send it to my daughter at College and she loves it too!!
  3. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Hi everyone, Rosa, Jazmine, Kathy, Penny, Helen and Shiney, oh! and if I've missed anyone... Hello to you. With all this early to bed, late to bed or even not going to bed at all, we're going to have to start a little club... The Night Gang. I can't say good morning, cos I don't get up til late, but I'm always willing to say good evening, even if at around half one, someone has to shout Wakey, Wakey to me.:hehe:

    Love the new images, Rosa. The cat had me putting my fists up in return. This either a sign that I'm losing it, or one of those rare senior moments Jazmine spoke of.:hehe:

    Nice to see the RAC doing such spirited work, true knights of the road, Helen.:thmb:

    You know what, Shiney and Penny, these tourist cities and so on, these restaurants can recognise a tourist at a thousand paces.:hehe:

    Thank you Penny for the info on your thanksgiving. I always said that it would be nice if we had them here, but I can't think of much we have to be thankful for where our government is concerned. Perhaps we could celebrate something else instead?:scratch:

    Jazmine, your hospital review sounds as though it offers something promising, especially as you've been told that it's a matter of managing your symptoms and no doubt your daily life too. Stay well and stay bright.:wink:

    I had a blood test recently and learned among other things, that my cholesterol is down to 3.5. Makes you feel a lot better when there's good news. Actually, some years ago it was over 7.....:snz:

    Kathy, you seem to be turning into a night owl. You'll have to give it up for a while, especially now that your OH is home. Not long to go before the next round of nightly games...:hehe:

    Catch you all again tomorrow, unless you're not up in which case it'll be the day after. Night, night.:snz::snz::snz:
  4. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    At this time, I'm just surfing the GC forum to see what everyone has been doing earlier today. Drink? Yes, I had a drink, but only a fruity tea as I usually do at around midnight. I was a little late in joining the forum tonight since we've been watching television a little longer than usual.:thmb:

    What I'll be doing this weekend depends on the weather. Unfortunately, it's not promising at all, high winds and lots of rain is forecast, but turning dry and sunny for Sun/Monday. I keep on tackling bits in the garden, but my main work won't begin until everything has either died down, or dormant.:wink:

    My right hand is hurting me at the moment, so perhaps it's as well I'm not gardening just yet.

    What about you, Kathy, are you doing anything special over the weekend?:wink:

    I'll be signing off quite soon, otherwise I'll need a couple of matchsticks to hold my eyelids apart.:lollol:
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Had a bit of a blip yesterday my sciatica decided to start playing up again.:( It doesn't seem to like walking on the cycle paths round our village especially the sloping bits where the angle of my spine causes the bony spur to press on the nerve.Once I get on the flat paths it eases off:) I had a day off from sitting for too long and it feels a lot better now,touch wood:D

    Sorry that some of you are having sleep problems.If you got yourselves an allotment to work you would all soon be tired after all the hard work you put into it:flag::D though having said that my sleep patterns will be all over the place when we change the clocks at the end of the month and I am already feeling it with the dark mornings,dark nights and cloudy sunless days,:ywn::ywn::D

    Sounds like I shall have to send a few of my squashes to peeps who have't done very well with them this year,although thinking about it we had a bad harvest last year and no one donated any to us,so I think Mr K wil gobble them up himself:hehe:

    Anyway,I have sat here too long chopsin{sp}.When Mr K gets up and has had brekkie we have to go grocery shopping,then this afternoon we must get back over to the allotment to pick some more apples and pears if they are ready and to collect up any fallers that this wind will have brought down:p

    Oh by the way,they give it out on the radio yesterday that there was a fire at a recycling plant some distance from us and they wanted the parents to collect their kids from the schools.I bet that was fun.When I went to put some food out for Fred the hedgehog/stray cats there was a horrible smell of burning plastic so made sure all the windows were shut before we wnet off to sleep:D

    Hope you all have a great day in all that you do:luv:
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning woo, peri, penny, kandy, shiney, strawman, helen, jazmine and everyone else.
    im up early these morning because im in bed at 10 and my back kicks off each morning so i have to get up grrr annoying to say the least.
    kandy hope your siatica is better today nothing worse you did the right thing keeping off the pc yesterday it doesnt help does it,
    peri pleased you like the funny pics and the houston carry on it was because it was sooo hot out there must of been thinking i was in the uk when i iced the xmas cake was wondering why i had never seen iced cakes in the usa haha.
    strawman would of loved to have seen you with your fists up at your pc when you seen the cat on here haha that is sooooo funny.
    well the weather is just awful here gale force winds do hope my balcony and climbers are ok as its pretty bad out there.
    have a great day all
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Strawman, Kathy, Kandy, Rosa and all.

    Shiney fear not dear soul I will work my magic on my allotment buddies to see if I may have one of their squashes normally a smile & a little chat works well enough!:thumb:

    Sorry to hear about your hospital visit not going so well Jazmine but if you do have to have an endoscopy and you have a fear of choking (like Bob) then asked to be knocked out first as it will be much more comfortable for you. No matter what life throws at you enjoy your life to the max with as much laughter as you can as it's better than meds at times!:thumb:

    Strawman sorry to hear about your hand hope it gets better soon sweetie & I do hope you don't get too much of a mess in your garden from the high winds over the weekend....thats outside not inside unless you had beans with that tea late on!:hehe:

    Penny you will need plently of that that soup honey to keep you warm over the winter months.

    Kathy sorry your are struggling to sleep at the moment you need to have some hot milk or something to get you off to the Land of Nod.

    Rosa take care honey loosen up them bones nice and steady in the morning honey no dancing early on.

    Kandy/Rosa well done to you to both keep going it's always hard when you suffer with back problema because unlike other illness's you are to keep going otherwise we just seize up which is so not fair.

    Kandy we learned the hard way down on the plots who to give & who not to give to as some people will take, take, take off you where others try to ambush us with their harvest...thankfully not throwing the stuff at us!:D

    Bob's almost done Dan's car which needed more doing than we first thought but hey ho thats how life goes!

    Had my sister around for a visit since I became really ill along with her three little girls.....all I can say thank goodness I had boys! Ha, ha I was bushed by the time they went home!:snz:

    Have a nice day guys & take care.Hel.xxx.
  8. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Thanks to everyone for the kind comments :luv:

    Posts tend to get swamped in here :skp: :scratch: but thanks to all my friends :luv:

    Yes Strawman I will stay bright, happy and busy. It's when I stop and sit [which is not often :hehe:] I start to think.
    Anyway back to the gardening here. I have some new plants to put it today although the weather doesn't look too promising.

    Will pop in again when I hear about the next treatment. Enjoy your day everyone and have fun whatever you are doing :gnthb:
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    I hope all your aches, pains etc are not too bad today :gnthb:.

    I'm not allowed to do too much gardening at the moment although I'm not too bad. I'm having to see the chiropractor once a week for a short while and he stresses that I mustn't garden for two days after each treatment and take it easy on the other days :(. Fortunately this is a quiet time in the garden. No mowing needed because of the drought and Tracey can cope with the cutting back. :thumb:


    Shiney's Tour Guide :yho:

    if you haven't been to Paris before then you need to see all the famous sights. A lot of them are walkable - with a short hop onto buses or Metro if you prefer. Most of them are on the north side of the river - just like in London.

    A boat trip on the river is worth it. There are a number of boat companies that do approx one hour trips for about 10 Euros. Each company starts from a different place on the river. With some of them you can print up discount vouchers from the internet.

    The Eiffel Tower is on the south side (one boat company is based there) but only just and a stroll across the bridge to the Palais De Chaillot (small memorial gardens and a museum etc) is worth it - even if it is just to take photos of the Tower from there. That is where I took my photos.

    If you are up to walking then you can stroll from the Palais (the big roundabout there is the Trocadero area) along Avenue Kleber to the Arc De Triomphe - about 20 minutes. There are a number of subways to take you under the road to the Arc. From there you can take the bus or Metro to wherever you want.

    There are open-top bus companies but you will need to be choosy if you use them. Each one is a different colour and although you can hop on and off where you want you can't change from one bus colour to another. So make sure that you pick one that does the route you want. Although they are good I think that they are too expensive.

    Montmatre is a must because of the atmosphere. Take Metro or bus to Pigalle and walk uphill towards the Sacre Coeur. The travel cards are cheap and allow you to use both forms of transport. I think a one day card was about 1.60 for Zones 1 and 2 (all you need). To get up to the Sacre Coeur you can either walk up the steps (200 of them) or take the funicular up (your travel card should cover that as well).

    Apart from the cathedral there a lots of little roads with cafes and shops and a square with restaurants and artists. Not to be missed.

    From there you can go by bus to the Galeries Lafayette (posh shopping) and walk along Boulevard Haussmann (more posh shopping). Then bus down to the Tuilleries and Louvre. Then you're only a 10 minute stroll from Notre Dame. From there you can stroll down Rue De Rivoli to Bastille (there is only a big roundabout and monument where the Bastille stood). The new Opera House is there.

    Just back from the Bastille is Place Des Vosges. This was one of the first posh squares to be built in Paris and has gardens in the middle of the square which is a popular meeting place for friends and lovers - Particularly on a Sunday in the afternoon and early evening. There are people sitting on the lawns chatting, laughing, joking etc - good atmosphere. I can recommend a good restaurant in the square (I think there are only two) but it is not cheap. Generally, eating in Paris is expensive but you can find good cheaper eating - particularly around Montmatre and along Rue De Rivoli.

    The restaurant in the square is La Place Royale and has tables inside (of course) and some outside but under cover in the colonnade (there is a colonnaded walk all around the square). They do an a la carte menu but it is better to have the set price menu which has exactly the same choices as the a la carte. It is 38 Euros per haead and includes a glass of Kir as an aperitif, starter, main course, dessert, coffee and a bottle of wine between two people. The food is excellent. In most restaurants the tip is included in the price.

    Versaille is worth a visit but is not cheap. You can catch a train there (about 20 minutes) and a five minute walk from the station to the Palace. If you want to look around the Palace (very beautiful) it will cost you over £20 each. The queues for the palace tour are usually quite long. The cheaper price they advertise doesn't include the guide. I think it is best to look on the internet as you can sometimes get good deals from some companies that will also get you in without queuing.

    This price will cover the cost of going in the gardens (about 8 Euros) as well. The gardens are lovely but very big. You can even go boating on the lake. There are a number of eating places spread around the gardens. Look on the boards to see when the fountains are switched on.

    I think that is enough to get you started. :hehe:

    Have a great day :D
  10. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Shiney, so sorry to hear about your back, I know how much being in your garden means to you :luv: Hope fully the chiropractor can help manipulate you back to your former glory. :)
    Thankyou soo much for your helpful tour guide, I will print it out and take it with us [if I get my passport] It's always good to hear from someone who has been before and knows the things to avoid. Yes garden visiting will definitely be on our agenda.
    Poor hubby I have only just told him we are going away for christmas for three nights :yho:
    Everything included.

    Thanks Hel, I will ask for sedation as I don't like the thought of a tube going down my throat :D Am here today so can catch up :gnthb:
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning all my dear friends,
    hope everyone is feeling much better helen, shiney, jazmine and kandy take care of yourselves.
    the wind has died down now it was horific yesterday blew my climbers all over and having the fire brigade out as i couldnt get the council, they moved all the boards that came loose on the scaffolding at the back as they were all over, got the council in the end and they wouldnt do a thing till the wind dies down, the workers left a load of scaffolding and boards on top of the roof very lucky they didnt fly off the top or someone could of been serously injured, the fire brigade werent impressed it was funny they jumped out of my bedroom window to go onto scaffolding and when they came in they said i bet you have never had firemen in your bedroom wonder what your neighbours will say, i answered they will be jelous haha at least i had a laugh.
    have a great day all
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning Rosa and everyone,

    Shiney sorry to hear that you also have back problems,eeek.Did you do it in doing gardening work?Hope you get some relief from the Chiropractor work and do take it easy:luv:

    Helen,hope you are feeling better now especially after the visit from your sister and her girls.I never had children so don't know which are better girls or boys,although I think there are pros and cons with both sexes:D Yes Helen I already have my bags of sweeties ready to dish out and I know the mums and dads don't mind me taking photos of their little devils:hehe: It's funny Hel but in all the years we have had our allotment we have given away countless plants and produce to other allotment folk when we have had a glut,but only twice in all that time has anyone ever offered us any stuff back.One reason why we freeze a lot of it now and only give to close friends in the village:p

    Rosa,sorry to hear about those flapping boards at your flat.A few years ago we stood at our bedroom window and watched a large sign that the builders put up in the village advertising the houses break off from it's posts and it went sailing off across the fields and was found quiet a way away stuck in the hedge.Imagine that hitting someone and also a lot of the tiles flew off of the roofs and landed in the grass verges.Imagine one of them hitting someone on the head:oops: You should have taken a photo of those hunky fireman in your bedroom:D

    Peri,we went over to the allotment yesterday afternoon and while Mr Kandy picked the apples and pears that were ready,i picked some more raspberries.Managed to get another half a bowl full but they are starting to slow down now.You definetley ought to get some for your gaqrden.Are you staying there long or don't you know yet?
    No I don't like Butternut Squashes but Mr Kandy does.He prepares them and then cuts them into cubes and cooks them in the oven in a little olive oil.My sciatica has once again settled down now,touch wood.It started when I was sitting on a chair in the dining room at the computer before we went on holiday,then at times when we are out walking it twinges again when the bone presses on the nerve.If I sit on the settee for too long it plays up so I end up lying down,but then I can't use the laptop:hehe:.My hand only has a small paych of white on it now.In the summer where I went brown on my hand and arm from the sun I looked like I had Vilitigo because where I had those steroid injections,where the fluid went under the skin it must have done something because the suns rays couldn't penetrate it and the skin round the area stayed white.I got a bit fed up though with people asking about it:(I don't do any heavy work at the moment Peri,as I don't want it to flare up again,but thanks for asking:luv: Hope you are enjoying the weekend with your oh and enjoying some quality time together:gnthb:

    Woo,hope everything is ok with you and hope your family and pets are ok as well:luv:

    Well,the sun is shining and the wind has dropped down a lot,thankfully.When we were driving home from the allotment yesterday afternoon Mr Kandy took some photos and film with my camera of clouds of dust flying across the country roads where the farmers had tilled the ground and had sown the seeds.I think he will have to re do it all and I can honestly say I have never seen anything like that before in my life.It was just like a desert sandstorm,eeeek.

    Anyway,have to go now and get ready as Mr K wants to go on our usual Sunday morning walk.Hope you all have a great day:luv:
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning rosa, Kandy and everyone,

    rosa, it sounds as though you had an interesting day :hehe:

    Kandy, I'm pleased that you are feeling better. :thumb:

    After the strong winds yesterday we have a very calm morning with lovely sunshine :gnthb:.

    Oscar was very crafty yesterday. He is not allowed in the house but has his own home - the 20' x 10' greenhouse with a lovely cushioned cat 'kennel' in the heated propagator. He also has the whole garden with plenty of chairs to sit on, a table he likes sleeping on and viewing the world from a higher level, a table and chair in the car port for when it is raining and a soft door mat under cover in the porch of the summer house. When I went in to the lounge/dining room to eat my breakfast he was fast asleep on my chair! He must have crept in when Mrs shiney was going out earlier on. He looked so cute that I had to give him a cuddle before putting him out k-l k-l

    Have a great day :D
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kathy, Rosa, Kandy, Shiney & all.

    Oh Shiney honey I feel your pain the agony of not been able to garden was (at least for me) the most upsetting thing for me when I couldn't do normal things! Take care you don't want to risk prolonging your aches & pains.

    On the plus side if you can sit down in some comfort you can watch the birds!:gnthb:

    Kathy pinning for your hubby thats a good one! :hehe: but to be honest I would miss Bob badly if he spent anytime away, in 26 years together the only nights away from each other was when one of us was in hospital!

    Rosa sounds like you had a scary time honey not so good but then again I have seen those hunky firemen maybe you're a very lucky girl indeed!:yho: Seriously though hope everything has been made safe for you honey.

    Kandy I knew you were looking forward to Halloween it's going to be so much fun!:thumb:

    We have frozen an awful lot of veg this year too (the new freezer helped) but we still have managed to give away loads of stuff although I have to admit not many carrots or strugatter onions because I have kept them nearly all for ourselves they are so yummy! I even refused to give some to my mum-in-law and I love her to bits..... Bob's sister called me a meanie & we all had a scream about it that left us in stiches with laughing 2 much!:lollol:

    Kandy take it from me boys are better I always thought I would have liked a girl but people close to me have them & although they are oh so cute when they are little the woes they bring home is too much for a mother to bear....I'll stick with my boys me thinks at least that way you don't have to lock them up until they are 21!:D

    Kandy of you like crumble make a lovely apple & raspberry one I make them & boy are they lovely just remember loads of sugar!

    Shiney where there's a cat there's a way Oscar sure nailed you!:hehe:

    The wind has indeed calm down now maybe a little gentle gardening & of course some washing is on the cards for today!

    Have a lovely Sunday guys no matter what you are upto.Hel.xxx.
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, shiney and helen, well it was very interesting day yesterday especially with them hunks of firemen never thought till afterwards to take their pics, ive e-mailed tyne & wear firefighters and thanked them so much for their help yesterday as the council were no help at all. anyway aswell as the worry i had a laugh with the firefighters. have a great day hope everyone is feeling ok today with all that back problems take it easy my dear friends. have a good one xx

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