Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    :D Lucky you Rosa, I don't blame you for keeping them all to yourself! :D

    I think it's good to thank people when they are a help, it makes a change from all the moaning that goes on.

    We had a lovely afternoon out with my brother and his wife, had a lovely long walk and collected walnuts and chestnuts!
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    evening jazmine, well i felt it was the least i could do e-mail the fire service in our area and thank them, i wouldnt normally of called the fire brigade but with all these boards banging and coming loose it was frightening i had to do something in case they flew off the scaffolding someone could of got badly injured
    pleased you had a lovely day today with your brother and his wife, never picked walnuts before and i love chestnuts they are lovely roasted over an open fire thats iff you have one i did that many years ago at xmas time.
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    evening peri, im pleased the wind has died down as it was just awful and frightening yesterday, the boards are all held up to one side my dear firefighters did that how sweet of them, the scaffolding seems ok and my phones are ok now, they crackled teribble must of been the high winds.
    been out today doing a bit of shopping my daughters birthday is soon and i got her a large nodding cat that she wanted to put in her kitchen, did a little xmas shopping also got lots in now and i have a xmas cupboard for sweets etc its filling up great.
    its nice to share a hobby with oh hope you both had a great day, i watched countryfile tonight i really enjoy it. will go for now nite nite
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone, up early this morning my back was going mad just had to get up.
    peri, thanks for my daughters birthday wishes so nice of you, my hubby is away tommorow morning back to africa for 4 weeks, he leaves at 4 am to the airport catch flight to france then onto malabo.
    im pleased im starting my xmas shopping early, hubby will be away for xmas and new year so his son is joining me for xmas eve and xmas day my daughter and son in law and grandson will be here xmas morning so there will be a few of us for xmas dinner.
    have a great day all
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa and all.

    Rosa honey isn't there something that you can do or take to ease your pain?
    It isn't right that you are suffering honey. Have you tried a T.E.N.S machine? It worked for me not taking away the pain but masking it so I could hobble around some what & it worked better than all the drugs the doctors were trying to pump into me!:thmb:

    Oh Rosa Christmas without hubby that's hard I do feel for you honey but at least you will be with family & not alone.:luv:

    I really don't know how you girls do it with your hubby's working away but then again I suppose on their return it's always like a second honeymoon!:D

    Jazmine I totally agree with you we should praise the people who do a great job (& those in all the services do) but we must also remember to complain if they don't (do a great job) get rid of the bad ones & keep the good ones & pay them blinking well that's what I say!:)

    Had a wonderful day at Bob's mum's yesterday played about with my niece's children who has one of each a little boy & a girl (just in case you didn't know lol). I always adore playing with the little'uns and everyone keeps telling us that if we had had a little girl just how spoilt she would have been.... I always reply I'm ok with my boys I really don't think they believe me!:) I just sometimes wish I could have had a couple more children but I know I have been blessed more than others so I'm very grateful for that.

    I for one am a great believer in playing with children the old fashion way (fun & games) it makes the other adults laugh how the children follow me around like the Piped Piper!:D

    Well back to car mending for us today one down another one to go!:doh:

    Have a nice day guys & remember to wrap up in the evenings it's starting to get cold now.Hel.xxx
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    rosa, I hope your back is feeling better now that you are up and moving around :thumb:

    Peri, I walked down to the end of the garden yesterday and the strong winds had broken three large heavily laden branches off our conference pear tree :(. There was no other major damage done.

    Today there is not the slightest hint of a breeze and the sun is trying to come out. According to the local weather forecast the rain will miss us again today but we might get some tomorrow :thmb:. It is over three months since we have had any significant rain and the plants are really suffering. On the up side, I haven't had to mow the main lawns for ages :D

    I have a very busy day today.

    Have a great day :D
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Rosa and everyone,

    Overslept again this morning so I can tell I am losing the sun as I am now struggling to get up in the mornings,unless of course it is part of the getting:old:er bit but then I would have thought i would be up until the eary hours:D

    Rosa,sounds like you will be busy over the xmas period.I love it because me and Mr K have quality time together and we do other things now :thumb: We spent 17 years waitng hand and foot on relatives over Christmas whether they came to us or we went to them,we found ourselves either doing it all or helping out while the lazy ones sat watching the telly so when we got back to work in the new year we was exhausted:( The only bit I don't like about xmas is the build up to it and the fact that it is so comersalised{sp} nowadays:p I do love having me trees and decorations up and this year we shall have 1,000 acres of land to explore:D

    Shiney hope your back is feeling better.I have sent out some good vibes which will help:luv: You have to look after yourself when you get :old:er.Love the story about Oscar,it did make me and Mr K chuckle:DI think he has taken a shine to you if he is allowing you to spare a shoulder and has now settled on your nice warm bum seat:D

    Helen we grew some Red Baron onions this year and they have turned out both small and some were hollow inside so shan't grow them next year.Mr K says he isn't going to grow any garlic either because the ones we grew and have started eating they have started upsetting his tummy and he can't be that way when he is working in an office full of people:oops::p We had to get a new upright freezer for the garage because the small one we had in there was too small and it wasn't a self defrosting one,although we are still having to use it at the moment until we get some spare room in the other freezers.:D Silly Mr K filled up one of our folding crates with too many apples at the weekend and half way up the plot the bottom dropped out and the whole lot ended up on the floor,and he was swearing and cursing:pHe says we can't store those apples because they are now bruised so I am going to have to prepare them all for freezing:(

    Peri,glad that you had a good weekend putting up the book cases and filling them up with your books.We have lots of books and keep saying we are not going to buy any more,but at the moment I am buying every now and again the Harry Potter books because neither of us have read them and also I am getting him the Wainwright walking books.He can then have them for either xmas or birthdays:DIt is a pity you can't buy yourselves a small house so you don't have to keep renting.While the interest rates are so low now is a good time for first time buyers to pick up a bargain and the sales people in our village are doing lots of offers to get rid of them.:pWe watch Country File as well on a Sunday and I wish the Hare photo had won the comp although the squirrel in the snow one was good.:DWe are also watching Autumn Watch at the moment which is very good:thumb:

    Anyway,I had better get on.Have Mabel to clean out then lots more chores to do.A friend of mine in the village has just got back from a holiday in Tenerife and can't face the ironing so she has asked if i would do it for her,so have that to do this afternoon at her house:D

    Hope you all have a great day and I do hope soon we get some rain like we got SaturdayIt is a pain having to water the garden all the while:D:luv:
  8. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its another cool day here, not raining at the moment, but its supposed to later on.

    I did a little bit of gardening yesturday, between the rain drops, and was going to pull all of my pepper plants, but darened it they arent growing away, happy as can be.......last year i lost them all pretty much after the first frost and this year, we have had a few frosts and they are hanging on, so they can stay.
    I collected seeds from Cayenne, Hot Portugal, Roumanian, Scotch Bonnets, Red Carribeans, Habanero, Hot Cherry, and all the seeds are drying.

    Going to go and do some touch up painting in the bathroom, but not much else going on today.
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi everyone, just come in been out xmas shopping bought a musical xmas doorbell hehe that should be fun at xmas,
    helen, shiney and kandy my back is much better it eases off after i get up, im so looking forward to putting my xmas things up cant wait and will get pics to put up.
    looks like we all are having bad back do hope everyones are a bit better at least we know what we are all going through having the same problem, take care all my dear friends.its been very sunny here all day but a bit on the cold side.
    the workers were here today had a chat and told them the fire brigade was here they were wondering who had moved all the boards when they arrived, my phone went crackly again so they moved the bt wires away from the scaffolding its affecting my phones.
    have a great evening plenty of my soaps on telly tonight.
  10. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hello friends,
    now off to night school. Glad everyone here is ok. Don't want to miss anyone so HELLO to all.
    My passport has arrived, yippee I am excited like a little child.
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    evening jazmine and everyone, jazmine thats great news you getting your passport the world your oyster now fly off anywere.weeeeeheeeeeeee go for it girl
    I woke up at 11.30 with the most teribble cramp in my foot had to get up so decided to come on gc now im not tired so i will be up for a while i guess.
  12. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone, i waited up till after 3 then hubby left for airport at 3.45 am decided to have a sleep for a few hours and thats me up hehe, going at 9 off to do some shopping.
    have a great day all
  13. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Great news with the passport Jazmine - remember......if you go on Eurostar ..... use Ebbsfleet - and if you have time, I'll take you to the little bistro J works at for lunch - their menu is wonderful :)
    Sounds like everybody is having a hard time with aches and pains - hope everybody is feeling better soon and back to normal selves doing what you do best.
    Rosa - so is that hubby gone for four weeks again? Hopefully it'll go quickly and soon you'll be enjoying his company again :)
    Time to get a start on work for the day, kids are at breakfast club, and 17 yr old sleeping in as he has two free periods this morning - and he always goes in anyway and uses it as study time - so today's different for him!
    Have a great Tuesday everybody :)
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Kandy, is Mabel OK now? I seem to remember that she wasn't well and had the snuffles.

    Jazmine, good news with the passport :yho:. Are you going to be globe trotting now? :D

    Guess what? We have rain. Yippee :yho:. I suppose it won't be long before we're moaning about it :hehe:

    My meeetings yesterday went well except for the one due to start at 6 p.m. at a big hotel in the next town. Apparently the meeting had been cancelled but our administrator had forgotten to tell four of us :mad:. Fortunately, the manager of the hotel is also a member of the committee so we were forced to spend the next hour and a half in the bar - on the house :hehe:

    Another busy day today.

    Have a great day :D
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Natalie, Shiney and all.

    Shiney you naughty boy bet you & your friends really enjoyed not been told of the meeting cancellation after all!:D

    Kandy that's the beauty of growing many different varieties of the same vegatables each year it takes a shorter time to find out the ones that really suit your own needs & taste. having grown 5 different onions & spuds or so we already know which onions & spuds we love .... we just need to try more kinds of carrots! Early Nantes 5 is the best so far.

    Had to laugh out loud about Mr.K's butter fingers he nearly made you a apple crumble there!:hehe:

    Jazmine looks like you're going to have so much fun honey.:gnthb:

    Penny I will have to don my gloves too soon honey to collect my chilli seeds I just have to remember not to touch my face with the gloves!:oops:

    Rosa do hope you get some relief soon honey with your aches & pains.

    Well Bob can't do his car today because of the rain so goodness knows whats happening although I really must go and get those glow sticks for Halloween otherwise the little'uns (& big 'uns) will be upset!

    Have a nice day no matter what you are doing.Hel.xxx.

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