Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning kandy, Rosa, Shiney and all.

    Rosa honey your pain sounds kind of like mine although until a couple of weeks ago I had it constantly in my butt as well as up my back & down the legs...I have managed to excise through the pain and got rid of the drugs but the doctors seem to appear to be only to willing to keep me drugged up! At the moment I have never felt this good for years!:gnthb:

    Kandy pulled some late string-less runner beans just got to freeze them later thats if they make it into the freezer!

    Kathy honey I had such a really bad childhood (the old-timers on here know all about it & it's really not a pleasant story so I will not repeat it) & the only thing I wanted to prove was I could be a better mother than my own & I'm not bragging but I think I have done just that.

    Our younger son is a fully trained car mechanic (which seems ideal what with all our car troubles of late) but he doesn't want to do that for a carreer now so he is following his big brother into IT although goodness knows what will happen after he finishes this course maybe he'll want to study for something else!:hehe:

    Sorry to hear about your hubby's health problems Kathy Bob has kidney problems too, he's at the very end of Stage four kidney failure running 21% now instead of the 17% when it was really low. The doctors are amazed he's not hooked up to a machine yet but he's stabilized at the moment in fact we have had a good year with Bob's health he's been given the all clear with his cancer too! Yippe!:yho:

    Bob's getting itchy to sort the halloween stuff out from the attic & I'm praying that on the night Shiney keeps all the rain down his way!:D

    Have a nice day guys & don't work too hard.Hel.xxx
  2. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Hel - so good to hear that Bob has been given the all clear for his cancer......what a relief that is isn't it? I've had two family members just finish their treatments this year, and both been given the green light to carry on with their lives. One of them still has some issues after some stem cell replacement, and getting strength back - but I always find that in particular with cancer, it's great to hear of people who have made it to the other side of the treatments :)

    Kandy - sorry to hear about Mabel - never easy to lose any pet or family friend.

    Happy Thursday everybody.......and it's back to work! :)
  3. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its going be a little warmer today, and no rain until late this afternoon, and then rain all weekend.
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone, another morning up early mind i went to bed at 10 last night still getting over the monday night staying up all night till hubby left.
    im going to my friends sisters today shes got a massive house with acres of land, my friends just returned from usa were her hubby works for an oil company so shes at her sisters going to get pics of her place and her horses and i did her some water colours 2 years ago so taking them with me, spending a couple of hours there and im taking her back home as her 4x4 is off the road needs taxed we probably on the way back go look at a few shops near her home.
    have a great day all
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Goo morning everyone,

    Had a bad night last night and was still up well after two,then three,then four.:ywn:Now sitting here feeling so tired:snz: and I can feel a bad day coming on:p

    Had to take the cats to the vets yesterday teatime and had to pratically starve them to get them into the house,because as usual miss feisty{Poppy} wasn't going to come into the house for anything.:(Anyway,when Mr Kandy got home we headed off to the vets and got there in good time.Our appointments were for 6pm and 6.10pm but byt the time we got called in we were the only ones in thereand it was by this time 6.40pm:(Poppy decided she wasn't coming out of the carrier box and in the end the vet had to drag her out and on the way she dug her nail right into my finger as I held the front of the box so I ended up standing there with a piece of tissue rapped round it.:mad: It is strange how Tortishells have this fesity streak in them{female}wheras Willow is more placid{Male}
    Anyway,both cats were weighed and{pretty boy} Willow has put on half a pound in weight {too many mice}and Poppy is still the same as last year.:DThen their fur was checked for fleas and their heart listened to and their teeth checked:D

    As we were about to leave the nice vet said that our cats were two of the healthiest well looked after cats he had seen in a long time:D:yez::thku: Our heads were a bit larger than when we went in,I can tell you:hehe:

    We wasn't too happy with the bill though £73 for a quick check over and two injections.:(While we were standing there I had a look at the board behind the receptionist at the prices to have bitch dogs spayed and it ranges from £120-£200 depending on the size of dog:euw: and to think Mr K keeps on about having another dog to replace Tina.I think we would soon be bancrupt at this rate:D I can see now why so many people never have their dogs netured{sp}and why there are so many unwanted dogs and cats in rescue centres,and silly me should have become a vet when I was younger I would be well on the way to being a wealthy person by now:flag::D

    Hope you all have a good day.:luv:
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, sorry to hear you had a bad nights sleep last night know how you feel its just awful when you want to sleep and you cant not nice at all, you should sleep well tonight, after my walking around today at higham hall grounds i will probably be tired when i get back.
    these vets are becoming more expensive anyway pleased to hear your poppy and willow have a clean bill of health.
    have a great day
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Kandy and all.

    Kandy I do hope you can get a decent sleep honey soon enough I mean Mr.K will need his good lady as fit as she can be just in case he gets a dose of man flu.:hehe: Seriously though a decent nights sleep has got to be due to you by now.

    Kandy I have to confess we always had our cats neutered (because of course most cats roam) but only ever had one of our dogs 'done' and that was because we had our aged Yorkie girls when we go out our big beautiful boy Dude & Yokshire Terrier mixed with a Rottie just doesn't go down well.

    Rosa have fun with your friend with all those acres of land to walk around at least you will sleep well tonight honey!:D

    Thanx Natalie yes very good news indeed about Bob and a relief too as cancer is normally the gift that just keeps giving :(.
    I have to confess it's only you poor guys on here that has to put up my moaning about what ails Bob or I but at least you guys can shut me off!:D

    People can't believe how well Bob & I cope we are very much a very happy funny couple who believe laughter is indeed the best medicine....it can lighten up the heart & bring a warm glow to most people although I have to admit some are beyond hope of finding lasting happiness which is so very sad indeed.:(

    My lovely s-i-l & her daughter came to raid our allotment yesterday & were amazed about the size our plots, they have both promised to help us weed next year although we will have to wait and see if they only come to do some weeding when it's harvesting time!:D I really don't mind either way but it's always nice to see little'uns down on the plots playing in the soil!

    With all these visits from little'uns of late the need to be a granny is fast approaching just don't tell Bob!:lollol:

    Glow sticks arrived yesterday so I'm all ready for Halloween.

    Have a nice day guys no matter what you are doing & remember to take care.Hel.xxx.
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning rosa, Kandy, Helen and everyone.

    rosa, I'm sure you are going to have a lovely day out :thumb:

    Kandy, do you take the cats to the vet even when there is nothing wrong? We have never thought of taking Oscar. We are not sure how he would get on with being taken out of his own territory - apart from the fact that we don't have anything to take him in. He roams our garden and all the neighbours' gardens and loves being carried around by Mrs shiney but he won't stay in her arms if she walks anywhere near the road. She regularly puts 'Spot On' for fleas and worming on him and treats any cuts etc herself.

    He seems so comfortable with his semi-wild way of life that we don't want to disturb it in any way. Since he evicted the pigeons from their nest (he doesn't allow nesting in the garden except in properly licensed nesting boxes :hehe:) he seems to have taken a dislike to pigeons. Actually, I think I have used the wrong word - he has taken a liking to pigeon and eats at least two a week.

    We have friends from New Zeland coming today. They are over visiting friends and family and paying for it by working on farms as they go round the country. I had better get moving as I have to go shopping, get a haircut, deliver some chicken liver pate I made for someone, do some mowing and be here ready for our friends who will arrive about noon.

    Helen, I'm so pleased to hear that Bob is doing well :yho:

    Have a great day :D
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning helen and shiney,
    helen im sure i will sleep well tonight after the walking on the land im hoping iff i go further down her place i may see some deer as apparently they have got them at the bottom of her field theres some woods but must admit never been that far so i will get my friend to go with me to have a look been meaning to do this for years and we only ever got as far as the paddocks and the farmers field next door were all his sheep are.
    great to hear your halloween glow sticks have arrived looking forward to seeing your pics.
    shiney have a great time with your friends from new zealand
    have a super day everyone
  10. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Just a quick pop in to say good morning....as late as it is in the morning!

    Sounds like a lovely place to go for a walk Rosa......I love watchiing the deer, they are such a beautiful creature.

    Hel - don't you love it when people are amazed at what you have grown? It gives such a sense of pride to have them want to raid your crops - and you think of how rewarding all that hard work is. Let us know if they turn up for the weeding next year!

    Shiney that is alot of work to do before noon! Hope you got an early start, and enjoy your company :)

    Have a great day everybody - it is Friday after all - the end of another work week and the weekend to well, get ready for the next one! LOL
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hel,I will probably sleep like a log tonight.I just seemed to have lots going round in my head,no worries,just lots of nothing going on in that one brain cell:D Sorry,I didn't realise you had had a horrible childhood:( I think that if we have a less than perfect one it makes us stronger and more resiliant when we get older,althouth having said that it can make some people a bit more insecure throughout their adult life,whereas for others it makes them a stronger character.I don't think I have ever met someone yet in my life who has had the best childhood or adult hood.I am sure we could all write a book about our lives:thumb:

    Glad to hear that Bob is hanging in there with his kidney problems and also glad that he has the Big C under control:gnthb: I was watching Alex Stobbs on telly last night and although his music doesn't interest me,I was glad that he managed to do something he had always dreamed of,but sad at the same time as he battles against his incurable Cystic Fibrosis that will possible kill him at such a young age.We shoud indeed all count our blessings for good health:)

    Rosa, have a great time and look forward to hearing all about your day when you get back home:luv:

    Shiney,we never take our cats to the vets when there is nothing wrong with them,we are not made of money you know:flag::D We have to take ours every twelve months because they go to their holiday home{cattery} while we are away and they insist that they are vaccinated against various cat infections that could kill other cats in the cattery.They each have their vaccination card which we have to show these to the cattery when we take them each time to show that they are ok.I should think now after all these years they have built up an immunity,but try telling the cattery that.Friends in the village have offered to come in and feed them but knowing our two they would leave home to come and find us and also Willow being blue in colour,would be an ideal candidate for cat nappers:(

    We always worm them each month as the worm eggs can be passed on through the mice they eat,but have only ever found one flea on them so we don't bother to do them.When Mrs Shiney combs Oscar she would soon know if he had fleas as she would see flea dirt in his fur which is like vey small dark red almost black gritty stuff in the fur which is dried blood that the fleas poos out of its bum:p:Dk-l

    Love the bit about the pigeons:D.Willow keeps picking off the white doves from two doors down,but they never learn because as fast as he eats them they go out and spend money on more to replace the eaten ones,but it serves them right for letting their pigeons poo all over our cars:(By the way,if you did have to take Oscar to the vets,you could always use a strong cardboard box with a few air holes in it,or failing that try to borrow a carrying box from a neighbour if they have cats:)

    Good luck with your friends visiting from NZ,and hope the weather is good for them while they are over here:luv:
  12. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,:)

    Its raining here again, and yep, its cool.:flag::flag:

    Off here around lunch to pick up my daughter at school and bring her home for Thanksgiving. :yho::yho:.
    We have a busy weekend planned, 2 dinners to attend, and i dont have to cook either one :hehe: , even better :gnthb::gnthb:

    I have 6 hours of driving today to go and get her, and then 6 hours again on Monday to take her back, but its worth it :yho::yho::yho:

    Have a great day everyone, and i'll pop in later :thumb:
  13. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Penny :) We will be doing ours here as usual - yummmmm pumpkin pie!!!!!
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    We had a busy day yesterday with our friends from New Zealand :thumb:. Whilst they were with us another friend turned up to show off her new baby :luv:.

    I have another busy day today as I have to get all the last minute things ready for a big bridge tournament that I am running all day tomorrow. I have just made a big check list so that I don't forget to do everything :)

    Have a great day :D
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good afternoon everyone from a sunny village where I live:D

    Sounds like you are going to be busy Shiney with your bridge tournament.Hope the sitting down doesn't affect your back if it goes on for too long:( Nice of your friends to bring the new baby round to see you.Whatg did Oscar think to him/her?:)

    Peri,don't waste too much sitting at the computer,if you have a lovely sunny day like we have here you will be out in the fresh air enjoying the day:)

    We are just about to go over to the allotment now that the sun has dried it out a bit after all that rain last night so hopefully will get some pears and apples picked.Just hope Mr K doesn't drop them all this time:D

    Here,finally is the photo of our hedgehog.Finally found the card reader in the draw at the back so hadn't opened the draw far enough:oops::o:p

    Hope you all have a great afternoon and evening.:luv:

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