Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Rosa and Peri,went and found the micro hedgies after they had been talked about on the radio.Ths albino one was very lively and so I struggled to get some photos as there was a big crowd round them and the albino one wouldn't keep still.I will have to get the photos up on here after we have had a bite to eat:D

    Hope you both have had a good day:luv:
  2. SUERR

    SUERR Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 11, 2009
    Hiya sorry for jumping in on this thread..but im just a bit confused how to start a topic...:cnfs:...im not the gardener in our house my hubby is...he's planted winter pansies for the first time, his question is,..when does he have to start feeding them?...and do they have to be watered?

    You can tell we're novices cant you..:hehe:
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi there Suerr and welcome to GC:)

    I think your post would be better under the General Gardening Discussion Thread.If you go to the front of the forum at the top there should be a section titled as above.If you click on that section,then scroll down to the bottom on the left hand side theye should be a button that says Start New Thread or something like that.

    If you click on that button a page will open out and after giving it a title at the top you can write just like you have done in your post.After you have finished you just press the submit reply button and that should post the post for you for people to read and answer your request.:)
  4. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Rosa - love your Santa Bell to bits! Hopefully you don't tire of it before Christmas arrives - you'll be walking around singing Christmassy songs whenever it rings!

    Had a lovely day today with great company - had our Thanksgiving turkey dinner and trimmings, and some wonderful pumpkin pie :) Friends brought some goodies too - so lots and lots of good food, friends and fun.
    Hope everybody's had a fun and productive day! Now it's to get everything sorted for the week.....oh joy :)
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning natalie, kandy, peri and everyone,
    happy thankgiving natalie ohhh turkey i love it with cranberry sauce and i just love american stuffing its different to ours, thats one thing ive never made pumpkin pie have you the recipe, when i lived in the usa used to make pecan pies, ive got an american recipe book.
    pleased you like my xmas bell its not on my front door in case someone takes it so i put it on my inner door near lounge.
    peri im pleased im not the only one that needs to go to specsavers hahaha, iff you look in my balcony thread ive wrote down what my plants are, bought my christmas rose at morrisons on the packet they are like a cream colour they look lovely.only hope mine flower on the balcony.
    hi suerr and welcome to gc im sure you will get used to posting dont be a stranger pop in here anytime you want to have a chat with us.
    kandy why are those little hedgehogs so expensive never seen them before like the little white one hes cute
    have a great day all
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa and everyone,

    Rosa never had Pecan pie,does it taste nice?Looking forward to xmas now,i bet the time will fly now.Even the small co-op shop we went into yesterday had loads of tins of sweeties.The dentists must be laughing all the way to the bank.Our NHS dentist is expanding her buisness now the village is expanding and is opening up another branch within the village.:D

    Peri,I was looking on the net yesterday about those hedgehogs and lots of breeders were saying it is wrong that the girl selling them has them running all over her house.Evidently they have been in this country for years and the breeders were saying they should be housed seperatley and shouldn't be running about together.You can't let them out in the garden like ordinary hedgehogs because they come from a hot country and i certainly wouldn't pay those sort of prices for one.:(

    Well,I slipped down the stairs last night,trying to avoid one of the cats sitting on the stairs,luckily i was holding on to the bannisters but my left foot is killing me now and this morning I have a bruise at the base of my outer toes on the top of my foot.Ouch:(

    Got woken up by a car alarm going off this morning so hope it wasn't another car being stolen.Our village is crawling with Police at the moment due to the burglaries that have been going on,and two of the gypsy families that had been moved into the village by the council have been evicted so hopefully things will calm down a bit now:p

    Hope you all have a great day today.I had got lots I wanted to do but won't be able to now this foot is aching.:(
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Kandy and all.

    Rosa love the doorbell I just wonder does anyone miss it?....you must know the type blinking huge 'can't be miss doorbell' but they always knock on the door!:D

    Kandy love the hedgehog snap well done girl.

    Shiney I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends & of course cracking bridge match too honey.:thumb:

    Been working away for a couple of hours over the weekend which was totally enjoyable, although I found out the hard way I can't dig like I use to yet but I'm a whiz on my knees...... thank the good lord for knee pads!:old:

    Busy day today catching up on things etc. I brought a load of batteries for out halloween stuff but I'm sure I will need even more, it's going to be like a grand opening when Halloween gets here!:hehe:

    Have a nice day guys & do take care.Hel.xxx.
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy and helen, no one has seen the doorbell yet will be great for xmas it has some nice tunes it says 10 but i cant work out how the 10 play must have a look at it.
    kandy pecan pie is lovely you can make a large one or small ones will find the recipe and put it up.
    sorry to hear of your fall thats quite frightening coming down the stairs just aswell you got a hold of the bannister talking of bannisters my friend is buying a lovely xmassy garland to go down hers bet it looks great at xmas.
    have a great day
  9. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Evening everyone!:wink: Sorry I haven't been about for the past few days, but it's been very difficult to use a mouse when the back of my right hand has been swollen up like a golf ball. RA is like that, one minute everything is fairly okay, and the next you're hurting like blazes with no way out of it. Anyway, I'm back and eager to bone up on what you've all been doing lately.:hehe: I do hope that everyone is feeling on top of the world.:thmb:
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    evening strawman sorry to hear your having problems with RA know how you feel see my friend like that one day she is fine next she is in dreadful pain i assume your on painkillers for it, do hope your feeling better.take care

    peri its the first time ive ever bought a xmas rose got 2 they seem ok since ive planted them will see how they go on my balcony and hope they flower. keep you informed of their progress.
    i know how your feeling having to get up early as i was up early for hubby going away i was so tired myself
  11. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Thank you, Rosa. I've been on pain killers since 1995, but I'm also on Hydroxychloroquine, a medicine that's meant for use in treating Malaria, but they use it for what ails me, too. Now that winter is on it's way, I'll have to put up with everything that's thrown at me. Still, things aren't as bad as I thought they may be after all these years.

    Since you've guessed the mystery object I've only just put on the games area, I can honestly say that it has cheered me up no end. :lollol:
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Strawman sorry to hear about your RA,the young girl over the road{30's} developed the condition when she was in her twenties and has already had to have a hip replacement and has broken her pelvis twice.She is on steroids which has now weakened her bones,hence the broken pelvis...:(

    I am sorry that you are in so much pain with it in your hand and hope you soon get better:gnthb:

    Hel,it is nice to get onto the allotments and harvest all those lovely fruit and veggies and I find as long as I take it easy and don't over do it my back can take it:)

    Rosa,We have Xmas roses in the garden,Niger and Potters Wheel,they have beautiful white flowers on them in the winter and spring time and if you are lucky you might get some self set seeds off of yours.:thumb:

    Peri,we have had car alarms go off for the last two nights but when Mr K gets up he can't see which car it is so doean't know which house it is coming from.Now that cars are getting stolen in the village qwe are concerned when we hear them go off.:p

    I have a large bruise on the top of my foot at the base of the toes and then end two digits won't move when i wriggle the others so I expect they are badly bruised.:oops: Missed my evening walk with Mr K last night and don't think i will be doing much today:(

    Anyway,hope you are getting on ok and enjoying your nice new shelves that you got the other week:luv::gnthb:

    Hope you all have a great day:luv:
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning strawman , kandy and everyone,
    strawman i guess the winter cold wont help my friends RA gets worse in these months its awful at times watching her struggle with the pain and her hands the bones come up its just an awful thing to suffer with after watching my mum suffer with it for years.
    kandy do hope your foot is getting a lot better i guess its badly bruised and the christmas roses i got are helleborus niger flower time is december to march it says plant in a partial shade so they may be ok on my balcony lets hope anyway.
    have a great day all
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Strawman, I hope you are feeling better :thumb:. It sounds very painful :(

    Kandy, sorry to hear about your foot. You will need to take it easy for a few days :old: :D

    Helen, I'm pleased to hear you are gradually getting better :gnthb:

    The tournament went very well on Sunday and my team broke all records by getting the lowest score ever :( :lollol:

    Yesterday I went to a bridge drive to raise money for a childrens' charity and came first :thumb:. The prize was a bottle of champagne :yho:

    Lots of tidying up needed in the garden so I had better get out there before I go to a meeting.

    Have a great day :D
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Rosa, Shiney and all.

    Strawman nice to have you back honey I think you are in good company here sweetie in fact i think we should start calling this the 'What ails you club!:hehe:

    Seriously though sweetie hope those fingers of yours stop acting like blown up sausages and the aches/pains become much more manageable for you.:luv:

    Kandy I wonder what have you been doing to hurt your toes so bad....kicking Mr.K. in the butt prehaps?:D Look after them toes hun.

    Shiney well done with your WORLD RECORD your running streak couldn't have lastest I mean you do have to give the other side a running chance now and again don't you?:hehe:

    Kathy I have to admit I do feel sorry for the travellers I don't agree with the mess they leave behind them but I do think it's sad nobody wants them near where they live.Maybe it's because Bob has always been able to understand their dialect (anyone who has ever spoken to a proper travelling Gypsy will know what I mean) that I tend to warm to them.:)

    Well Bob's got flu again it's appears different from the swine flu but I'm keeping an eye on him all the same. I have to admit although the poor dear is feeling really quite rough he does have one very sexy Barry White voice indeed at the moment!:D

    Playing nurse today so nothing much will happen outside today.

    Have a lovely day guys & do take care.Hel.xxx.

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