Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning kandy and everyone,
    kandy ignore them e-mails spam them, i was advised by bt to ignore them and never give your personal details to anyone on-line, my back kicked off this morning but it does every morning hope your sciatica is much better.
    thats great to hear the money you and mr k have saved by growing your own fruit and veg well done.
    hubby has booked amsterdam trip online we are going 10th november now arriving back 13th november hes booked a nice hotel in the centre right by the canal sounds lovely and hes also booked a cabin on the boat with sea views so that will be nice.
    have a great day
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    morning Rosa,the machine had already kicked it out as spam so once we had read it i just deleted it:hehe:

    Forgot to add sweetcorn to the list of veggies and there are probably a few others I have missed out:dh:plus when we have been walking round the new woodland bit in our village we noticed quiet a few Hazlenut bushes with developing cob nuts so since September we have been harvesting them as well and either eat them like peanuts,but nto too many at once or have them chopped up on the top of me porridge.They are all but finished now but it would be nice to see how much they were going for in the shops:p

    If you got a few Raspberry canes Rosa,you could grow them in a container on your balcony plus you could have strawberries in hanging baskets if you could find some more room:thumb:

    I bet you are looking forward to your overseas trip,and hope the sea isn't too choppy for you:pI love the sea view bit Rosa,I should think a lot of the boat{ship?} cabins will have sea views as you will be heading out to sea:D

    Enjoy your day:luv:
  3. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Rosa and Kandy and all my other friends have a lovely day and please stay safe.:)
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy, rosa, woo and everyone,

    Kandy, you have done well with your produce from your allotment :gnthb:. Don't forget to add into your calculations the value of all that free spam you are getting :hehe:

    rosa, I'm sure you will have a great time in Amsterdam :thmb:

    woo, Take things easy and enjoy your weekend :gnthb: :)

    Penny, I hope you don't get too much of the white fluffy stuff :)

    Helen, I'm working on the cure you suggested but am leaving out the walking around bit :hehe:

    Peri, my back is a lot better thank you :thumb:

    Have a great day :D
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and Shiney,

    Hope you are both feeling better and hope you both have a nice quiet relaxing weekend:):luv:

    Shiney,don't like spam my self much prefere luncheon meat and sometimes a bit of corned beef in me sandwiches or rolls:D

    Well we have just got back from doing our grocery shopping and was pleased that we have managed to spend less this fortnight,although i did find a very large box of Thorntons Classic collection chocolates{1lb 5oz} reduced to £6 so that is another xmas presant sorted for someone:D and because Mr K is still plowing through Mabels vegetables that we had just bought before she died and veggies from the allotment the bill was a lot smaller this time:yho: I nearly fainted with shock at the £250 a week the couple spent on groceries every week and half of it they threw away:(
  6. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Good afternoon everyone. (although it's nearly good night for me cos I'm off to bed soon).

    Glad to hear everone is doing their best and doing well!!!

    Who was that with their shopping list at £250 a week, Kandy? Flipping heck, even if I had 20 to feed I could do it for less. Well, OH could!! And it wouldn't be brand names - is that the problem? I know we live pretty well although some people would hate it, I only know we are happy & well fed, watered etc:)

    As for spam - no, no, no - but hubby loves it! lol

  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Borrowers and happy belated Good afternoon or Good evening to you.:) You will probably be in bed now so will miss this post:snz: :D

    There was a programme on last night called I think it was Thrifty Ways at 8-8.30pm on ITV,part of the Tonight programme that they often have on.This was a Martin Lewis programme and they had a lady on that does You Tube snippets of how to do things,like being thrifty.Anyway,they had this couple on who had I think two kids and they spread a weeks grocery shopping on a large table and asked the lady of the house how much she spent on shopping a week and the answer was £250 and a good deal of that went in the dustbin because the family forgot to eat it.:( So Martin Lewis said they were spending something like £13,000 but with the older lady taking her shopping the food bill soon came down and Martin said they could shave at least £3,000 a year off of the bill:D

    At least with the advice and being shown how to do it the mum was able to reduce the bill and cooked healthy meals for the whole family from scratch,and the kids loved the stuff:D

    Enjoy your :snz:
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Kandy and everyone:D

    Looks like everyone is still :snz: so I will have to tread quietly so as not to wake them:D

    Ha da bit of a chill out day yesterday due to the fact that Mr K decided to make the rolls I have been asking him to make since we bought the breadmaker,but it wasn't until he had added water to the mixture and read the lower instructions the he realise one of the stages would take two hours in the machine:oops: so we ended up having to wait until that part was done before the next stage:D Anyway,all was well in the end and we ended up with 15 rolls of cheese and onion rolls,some topped with cheese and when we tried them they tasted beautiful:) I suggested that next time he does them of a winters evening,when it is dark and cold outside and apart from our usual evening walk we won't be venturing out.Either that or we go back to buying them:D

    Anyway,we are having a lovely stew with a dumpling each today,which is cooking now as I type in my slow cooker and I jsut have to add the dumpling later.Hoping to get the the allotment this morning and then this evening Mr K will watch the Brazzilian Grand Prix:p

    Hope you all have a good one:luv:
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning kandy, and everyone,
    guess everyone is having a lovely sunday lie in hehe,dont think ive room for rasberry bushes and i doubt they would live on my balcony, strawberry ones in my hanging baskets sounds a great idea so will give that a go next year.
    looking forward to the cruise to amsterdam and more looking forward to staying in a hotel in the centre will be nice been right in town centre next to the canal should get some nice pics.
    thanks shiney looking forward to our trip.
    i was watching autumnwatch last night and they had a lovely red kite on he was gorgeous they had 2 artists on and said iff anyone would like to send their art in, so im going to water colour 2 red kites together, already sketched it ready for painting, will be my first water colour in over a year, will see how i go with it and put it up when im finished
    have a great day
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,

    Your very good friend Kandy has just emailed you a link with an address for you to contact the BBC over your paintings:D.I should email them first to see whether they want you to send it to them by post or as an attachement,not forgetting Royal Mail is on strike Thursday and Friday:p.

    I forgot to say we had a Red Kite fly over our house in the middle of last week but by the time i had grabbed my camera and hobbled outside it had vanished:( lovely to see them over the village though:D

    Enjoy your day and do put up a picckie so we can see what the kites look like:thumb:
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy, rosa, borrowers and everyone,

    £250 a week!!!! s00k. It would take me nearly two months to spend that on food :hehe:.

    We eat pretty well and have quite large portions. As a rough calculation this last week's food for the two of us was no more than £35:-
    breakfast each day (Total £1.50 at the most) - pears (garden), porridge, home made muesli;
    lunches (Total £5) - bread, spread, smoked salmon (on bogof in Sainsburys), cheese, eggs (from friend's chickens);
    dinners (Total approx £25) - chicken (special offer £3.50 made two roast dinners (legs/wings), two chicken and veg stir fries (breasts), chicken soup for four days, roast shoulder of lamb (special offer £2.50 ) made two meals, quorn mince (£3.99) made three veggie chillies, roast rib of beef (£4.75) made two meals, beef mince (£3.50 ) made three bolognese. A lot of the veggies (beans, broccoli, courgettes, pots, onions, garlic, cabbage, toms, bayleaves, herbs, bean sprouts, chillies etc) grown ourselves. Bought veggies, baby corn, mushrooms, carrots, turnips, celery (£3.50 ), rice, spaghetti, olive oil, kidney beans (£2). Apple crumble, apple cake, stewed apples (garden) - other ingredients (£1)
    tea, milk (cows, goats, soya) (£3 max)

    Yesterday I bought some oxtail for £4.50 that shall make a lovely stew. Wtih the veggies in it (onion, celery, carrots, turnips, pots) it will do me for three days. :gnthb:

    I had a good day yesterday in the garden. Did a lot of mowing to get the leaves up. Picked loads of apples (cooking and eating) and loads of conference pears. Oscar decided to help me :hehe:. I was up a ladder, concentrating on reaching some pears, when I heard a funny noise and suddenly this big black and white face appeared about two inches from my face. Each time I tried to pick a pear Oscar pushed it out of the way with his paw. I nearly fell of the ladder laughing :rotfl:. Mrs shiney had to call him down for a cuddle k-l so that I could get on with the picking.

    I picked the last of the late runner beans that I had grown in a protected area (all the other beans finished a few weeks ago), cut down the bean plants and stored the canes. I finished the evening with an enormous bonfire - it was 6ft high and 10ft diameter.

    I crawled indoors and Mrs shiney gave me something for my aching back.

    Later on shiney's taxi service took Mrs shiney to a friends hen night :yho:.

    Have a great day :D
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I just had to edit my post because everywhere I had put a zero on the end of my costings and then put a closing bracket it ended up with no zero but a smiley waving at me :scratch:. I had to experiment until I found that I had to put a space between the zero and the closing bracket 0)
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Shiney,love the breakdown of your food items:gnthb: Do you plan your meals for a week or do you just cook what pops into your head each day and is the menu list for seven days or five?{Mr K asked}:)

    I have never thought of buying shoulder of lamb,if I buy lamb I always get the knuckle leg of lamb and for my beef I buy Topside occasionally silver side,but brought Brisket once and didn't like it:(For my slow cooker stews I usually buy Braising Steak but for some reason Mr T has decided to do away with it and now call it Casserole steak This is the second time I haven't been able to find any so don't know what is going on there.:scratch:

    I bought some Lamb Escalopes as well for a change and thought I had picked up Chicken breast but they have turned out to be Turkey breasts:dh:If we go to the farm shop I like to buy their mince because I can't stand the rubber stuff that Mr T sells so this week I got some of their Finest mince and I shall do my self a nice couple of cottage pies or more depending what I had to the mix.I usually throw in some baked beans, carrots,mushrooms,parsnip etc,so end up making quiet large ones:D

    I also buy fruit like Strawberries and Grapes,plus oranges and bananas, so that I have a variety of fruit in my diet so I don't get sick of apples etc.:DWe might as well have the stuff now as we won't be able to afford it when Mr K retires and my generation will never get their pensions because the date of collecting it gets further away so I will be pushing up daisies by the time it is due,but that is another story:p

    That programme is on I Player now for anyone who wants to see Thrifty Ways:thumb:

    Good Morning Rosa,I think I saw your name up there when I logged on:)
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy & all.

    Shiney I have to agree with you honey about the benefits of low cost feeding you really don't need to spend the earth on food (although it helps if you can grown your own veg & fruit) but I do feel you have to be half way decent in the kitchen or at least be able to follow a recipe. I am by no means a fantastic cook but I haven't poison anyone yet.....but as Bob always says 'The day is not over yet!:D

    Kandy I'm sure you & Mr.K will not go hungry when he retires after all you can at least cook where others do not even try.:thumb:

    Rosa that farmhouse scones was a good'un; cheese, onion, peanuts to a basic scone recipe although next time I'm adding a cheese top to it .....Bob nearly ate the hole ring!

    Lol Borrowers as long as they are not cannon ball beans who is to grumble how cheap the food stuff is as long as it goes down, stays down...oh and doesn't have any nasty wind effects it's all good!:flag::D

    Rosa you I think you would be really pushing it growing fruit on your balcony honey because you need to leave room for your lovely flowers but a strawberry hanging basket should work out well & will give you something to nibble on in summer...if you can beat the birds to the fruit!

    Struggling to get a pirate hat for Halloween so I might just have to be the Wicked Witch Of The West this year!

    Got loads of ironing to do then I'm baking cakes later on, funny how you never get over the need to lick the bowl of the cake mixture...what a big kid I am!

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning kandy, helen and everyone,
    kandy yes i was logged in but had to answer and put things in my forum i like to keep it going use it mainly to put everything in so i know were everything is.seen your cottage pies before must say they looked lovely and yummy.
    helen the farmhouse scones sounds lovely put it in recipes i would love all the ingredients to use, i was thinking ive no room to put fruit on my balcony tried before and they just died off so im best trying a strawberry one for my basket, noticed when the guys were working on the scaffolding they only cut one of my vine climbers grrr it was growing lovely maybe next year it will grow back up.
    have a great day

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