Gardening with backache!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by leonora, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. AndyTheHat

    AndyTheHat Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2013
    Malmesbury, Wiltshire, UK
    Hi there. I'm new here and don't want to upset the admins - if this is out of order I apologise in advance and please let me know! A company I work for is developing a new raised trough garden planter, and we would love to hear feedback from people with back problems / wheelchair users etc as to whether they think it is a good idea - and any suggestions as to improvements we could make. (It's not actually on sale yet so this isn't advertising, just a genuine attempt at feedback). if anyone has any comments. Thank you.

    Link removed by admin
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Welcome to Gardeners Corner Andy.

    I'm afraid the buy it now at £299 certainly looks like advertising to me:biggrin:

    You can put a free listing in the business directory, but further conversation/feedback would incur costs.

  3. AndyTheHat

    AndyTheHat Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2013
    Malmesbury, Wiltshire, UK
    Oops, sorry - I'm still developing the website, that page shouldn't be published yet - I'll take it down straight away.
    (Edited to add - "Buy" page taken down. Sorry)
  4. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    No worries, when you're up and running you are welcome to have a chat with any of the staff about advertising on here, we've got very reasonable rates and its a very busy forum.

    Nearly 100.000 unique human (not bot) guests viewed GC in the past month :)
  5. AndyTheHat

    AndyTheHat Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2013
    Malmesbury, Wiltshire, UK
    Wow, that's cool. Thank you, will pass it along to the boss!
  6. jasmine66

    jasmine66 Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 20, 2013
    I have back problem too due to being spina bifida plus ye oldie age!
    I can only do a small amount of gardening now although in the past I had an allotment and kept my garden looking spick and span, plus seeing to my neighbours garden as well.
    I do find it very disheartening to see my wee garden looking so scruffy these days but that's how it goes for me. I have employed two gardeners who swore that they new all about gardening only to find that when I had asked them to "tidy" a border they rooted out every single flower that was there..I could have cried!! [​IMG]
    The council provides a service called "Mow and Grow" although to be perfectly honest where the GROW comes in I have yet to find out! They arrive, usually three of them, with strimmers and blitz my garden without looking what they are doing with the result they chopped my lovely rose bush down to the ground, sliced off half of the tap on my water butt, pulled out my mint that was growing in a pot (twice) and destroyed my bird bath/feeder and then flung it into the hedge! That was a year ago and I am still pestering them for some compensation for it.

    On a lighter note... I have a rhubarb crown that continues to thrive despite being totally abandoned, strawberries in my wee planter that provide a few tasty fruits, raspberry canes that are growing quite wild as is their wont..and three blueberry bushes that have a fine crop on them again this year...and I managed to put a couple of tomato plants in my greenhouse this year which are looking grand.
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    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      Welcome to Gardeners Corner Jasmine66. :) There are quite a lot of GC members with health issues but somehow we manage to spend time in the garden, but when it gets to the point where it's too difficult like yourself then help has to be acquired from elsewhere.

      It's a shame these so called gardeners have made a mess of your garden, you must be heartbroken. Have you considered contacting a local Gardening Society to see if anyone there could help you out, at least you would find someone that knows what they're doing. :)
    • Andrea's gardening

      Andrea's gardening Apprentice Gardener

      Aug 13, 2013
      Lincolnshire coast and Barnsley
      My advice is keep out of the garden!!!

      I know its tough really tough, but having ended up in severe pain for almost 18 months barely able to walk, I couldnt get up unaided, I couldnt cough without almost passing out in pain, I couldnt go upstairs

      I had to give up my job change my life and get all kinds of gadgets to help me get by

      Pushing myself to do stuff when my back was telling me to stop finally caught up with me.

      Please listen to your back, it needs to come out of spasm and you need to begin to listen to it and make allowances or you might end up as I was ...its no fun!

      ok thats the scarey stuff over, the positive stuff now ...

      I changed my bed for the best quality ortho I could find with an added memory foam top. I changed my computer chair for one that I shopped for for ages to ensure it was just right to support my spine.

      I learned to stop when my back told me and I learned to take 20 mins every day at some point laid flat allowing my spine to realign

      I had physio which made it worse, was told after scans I would end up in a wheelchair and they wouldnt operate til then :help: it was all doom and gloom
      I am now much better I can walk again I can do gardening in a sensible way .. I got my life back

      please be sure you dont push yourself as I did
      • Informative Informative x 1

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