Hozelock - product quality poll

Discussion in 'Tools And Equipment' started by Fat Controller, Jul 24, 2013.


What is the quality/value for money of Hozelock products?

  1. Superb quality, but only the premium or high cost products

  2. Superb quality for all products

    0 vote(s)
  3. Poor quality for all products regardless of the price tag

  4. Poor quality for the cheaper or specific products (please post which in thread)

    0 vote(s)
  5. So bad I won't buy their product at all

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      I have avoided having to buy a new one for the time being - couldn't find my WD40 anywhere (my shed is an embarrassment to be honest), however I did come across a can of spray silicone grease. I applied that around the trigger very liberally, and then worked the trigger a few times and all is well now.
    • longk

      longk Total Gardener

      Nov 24, 2011
      I bought an own brand 10 litre portable sprayer with lance from Lidl three years ago and it is still superb.

      Hozelock is so so - buy the top of the range stuff and it's good (but sooooo expensive), but the run of the mill range is as rubbish as the stuff that I buy from the 99p Shop! So I just go to the 99p Shop every 12/18 months.
    • trogre

      trogre Gardener

      Feb 9, 2011
      I purchased some cheaper hand sprayers from Wilkinson’s at around £2 each and they lasted around one season. Decided to upgrade and buy the Wilkinson’s hand sprayer at 4 x the cost, but again only lasted 1 1/2 seasons. Same with lance, I think are £23 and not that well made and broke in the end, I think it was the trigger. Went over to Wilkinson’s own make which to be honest had the same problems. The only upside was at the end of season sale the Wilkinson’s lance was down to £2 so I purchased 3.

      Always used Hozelock hose connectors but once or twice tried Wilkinson’s own brand, pretty naff and was not a good fit if you tried Wilkinson’s to Hozelock connection.

      Hozelock connectors as mentioned are now mega bucks to buy. On the other hand Wilkinson’s have changed their connectors and are as good as Hozelock and less than half the price + no problem connecting the 2 brands together. Wilkinson’s is all I use now and every time I go into the shop I always buy a spare connector. At end of season sale the connector that stop the water flow,50p.Cannot remember off hand but normal price for Wilkinson’s water stop connector just under or just over £2 ,Hozelock Over £5.No doubt next season it will all change again.
    • silu

      silu gardening easy...hmmm

      Oct 20, 2010
      Got an email yesterday to say they are sending me a new nozzle. Hopefully it will do the trick and fix the leak, if not it's going back and I'm demanding a refund! It was NOT cheap to buy and shouldn't have leaked in the 1st place when they are charging the price they are for their product.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • HOZELOCK C/S

        HOZELOCK C/S Apprentice Gardener

        Aug 9, 2013
        Its Phill here from Hozelock customer services.
        I have picked up this thread and am very interested in finding out what the issues are that everyone is having. We take this very seriously but its only when we get to hear about these things that we can take action and improve our products.

        Fatcontroller - please could you pm me your address (dont know if you can do this in the forum) and i will get anoter handle out to you and a label to return the other one for me to look at. Its only when you see the actual item that was can see whats gone wrong.

        Al N
        What products do you have that are leaking. Are these hose connectors eg 2050/2166. It may be the o ring on the part that these fit onto. If they are a few years old the O rings seals might just need replacing. You can but a pack of 20 from our web site for £4.99 inc P+P Part No Z73045.

        What sprayer have you got and where is the leak from. They shouldnt leak at all. We need to know so we can sort it out. please give me some info on what the issue is and Hozelock will sort this for you.

        You can get spares from us either by calling or on line. Please dont hestiate to call us on 0121 313 1122 and one of my staff will be please to help by finging out what product you have and advising what parts you need. With sprayers its laying up over winter that causes most probems. Before you put them in the shed for the winter run some clean water through to wash out any chemicals and then drain all the water out. If it freezed (and it will in a shed) this will crack the plastic. Vaseline isnt the best thing to use as a lubricant - normal vegetable oil is best or olive oil and its cheaper.

        Gay Gardener
        When using a sprayer with a rose make sure that the rose is lined up with the "detent" click so that its in the right place. if its between 2 settings it will pass water out of tboth of them. Also bear in mind that if your using the rose (watering can) setting and you change to one of the others, the rose will still be full of water and this water will empty for a few soconds so try giving the gun a few shakes from side to side and this will purgwe the water ans stop it dribbling on your shoes. if its still an issue PM me like FC above

        What connectors are you referring to. Please send me details. It may be o rings as advised above.

        Hi. You dont use a 2055 as shown to connect two hoses. This is the water stop connector and is used at the end of theb hose that you take up the garden. It has a valve in to shut the water off when you take your appliance out (spray gun, lance etc). you need the 2050 if you want a join that you can take apart quickly but if you are ok with a solid join then use a "hose Repair Connector" 2100. this will only cost £3-4

        Glad we have sorted you out. The nozzles are not frost proof. well at least if they are left ourside with water in they will break. they should be ideally brought in during winter or at least drained of water (leave then open and pointing down disconnected from the hose if possible).

        Please be aware Hoelock is a British company and we want to acheive a positive experience with our customers. If you all tell each other and not us nothing much will change. We contstantly strive to improve our products and me and my staff have together many years experience in the companies products. I have been here 25 years and started in the quality depertment so i know the products intimately and theres not much we cannot sort out.

        I hope this will sort most of the issues out and i am sorry if i have missed anybody but please dont hesitate to call us on 0121 313 1122 if you have any issues.

        we are here to help

        Phill Cotterill
        Tecnical Support Supervisor
        • Like Like x 5
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        • Fat Controller

          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

          May 5, 2012
          Public Transport
          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
          Welcome to GC Phil :sign0016: and thank you for taking the time to respond. Its nice to see that quality still matters to Hozelock, and hopefully our experiences will be useful to you to make improvements where needed. :) As it happens, my issues deepened last night after turning my hose on to do my daily watering - as I picked the lance up, there was a bit of a pop and then a wet feeling all down my leg (and no, I hadn't wet myself :heehee:); the plastic trigger part essentially blew itself out of its housing.

          On the face of it, it would seem that your current product range has issues with the triggers, as my other spray gun, (multi spray gun plus 2684) leaks like an incontinent tramp; to be fair, it has just over a year's worth of use, but could it be showing some sort of inherent design issue?

          I am just about to head out shopping, but will post back with some pics later and will PM you my email and address. :)
        • HOZELOCK C/S

          HOZELOCK C/S Apprentice Gardener

          Aug 9, 2013
          Hi again
          No problem we will sort this when we can see what the cause is
          Cheers and thanks again
          • Like Like x 1
          • JWK

            JWK Gardener Staff Member

            Jun 3, 2008
            Welcome to the forum Phil and many thanks for your informative post.
            • Agree Agree x 4
            • Gay Gardener

              Gay Gardener Total Gardener

              Nov 16, 2011
              The Wash, Fens
              Mr Hozelock, thanks for coming on and trying to sort the problems, decent of you (and thanks to FC for starting the thread).

              I read what you proposed Phil but turning the settings to different spray options or ensuring that the option was properly selected has no effect. The leak is between the aluminium disk thing with the spray holes in it where it meets the plastic rim which holds it, no amount of fiddling will stop the dribbling while watering (it dribbles in a small stream constantly while watering from the bottom area regardless of spray setting without any let up). I'm wondering if there is there is a seal that is broken inside that area?

              Thanks again
            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              Phil, as promised, here are a couple of photos; the first was taken yesterday evening just after the trigger blew apart:

              I've had a closer look at some of the components today, and there is nothing that looks as though it has obviously failed, although there is something inside the body of the trigger that is rattling about; the body of the trigger has scuffs and scrapes thanks to sitting on the patio etc, but its never been exposed to any really hard knocks, and as its only a matter of weeks old it certainly hasn't been frozen.

              The second picture shows my other spray gun, which leaks badly from behind the trigger - the photo shows it with the trigger closed, however it leaks from there regardless of whether it is in use or not.

              Thanks again for the interest, and I hope that this helps you in some way; indeed, it is refreshing to see a manufacturer care about their quality and their customers, and be forward thinking enough to join up to a forum such as this one to help out :blue thumb:

              PM with personal details as requested on its way.
            • pete

              pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

              Jan 9, 2005
              Mid Kent
              If I was doing a bit of plumbing indoors a few leaks would bother me.
              The odd dribble on the hose is no real problem.

              Its all about pressure.
              Take the stupid spray bit off the end and it wont leak.
              Holding back mains pressure is not easy, try putting your finger over a cold tap in full flow.:biggrin:
              • Agree Agree x 3
              • al n

                al n Total Gardener

                Aug 31, 2011
                self employed
                Hi, welcome to the forum and its fantastic your taking time out to acknowledge this thread and reply accordingly, well done!!

                These are what I'm currently using:-


                As you can see I'm using a hose reel and hose from the same hozelock brand but I did finally change the spray attachment to a cheap no name brand ( cost £4!) from my local sell everything shop as the hozelock one leaked badly, it was the same as this btw:-


                This is the one I'm using now:-


                I will try some o rings first to see if they stop the leaks and let you know on this thread, thanks for the tip!

              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                • Like Like x 1
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                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  A bit of an update ladies and gents - Phil from Hozelock has been absolutely fantastic, and has popped a new handle for my lance and a new spray gun in the post; although I was initially disappointed, particularly with the failure of the lance, I am now really pleased that I stuck with Hozelock - their customer care cannot be faulted! :dbgrtmb:

                  Interestingly, I generally buy all of my hardware at a small, local hardware shop (I love the place, big boys toy shop!), and noticed when I was in there buying a mist spray bottle (Hozelock of course!) the other day, that he only stocks Hozelock -- now I know why.

                  Phil @HOZELOCK C/S - it would be good to see your company as a site sponsor, and you certainly deserve your place in the business directory.

                  @Zigs - might it be worthwhile making this thread a sticky for a wee while? Might be useful to anyone else having problems, and also good to show that there are manufacturers that do care about their customers?
                  • Like Like x 3

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