I bought a clump of Phlomis(no idea which variety) at an open garden the other day. From the shape of the plant (bare rooted) it looks as tho you should plant it in a similar way to Flag Iris with part of the" corm" exposed as the big chunks I've got look as tho the woody corms have been above ground. Can anybody advise me please as Phlomis is a new plant to me, maybe I should discard the old woody bits?
I grow two varieties silu russeliana and tuberosa just been moving some of the russeliana and as you say they are a bit woody they were buried but seem to lift out the ground a bit the ones I dug up where huge I just chopped the woody bits into chunks each with a bit of leaf and buried them just below soil level and they" ve settled in fine , very vigorous plant spreads like a triffid and self seeds , the tuberosa seems much better behaved.
Thanks Simbad, bet I've got Russeliana as the amount in each bag being sold was VERY generous.....can see me giving some away soon then!!!!!
Great plant though silu doesn't mind sun or shade and its something that hasn't minded the really dry summer here. I grew the tuberosa from seed which came free in a mag its pink, I left the dry stems on so I'll check if there's any seed left in them to send you with our swap next spring.
Oh great Simbad, looking at the leaves of your Tuberosa I think I definitely have the yellow thug...sigh. The leaves on the chunks I bought are more rounded and furry, yours is very nice indeed so fingers crossed there is a bit of seed available.Lovely photo by the way.
Yes the leaves are more rounded (at the base anyway) and furry on Russeliana still lovely though , I did manage to get you a bit of seed not a lot but enough to get a few plants hopefully.