Own up, what mischief did you get into at school?

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Jazmine, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Reminiscing on another thread made me think of the "naughty" things I got into at school. There are rather a lot :scratch:

    I went to a very strict grammar school, the teachers were little hitlers so one day we saved some school dinner in a hanky [yuk] and emptied it into the PE teachers pockets of her jacket which was hanging on a peg.

    We skipped PE and went into the deserted nissen dorms and had a bath of all things!!!

    When the teachers back was turned we would take it in turns to stand up and say a number.
    I bet some of you have some corkers :D
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi jazmine soooo funny, i can always remember me and my friends went out on the lunch break and went to the beach, we were not allowed to do this in them days but we did, anyway me and my girlfriends met up with some lads on the beach and they threw us in the sea we were soaked, and teriffied to go back to school we had no option as we didnt dare go home and get changed, there was nothing the matter when we went back to the school, our clothes were dripping wet and our hair was drenched walking into the classroom, we got a telling off and they called our parents so i got another telling off hahaha
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    The one and only time some classmates and I voluntarily tidied the classroom before the teacher got in goes like this.

    Someone had a new football, and made the mistake of getting it out of his bag to show his mate. Naturally it got tested for its bounce and 'feel'. Then someone else wanted a go, and gradually a gentle kick about happened. Naturally it got progressively more boisterous. Then it came towards me so I hoofed it one, misjudging my force a bit. It smashed the overhead strip light into lots of shards. The covering was reduced to bits all over the floor, as was most of the tube. Part of the tube was hanging down, still attached at one end. We quickly cleaned it all up, and hid the broken bits in a pile behind a cupboard. A taller lad stood on a desk to remove the one piece of tube that was still attached, then we all sat down like good boys and girls ready for the teacher.

    The teacher came in, noticed the missing light but was puzzled by the fact that there was no mess. I say she was puzzled, in hindsight she must have known. Kids are never sat there like good boys and girls when a teacher walks in, and when asked if anyone knows what happened to the light, a class that doesn't know what happened doesn't answer in perfect harmony 'no miss'. Also classes that genuinely don't know what happened don't have people in them that feel it necessary to add things like 'it was like that when we came in miss' or 'we have no idea what happened miss'.
  4. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    In one classroom, and because it got plenty of direct sun, I used to take one of my dad's enlerger lenses into certain lessons. My trick was to burn holes in some of my classmates exercise books by focussing the sunlight through the lens. I never did get caught for doing it.:hehe:
  5. littleorme

    littleorme Gardener

    Feb 7, 2007
    I was a good girl...:)

    I went to a Convent...I had no choice
  6. Will Ting

    Will Ting Gardener

    Jun 28, 2009
    I went to a boarding school in Norfolk. We used to go out fishing most nights during the summer and some of my friends even had shot guns for duck hunting. We also used to hire a mini bus to get in to Norwich for pubs and nightclubs. On one memorable occasion there was an unexpected fire alarm practice in the middle of the night and most of the senior school wasn't there for the roll call. In the morning we all had to line up outside the HM study to give our excuses, but there were so many boys in trouble he couldn't do any expelling. My excuse was that I was playing golf and forgot the time. :hehe:
  7. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Am loving these stories :lollol:
    Seems a lot of us were not where we were supposed to be!!
    Great confessions everyone.

    Will Ting you must have been posh going to a boarding school and you were in my territory!
    The Samson and Hercules, The melody Rooms, The Gala???

    Don't tell me you went to Wymondham College?

    Littleorme there must be one thing :hehe:
  8. Will Ting

    Will Ting Gardener

    Jun 28, 2009
    I can tell you what school it was because it's no longer a school, its now a psychiatric hospital. :hehe: It used to be called Cawston College.
  9. littleorme

    littleorme Gardener

    Feb 7, 2007
    Jazmine,there was a nun on every corridor and around every corner..we even got inspected before we left the premises ..to make sure we looked as we should......talk about ...CCTV.... we had it then ...the human version.....:) :)
  10. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    My first school wasn't exactly a Catholic school, but the Catholic rules formed the basis basis of our rules there (with a bit of pagan stuff chucked in for good measure). If you said 'god' under your breath as a way expressing shock or frustration, you'd be launched across the room for 'using our lord's name in vain'.

    Our head master was a nazi. He was German (disclaimer: Germans are generally ok, but this one wasn't) who was either ex-military or wannabe-but-failed military (the worst kind). We had to immediately stand to attention if he walked in the room, the last person to their feet would get a clip. We also had to form perfect lines when preparing to leave/enter the classroom, or at the end of play time. Each class would make two perfect lines, one for boys and one for girls. We had to order ourselves such that the shortest were at the front and the tallest at the back. The two lines had to be perfectly parallel, and the same length. At the end of play time, our playground used to look like a parade ground. Colinworth would then inspect us all maticulously. Wo betide anyone who didn't measure up. They would be yanked out of the line and either hurled at the floor or whacked round the head before being screamed at. If this happened the rest of the line had to quickly reform its self otherwise we'd all get the same treatment. 'Cowardice' was unacceptable. If a bigger kid had a go and you told, you'd get screamed at for showing weakness, then the bigger kid would be called up to the office, just the idea of being called to the office was punishment in its self.

    To be honest though, as horrendous as it sounds, I enjoyed it. As did most of the kids I knew. Discipline was taken to whole new levels, but we all had a sense of being one big group. Its hard to explain really but as strict as it was, it was somehow still good.
  11. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :dh::hehe: I think the most memorable thing I did was to push my Maths Teacher into the fishpond..!!! :lollol: It still makes me laugh now, but it was perhaps a little cruel..
    I was 14 & nearly ready to leave school..!! Leaving age was 15 then.. :wink: She was just out of teacher training & still had terrible acne.. (not her fault, but when you are a teen..!) She struggled to keep the class calm & working & used to pick on a few of us quite regularly... One day on the way back from the Maths block as we were going by the fish pond I just couldn't help myself, before I had really thought about it I had pushed her in...!!!! :lollol::lollol: We had an unpleasant shouting match & I helped her out.. We went straight to the HM.. It was strange. I had a short telling off & sent to my next class.. The teacher had to go home for the rest of the day... After that we just kind of ignored each other except about maths, but she did stop shouting & picking on people & lessons were ok after that..!! .... :scratch: The really really strange thing is I was never punished more for it. The HM never told my parents... :scratch: All very odd.. I really thought I was going to be expelled..!! :dh:
  12. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    And I was a good boy. I was head boy in my last school.
  13. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I was a prefect and never misbehaved at all. And if you believe that then you need your head tested lol.
  14. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    I went to a lovely but strict Catholic school (sent all our kids there too until it closed two years ago) and they used to organise a once a year school disco. The last year we got dropped off by one set of parents, but never actually went in the school gates .... waited for them to drive away and then legged it into town to go drinking in the pubs instead (how we ever got served is beyond me as one of the girls had knee length socks on!!) .... anyway while walking into town to head for the pubs, we got followed by Father O'Hare ... who knew EXACTLY where we were going !!

    Bless him though - he never did tell any of the parents lol
  15. Welly bobs

    Welly bobs Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 10, 2009
    LOL at these :D

    I ate all the "reward" smarties and blamed my best friend, i never did own up and still feel so bad after 30 years! She did forgive me though :)

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