Own up, what mischief did you get into at school?

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Jazmine, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    You have me chuckling away here Sam-that is exactly what happened to me and my friends once, priest and all!-I was always the one sent in the "offy" or to the bar as I had my cousins driving licence which put me at just 18 when I was fourteen.

    Aaaah I bottle of Clan Dew was all it took in them days lol. Whiskey and wine-horrible stuff.

    `Course, if any of my kids read this......................I am lying to fit in-I never did nowt rum when I wor a lass.
  2. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    Oh my gosh, I was terrible at school!

    I loved primary,but when I got to secondary I hated it - sitting listening to teachers talking - boring! I was also bullied terribly by this group of girls so I went a bit off the rails.

    I bunked classes and went sailing instead, I used to go and hide in the music practise rooms and had a smoke with my friends, I gave my teachers a hard time - we had a maths teacher who we used to play it in the class of - she had a breakdown and left! I hated my science teacher (he told me only boys are good at science) and set him up good and proper and reported him to the head - I filmed a teacher who was training because she was rubbish and sent it to the head - my parents got so fed up of being told how I had potential but didn't meet expectations they stopped going to parents evening!!

    The biggest two fingers to my teachers was when I got 13 GCSEs all As and Bs (they didn't have A* then) - they were SHOCKED! lol!
  3. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    ahhhh was K-cider in my day, which was lethal stuff ... drank in the bottle through a straw just to make it even more potent !!

    None of us had ID ... just a mate who was going out with one of the bouncers lol

    And this experience made you want to become a teacher ??? lol .... bet they would be even more shocked you followed them in their profession after hating school !
  4. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    :rotfl: These replies are making me laugh so much!

    I don't believe for one minute these prefects and head boys behaved :D

    MzTrouble I am impressed with your results, I should have paid more attention as my O Level results were not that good. It is a big regret I have to say.

    Bunking off seems to be a common theme, I know we had a sickbay and when it was Gym time I would feign tummyache.

    Keep them coming in :D I wonder if Mr. Woo misbehaved at school? :hehe:
  5. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
  6. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    I was the quiet swot at school who disliked sports (why are all games teachers utter bullies, if you hate sport?) and would prefer to sit in the library and read. Consequently I managed to stay out of trouble, although I do remember bunking off a french class because I was getting the school greenhouses and animal house in order for a school open day. The french teacher (repressed spinster if ever there was one) had a fit, but the teacher in charge of the animal house etc headed her off at the pass and I got off scot free. Dull huh?

    I waited until I left home and went away to university before going a bit wild and off the rails. But that's another thread...
  7. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Oh yes ! lol ..... although strangly I only ever suffered from hangovers once I hit 30 :(

    Am sure uni can be classed as your school days aaron ... so spill the beans :wink:
  8. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Too funny these stories - good thread Jazmine :)

    Hmmmm, which school? I guess the one where I started goofing off was a private girls school. My parents were both social workers, and their latest post was in this huge 'house' - where we lived as a family with..........young teenage delinquent girls who had just been released from juvenile prison! And....they had to go to the local high school. I was at the same school as them for about three months, but then one girl and I became good friends, and of course she would lead me astray (according to parents!), so I had to leave the local high school and go to an independent girls school. Well, I did start to just not pay attention - would rather flick little bits of wet kleenx up on the ceiling (you could always tell where I had sat in class), argue with the RE teacher about the 'mysteries'.......'cos of course nothing should be a mystery :), and hummmm so softly in science class (along with half the class) so that the nun (Sr. Peregrine - oh that poor poor lady having had our class) would play with the habit over her ears constantly because of the constant low hum.
    I smartened up in time for exams though - guess I just wanted to rebel, but knew that at the end of the day, I did want decent grades :)
    And........that my dear Jazmine - is ALL I'm admitting to! hehe
  9. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    In one of the first classes I attended in the senior school, one of the teachers developed a nasty habit. He would look directly into the face of one pupil, while pointing his ruler at another when asking a question. This question was directed at the pupil being pointed at by the ruler, but woe betide you if you got it wrongâ?¦ Needless to say, but I will anyway, I did get it wrong and had my knuckles rapped for doing so.:hehe:
  10. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Its not so much that games teachers are bullies, is more that bullies who don't grow out of it becomes games teachers. Ours had the exact same mentality of school bullies 20 years their junior. Simple folk with simple pleasures, like seeing someone, anyone, suffer humiliation. Ours liked to make you do PE wearing the girl's spare uniform if you forgot your own. If I forgot mine I'd choose to go for a walk for a couple of hours rather than suffer the humiliation, and if the school told of me for skiving off, I'd just tell my parents, 'no, I was definately there, but I didn't see the teacher because I was a few minutes late so I just hung back and kept a low profile'. For some reason it worked every time, though in hindsight I suspect my parents didn't actually believe me, but remembered their school days so turned a blind eye.
  11. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Some would call that the same thing, but I know what you mean. Every games/PE teacher I met/had the misfortune to be "taught" by was a thug (or thugess). One even went so far to physically bully me because he got fed up with me having a "gastric upset" (my mother, a nurse wrote the sick notes!) once too often - these days a male teacher wouldn't dare behave the way he did. He even looked the part - think Neanderthal Man with beard and knuckles dragging along the ground! Funnily, his wife taught me at Primary School and she was lovely, a real gem amongst teachers.

    Fortunately, as I got older, the Games thugs gave up on the idea of trying to get me to do sport and I was left to do what I wanted to do at school - learn! I had some truly inspiring teachers, who instilled a love of Classics in me, a love that continues to this day.
  12. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Maybe there's one of them in every school - we had one too, with a lazy eye, so he'd be shouting at one pupil and looking at you!:hehe:
  13. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Mischief? Well, I'll leave this one for you all to judge. I wasn't that keen on sports at school, but on one particular day, during a cricket match, I was going to prove that I could hit the ball just as well as anyone else. The teacher who tutored us this day, decided to stand at the mid wicket position, about eleven oclock from where I was going to bat. The bowler ran up to hopefully bowl me out, the ball came at me quite fast, and keeping my eye firmly on the little hard red projectile, I let swing with all my might. Crack' the ball came into contact with my bat, and woosh it headed straight for the teacher. The teacher missed catching the ball, but it didn't miss him. That little hard red ball hit him squarely in the centre of his chest. He collapsed in a heap on the ground and I became the school hero for a few weeks.:wink: As it happens, he recovered, and yes I did feel somewhat guilty about hitting him like that.... but remember, I was a hero, and to a young teenager, that meant everything to me...:yho:
  14. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hi Strawman, yes I can imagine you being the hero for that :hehe:
    At least you felt some remorse for your actions and I'm sure you wouldn't do it intentionally :)

    Why were the teachers bullies?
    We used to be met off the coach abd checked to see if we were wearing our berets [straw hats in summer] heaven help anyone missing theirs....
    I think I was a bit naughty because I felt out of my depth at times, it was strict and I found the work difficult -physics, chemistry, latin, french etc-no cooking or needlework for us. :(

    Some funny stories coming out :hehe:
  15. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    Jazmine, when I hit the ball I thought, great, he's going to catch me out. But when he missed it and it caught him in the chest, making him collapse on the ground, I was shocked because I thought for a second or two that I'd killed him.

    Honestly, I would rather he had caught me out. I liked this teacher because he was good, hard working and very likeable. There has never been a week go by that I haven’t thought about what I did to him so long ago, and no, I wasn’t proud of this, but as a fourteen year old, I was momentarily a hero and it made me feel good for a while.

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