Autumn/Winter hanging baskets & pots

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sam1974x, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    thanks everyone :)

    Jazmine - to be honest I prefer Violas to pansies. I think they tend to flower more. I potted up our huge planter in pansies but because they are in a shady area they have hardly grown at all. Whereas all the voilas have filled out nicely already.

    Strawman - thank you for your kind words :) I am impressed myself with the baskets this year really as usually my mum helps me do the summer ones as there is so much selection as to what you can put where, i get a bit lost! I guess I have learned something along the lines of watching her though!

    I often look at the baskets at the big posh garden centres, purely for ideas. The thought of paying £30 - 40 a basket horrifies me though lol. I did all of mine for around £60 which includes about £20 spent on the big basket so much much cheaper to do your own .... and nothing stopping us all pinching ideas for the posh shops :)

    Rosa - thanks :) How do your baskets do on your balcony in the winter ? Being in scotland it must get rather windy ?? I would imagine you have to secure them down well to avoid them blowing off.

    Keep adding photos when you have all done yours :) Its so nice to see everyone elses ... plus it gives us all idea's for next year lol
  2. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hi Sam :)
    I notice that pansies tend to "slow" a bit once planted then flower later but the violas seem to be prolific in flowers from day one. My mum has some beautiful violas in her pots this year and I think she got them from Homebase.

    My winter baskets to date do not look too interesting as they have pansies and lots of minature bulbs which have yet to grow. Once they get going I will put some pics up.

    My summer baskets are going strong still!

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