Advice Please

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Bilbo675, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Bilbo675

    Bilbo675 Total Gardener

    Mar 15, 2011
    Gardener & Plant Sales
    South Derbyshire
    I am not proud of the fact that I have to claim jobseekers allowance, but I have a young family to support and being an honest hardworking person I have done everything that the job centre has asked of me, I've been on courses, been to work shops etc, etc. On and off over the last few months when I sign on I get this particular advisor at the JC, to say she lacks in people skills is an understatement, she talks down to you like you're a naughty school boy, at times raising her voice so everyone can hear, leaving you feeling humiliated when you walk out.

    Whenever I sign with any other advisor they're all fine, one just 3 weeks ago went as far as to say I was a perfect 'customer', never caused any problems and have done everything I have been asked to do, yet today the woman in question retained my job tracker and put it forward for a sanction, with a smirk on her face during the process, right on Christmas, thanks a lot. I knew this was coming because she contradicts everything, last week she told me to write something down a particular way so this week I did, but it was wrong!!; almost like she was setting me up, she even contradicted advice given to me by her fellow colleagues and wasn't interested in anything I had been doing at a third party company I go to as well (where they sent me to originally), I have been discussing self employment with them but she was having none of it, yet the other advisors at the JC would take notes about all this!!??

    She has also now told me I have to sign every day from next week and she will be basically be finding me vacancies to apply for and forcing me to apply for them or my benefit could be further affected.

    The other place I go every few weeks is completely the opposite, they support you into finding work that you want not just anything to get you off their books, they listen to you and understand but at the same time won't get involved with the Job Centre.

    So come Tuesday next week I may well have no money for at least 4 weeks, right on Christmas too, I feel angry, upset and down all at the same time, any advice would be appreciated :)

    There is a complaint procedure I can follow or I was thinking of going to the Citizens Advice as I don't just think I know I am being unfairly treated by this one person :(

    Sorry for the rant but I'm feeling like I've been backed into a corner....
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    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      There is bound to be a complaints procedure, and you need to use it, and now. I've heard of a few similar tales relating to Job Centre staff, and while I understand that they are not there to soft-soap anyone, there is clearly no excuse for the way that you have been treated.

      CAB could be a good place to start - at the very least they should hopefully be able to guide you on where to start with the complaints process. Be realistic what outcome you expect from any complaint, perhaps making one of the possible outcomes to simply be that you do not deal with this individual ever again.

      As for the financial hardship so close to Christmas, I really don't know what to suggest other than try not to worry about that until it becomes a reality, and seek advice from the CAB as to where you stand.
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      • longk

        longk Total Gardener

        Nov 24, 2011
        Sorry to hear all this Bilbo.

        Go for it. Even if they don't find in your favour you have done something about it. You may find other people have made a complaint too.
        In future write EVERYTHING down that you're told and ask them to sign it as a true report of that days meeting. Better still, use the voice recorder on your phone if it has it.
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        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          Its a while since I was in that position, but I know exactly what you mean. Some of them are just horrible people. Not unprofessional, not humans that make mistakes, just vindictive, horrible people.

          As its been so long since I was in that situation, I'm out of touch with what the processes and protocols are, but I'm pretty sure there will still be a formal complaints procedure.

          Am I right in thinking that you still need to show that you've applied for at least 2 jobs a week? If that's still the case, and that's what you've been doing, then surely she can't legitimately hassle you?

          I'd make a formal complaint. It sounds like she is abusing her position to bully you. You can bet that she is treating others the same, so if there is nothing already on her record already I'd bet its at least been noticed by other staff.

          I think, but am not sure that the jobcentre has the ISO9001 'Investors in People' milaki. If they do, then as part of that they will have defined procedures including a grievance procedure. I believe you have the right to ask them for a copy of their complaints procedure. In there there should be details of who to escalate the complaint to if you don't believe it is properly handled at the local level. There may be a temptation to not 'rock the boat' but seeing as she's going after you anyway, I think the boat needs to be rocked.

          I wish you the best of luck, and sorry my advice is so vague and possibly out of date, but hopefully someone who knows more will come on and correct me.

          I also wish you the best of luck in finding a new job. I remember when I got back into work after a stint on the dole. I took such great satisfaction in telling the smug, nasty old witch that contrary to what she demands, I wont be going on some pointless course next week because I'm not here to sign on, I'm here to sign off. She had to spit the words out when trying to congratulate me and there seemed to great joviality in the queue behind me after I'd got one up on the nasty witch.

          Oh, and one last thing. Are you happy with your CV? If you have any doubts about it I'm sure plenty of us would be willing to have a look. I would if you wanted me to.
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          • Bilbo675

            Bilbo675 Total Gardener

            Mar 15, 2011
            Gardener & Plant Sales
            South Derbyshire
            Thanks guys, I'm just really sick of this one person, I'm not bothered how strict or tight they are on what your supposed to do (I don't expect them to soft soap anyone), I'll do it but her appalling people skills and the alarming inconsistencies is what is really getting to me. I have been making notes, but no recordings so it will be her word against mine unfortunately :)
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            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              Agree with clueless, and if you need any paper copies of you CV to send out, email it to me (@Zigs - you have my express permission to pass on my email address to Bilbo675 if I am not about at the time to do so), and I will happily print you off a load on the old laser printer and post them back to you.:dbgrtmb:
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              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                Ask to see her supervisor and question why she's treating you like this when you're doing your best to get the non existant/part time jobs that are available.

                In the meantime, apply for everything by sending your cv. even if you don't get a response at least you can say you're trying, and it might make employers see thru the stupid situation the government is putting them in. I'd hate to be an employer at the moment, advertise one job and get your email box full up in the morning.
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                • Bilbo675

                  Bilbo675 Total Gardener

                  Mar 15, 2011
                  Gardener & Plant Sales
                  South Derbyshire
                  Many thanks @fat controller, I do have a CV that I am happy with, the other place I go to have produced a great one for me :) I'll take you up on your offer if I need any printing off, thank you :)

                  I do know this same woman has stopped several other peoples money and I know at least one put a complaint in via our local MP but I'm not sure if it was specific to her?
                • Phil A

                  Phil A Guest

                  Second thoughts. Tell her you want her job as you could do it better.
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                  • Bilbo675

                    Bilbo675 Total Gardener

                    Mar 15, 2011
                    Gardener & Plant Sales
                    South Derbyshire
                    Thanks Zygs, believe it or not I applied for 6 jobs this last week some I have no interest in, sent letters out with cvs, made 3 phone calls and inquired about a horticultural apprenticeship run by our local council, but it wasn't good enough!!!!??, she went as far as to say part time jobs are a waste of time and I shouldn't be applying for them!!!
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • Fat Controller

                      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                      May 5, 2012
                      Public Transport
                      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                      Make sure you do take up my offer mind - I need to justify owning this wireless laser thing to Mrs C somehow or other :biggrin:

                      There can be no harm in approaching your MP - they may well simply refer you to the complaints procedure first, but then your complaint might just be the cherry on the bun......
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                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        Same here Bilbo, applying for stuff I can't really do, have had words with the job centre about part time jobs too.
                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        Just a thought - do either of you live near a Post Office Sorting Office?

                        When I moved down here, I got a few weeks work at a sorting office as they were taking on casual staff to cope with the Christmas rush. It was early mornings and long hours for a month or so, but the money at the end was nice.
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                        • sal73

                          sal73 Total Gardener

                          Sep 4, 2011
                          Sorry Bilbo , been there and understand the feeling , but don`t let feeling and peoples put you down ....this spring I`ve been working unpaid for 3 months and then the company went bust , I felt really down , but all turned around so quicly that didn`t even realise ...and luckely didn`t even have to go through all the jc .

                          I would forget about this horrible person and move on if self employ can help you feeding your family , just do it .

                          It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. (Charles Darwing )
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                          • Jack McHammocklashing

                            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                            May 29, 2011
                            Ex Civil Serpent
                            Fife Scotland
                            Zigs first reply, is the thing to do (do not wait until you see her and ask to speak to her supervisor)
                            Go into the JC and say you would like to speak to a Supervisor
                            Explain to her/him calmly what you believe to be true, and take it from there, If not to your satisfaction advise supervisor, you wish to make a formal complaint

                            I can not say anymore for a reason
                            Good luck both in the above and finding employment

                            Jack McH
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