Decision On New Car

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by rosa, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi all, ive decided not to have my renault megane back so i have decided to get another car i have picked these 2 cars a peugeout cabriolet convertible or the mg convertible they are both lovely cars with low mileage cant decide which one to get, heres the pics of them


  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    MG was part of Rover. Rover went bust, partly due to the reputation of the quality of their motors. I'm not sure if MG suffered the same problems though. Peugeot is actually Peugeot Citroen, so Citroen's reputation applies to Peugeot too, as many of the parts used in construction are common to both Peugeot and Citroen. Make of that what you will.
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi clueless i know rover went bust but you can still get rover parts, as for peugeout ive heard they are a very reliable car, im going tommorow to look at the mg but apparently the peugeot,s electric roof has a slight problem and is getting fixed so wont see that till next week.
    the mg only has 37.000 miles on the clock. and the peugeot has low mileage
  4. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I know you can still get Rover bits, and I believe a Chinese firm has recently bought Rover, so the problem is not the availability of parts for maintenance. I think part of the reason Rover went bust in the first place is because they became unpopular due to reliability concerns, so people stopped buying them.

    Have a look at this site to help you make a more informed decision:

    It shows on the page that the link takes you to that MG is considerably less reliable than Peugeot, according to statistics. You can also select other criteria, for example it shows that the average repair cost for MG is £400, compared to £251 for Peugeot.

    Of course they're just statistics, and should just be used as a rough guide to help you decide. Ultimately it comes down to which one you like best, and of course there is always the possibility that whichever you choose may be a better than average or worse than average example of that particular make and model.

    Whatever you choose, I sincerely hope you have more luck than you did with your last motor.
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi clueless im definately swaying more towards getting the peugeot, my brother said they are reliable cars, it has back seats for to put my shopping as the mg is only a 2 seater so its definately i would say the better buy for my needs, the peugeot has the hard top eletric roof also and i like the colour dont think i want another silver car.
    im hoping whatever i choose im not going to have all what i had with the megane, will know more tommorow after i see them and of course have a drive of them
  6. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    To avoid a repeat of the Megane situation, you could get the RAC to come and inspect the one you are leaning towards. Its not cheap, but is potentially cheaper than any nasty repair bill that might be lurking. Have a look here:

    I should add that I've never got the RAC to inspect the vehicle first, but then I usually buy old cars for less than a grand (I've only ever bought one expensive car at £6,500 - it went back cos of loads of faults). I have heard stories of people buying cars on the condition that they can take it to a garage of their choice for inspection, which works out a lot cheaper if the dealer will allow it, and if they wont then you should ask yourself why.

    Sorry if that sounds a bit dramatic, but I've heard so many tales of woe (and experienced some myself) when it comes to buying cars. You can't be too careful sometimes.
  7. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    We have just brought an MG and are delighted with it :)

    The later models .... a lot of them have BMW engine's so much better quality than the old Rover ones, plus they plumited in price after the company went bust so some great deals out there :)

    Although it did take us over two weeks (and travelling all over the country) to find the right model, the right colour with the right colour seats lol

    Our decision to buy the MG was swayed by the fact the if you have a look on a lot of 'MG owner forums' a high volume of these fanatics have their cars serviced and maintained by one garage .... who just happens to live in our town ..... whereas one forum member travels all the way from Denmark each year for his service!!

    MG's certainly get a big thumbs up from me :)

    Like most cars .... you get good and bad ones of the same model. Guess it just depends on if you are unlucky enough to get 'the friday afternoon model' !
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi clueless my brother is going up with me to have a look at the cars hopefully one which i choose is ok im teriffied after the megane carry on but surely nothing like this could happen again, the guy at the garage is keeping the megane as the injectors are getting done this morning,hes going to run it himself for over a month to make sure its ok before he puts it back up for sale.

    sam i do like the mg as you can see its a nice looking car but my hubbys not keen on the soft top manual he wants an electric one which the peugeot has got, his sister had an mg years ago and had a load of bother, also i had an mgb gt years ago and i had a lot of problems with mine and it seems to bother me and im worried as ive had a lot of bother with my megane so its making me wary of what i choose, my brother thinks i should go for the peugeot he said they are very reliable cars but like every make you can get a one off bad one, its the chance you take when you buy a car as i have found out.
  9. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    Having bought a brand new Peugeot, I certainly wouldn't have another if they paid me. Why?

    1. At 3,000 miles the brakes began 'applying themselves', causing the car to judder to a stop unless you were quick on the clutch. It was returned to the dealership. They kept it 3 weeks, declared they had '.. no idea what's causing it', gave it back and eventually had to replace the entire brake system.

    2. At 4,000 miles, the main drive belt went. It was returned to the dealership on the back of a low-loader.

    3. Ditto above - the new one lasted only 2,000 miles though.

    When I insisted they replace the thing with a new car, they 'ummed and erred' until I was on the point of threatening a sit in, when they finally and grudgingly agreed.

    4. The new one pulled to the left so much that it was a fight to keep the thing straight.

    5. The offside windscreen wiper snapped off during heavy rain, broke the windscreen of the car behind causing him to hit the central reservation on a dual carriageway.

    5. 3 months later, when doing 65 mph in the central lane of the M25, the power steering failed.

    I kept that heap of junk for 6 months .... exactly, 5 months, 3 weeks and 6 days too long. :mad:
  10. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    I think its very true that you get good and bad cars in every make and model!

    My sister has an Audi A6 ... lovely looking car, very comfortable and was VERY expensive. However ....... its cost her a fortune keeping it on the road!! Its a total bag of S**t if you ask me and even after our car blew up on the motorway a few weeks ago and we were carless ..... my other half still didnt want to use hers!!!

    The fact he chose to drive round in our daughters L reg battered Corsa, over my sisters expensive Audi A6 ... says a lot !!

    Our previous car was a Daewoo Leganza which didn't have very good reputations. We purchased it at about 7 years old and had it for 6 years. In that time it never cost us a penny in repairs really apart from things like tyres etc that every car needs. Was the most realiable car we ever had and even my sister used to come over and borrow it when her Audi was back in the garage YET AGAIN!

    Shame we 'forgot' to get the cambelt changed when due though as that wrecked the engine :( It had been for its MOT that morning aswell and passed yet again! Will certainly miss that car for relability thats for sure :)

    I honestly do think its just a gamble you take when buying used cars .... you get good ones and get some right nightmares! New cars are not always better though, its just you get a lot longer warranty on them for when things do go wrong!

    Rosa - having someone go with you is good though if they know a lot about cars. Plus at least the garage you purchased from seem fair with repairs and now exchanging the car! You could have had a lot more hassle from other garages over it, im sure !

    As a non driver - I do not get involved with all the mechanical side (leave OH to that) I just pick cars based on the colour, the seats and the interior ...... plus essential things like air con, CD multichangers and the very essential cup holder for my drink lol

    Good luck and hope it all goes well this time xx
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    see fidgetsmum and sam any car of any make and model can have problems its luck as you said sam, we had a brand new audi A4 it was a fab car had it from brand new to 3 years not a pick of bother with it, yet my friend had a audi from brand new had nothing but bother with it.
    the garage i purchased it from are fantastic they have been with me all the way through this and just want me to be happy with either the megane as its getting injectors done this morning not at the wylam garage, so they said whatever i decide to do its ok by them, they want to keep their customers happy as they have their reputation to think of and its just unfortunate that they trade a car in that has problems, they are car dealers in second hand ones not mechanics although there is a mechanical garage next to them and iff their is problems with their cars they see to them for their customers, just i have been unfortunate that the problem has been on-going which is not their fault, they have done everything to that car to get it right and have just been great with me.
    my brother doesnt know a great deal about cars hes going with me for moral support, my nephew is looking for a peugeot 307 and is coming with us as they have one in he wants for sale so i guess he seen it on internet and wants to see it.
    will let you know how i go and what i decide to do i may bring megane back with me and go back up next week to sort the pegeout transfer out, looks like thats going to happen as the owner of garage is at garage now with it and bringing it back to his garage as soon as its had all injectors done. we shall see.
    i cant say ive ever had a garage that has been so helpful as this garage were i bought the megane, they have been great.
  12. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi Rosa, I was going to pm you as I was wondering what was happening with your Megane.

    Here's my twopenn'th worth - got to have at least enough seats for shopping/handbag/friend or grandson:) /plant stuff and last but not least Rosa if she ever goes in it with you.

    Got to be a colour you love.

    Likewise, got to have - cd/radio (preferably with cassette player too for all your oldies), great colour of seats/steering wheel, mirror (supposedly for looking at the rear but has to be good enough for checking make-up etc), comfy seats, seatbelts that don't make your chest look odds00k, tyres that don't go down, 'bottle things' under the bonnet that don't need filling and a coating that means the rain gives it a wax every time it falls.

    What are the chances of getting a car like that?:wink:

    Seriously, I do hope whatever you chose you have no bother with it. Personally, I'd steer away (no pun intended) from the one that's getting something fixed already.

    Any car can have problems doesn't matter if you pay £100 or £100,000 (well I'd be pretty p'd off if I spent 100k on a car and something went wrong:hehe:). At least this garage seems to be looking after you and will do if anything else went wrong.

    I do envy you with a cabriolet/convertible now we're getting the nicer weather - well sometimes:) I was going to get one but they're too low for hubby. Never mind, in the next life eh?

    Let us know what you decide and of course post some pics.

  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    heres my new car im getting decided against a sporty number this is fantastic a belter 307 model ,52 model year, diesel, tinted windows, air con and much cheaper, i got the megane and it made noises richard took it out of garage and back in the guys looked at it and said with the new parts the fuel didnt go straight in, it drove ok home so its going back next week as soon as i get new one mot etc.
    well here is the new baby im getting


  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
  15. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi Rosa so pleased you have chosen the Blue Peugeot ,I,m sure you will have many,many happy Hours of Driving with It.Best wishes.:thumb::)

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