Veggie Plot.

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by babyboy515, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. babyboy515

    babyboy515 Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 7, 2009
    Hi all, I am totally new to gardening and I am stuck :o( I want to grow some of my own veg and my partner is building me a box for veg growing with compost in it but I don't know what seeds/plants to plant and at this time of year. My next door but one neighbour has suggest spouting potatoes but what else is there??

    Thanks for reading any advice I would be greatful for.

    H x :scratch:
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Right now you can sow radish and lots of salad leaves (lettuce, rocket & spinach). They are all quick growing and very rewarding and take up little space.

    For next spring you can sow spring cabbage now (I grow a variety called Offenham 2) - these need more room.

    In Sept/Oct time you can plant garlic for harvest next year.

    Personally I would not try and grow potatoes this time of year, the usual planting time for them is in the spring.
  3. babyboy515

    babyboy515 Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 7, 2009
    Thank you, I will look into them :o) I'm waiting for my partner to build me a veggie box but he's got to get some wood first. We have a bit of mud that isn't being used in our back garden (its the only bit of mud) and he is going to build me a veggie box there :o) I can't wait. I want to get hold of a water butt too and I'm already making my own compost :o) I'm after another compost bin now as I've filled my 330 litre one :o).

    However I have a lot of work gardening wise on my hands over the next coming weeks in my front garden. What my back garden lacks in space wise my front garden more than makes up for it :o( its huge.

    However it is over grown with brambles and stinging nettles and god knows what else :o( I also have yukky ivy growing up my house that my next door neighbour planted many years ago and never ever kept it under control :o( I really really want to get rid of it!

    Thanks again. H x

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