Short or Long

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by NeilC, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. NeilC

    NeilC Gardener

    Aug 4, 2009

    I have always favoured leaving the grass about 1 to 1 1/2 inches long as I thought this would aid wear. I am not looking for bowling green, just something that will look neat and be nice for sitting/laying on and take me trampling it while walking around the garden, hanging washing etc.

    Thing is that I have re-laid the grass over the past few years and now it doesn't seem to be thickening up and I am wondering whether cutting shorter may help promote thickening. Or even do I let it grow uncut for a year?

    Or should I be feeding aggressively. I look at meadow grass and think - no one looks after that and it is never patchy or thin.

    I had hoped that by removing the many stones under the grass that it would grow better than previously.

    Any thoughts?


  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Hi Neil

    If your lawn is looking a bit skimpy, cutting it shorter won't improve it. It's not like the pruning process which can stimulate growth in many shrubs and trees. I suspect that your lawn is just a bit hungry and so I'd give it a proprietary feed and see how it responds. Any grass should perk up with a good dose of nitrogen and plenty of water. And keep mowing as normal, leaving it uncut for a year would allow the coarse grasses to dominate.
  3. bilabonic

    bilabonic Gardener

    Jun 5, 2009
    My lawn was looking sparce for years, always had trouble with, never cut it short as it used to yellow etc. Then a greenkeeper mate came toi have a look and told me i was cuttting to high !!!

    Lowered it to about 3/4" and kept it that height, it did not like it at first but cutting more regular and shorter has made a massive difference. It has filled out and looks much healthier.

    He told me it need to be short so it sends out side shoots ?

    I have a thread here somewhere.

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