I agree, Paint must be one of the most under used programs. Sure it has no fancy features like layers, special effects and so on, but for quick and simple drawings, it can't be beat and anyone can learn to use it in 10 minutes flat.
In case the previous schematic didn't make sense with respect to the "jumper" or "crossover" as you refer to it:
@pip OK, so now to be 100% sure of what you want to achieve, do you want to? i) Replace the double switch with a single switch that controls the ceiling and walls lights together, or? ii) You want to disconnect the walls lights and not use them and use a single switch for the ceiling light only?
OK, you will notice in the pic below, I have highlighted (in orange) what I believe is the live feed going out to more lights elsewhere. Before proceeding you must confirm that this is in fact the case. If this is indeed the case, then you can wire up the new single switch as follows: As regards the now unused wall lights, you need to check with your local laws regarding leaving unconnected wires in the walls if you don't intend taking them out. Don't forget to also disconnect the neutral going to the wall lights. If it turns out that it is legal to leave disconnected wires in the walls, I strongly suggest that you insulate the ends with the prescribed insulators and done in an approved method. Insulating tape is not good enough nor is just cutting off the bare ends. Lastly you also need to check if the new laws/regs permit you to carry out this modification or you need to get a licensed electrician to do it for you.
Good day Dave, once all live cables are located do I then completely remove the jumper cable, put all live together in bottom connection of single switch and keep nuetral cables tied in a block? Which of the cables goes in the top connection of switch? There are three cables remaining, excluding jumper, I assume the other cable is the ceiling switch. I would pretend that I understand the circuit diagrams you kindly did, but I don't. Regarding leaving cable in the wall, as long as it is not live then regs say ok, if left live then they cannot be hidden without a blanking cover to indicate their presence.
Hi pip Let's deal with the neutrals first. Leave all of them connected except the one going to the wall lights which you no longer want. Now the live conductors. Firstly,which you already done, is disconnect the live to the wall lights. Then you get rid of the crossover jumper. Now the live feed and the other live (going to other lights elsewhere) you join together in the one terminal of the switch. The other terminal of the switch you connect the live to the ceiling light. Hope it makes sense.
Thank you very much Dave, will be a few days before I complete job as I am still prepping walls for decorating. Will let you know how I get on