Lots of assistance needed - south facing, terraced garden

Discussion in 'Other Plants' started by RustyBuckets, May 26, 2014.

  1. RustyBuckets

    RustyBuckets Apprentice Gardener

    May 26, 2014

    I'm new to this malarky, so bear with me

    I've just moved into a house with the garden as below. I have started a thread about the sloping lawn, but thought it better to have the plant thread separate.

    The garden is about 47 feet wide and as I stand with my back to the house, looking towards the slope, I face due south.

    OK, so this is what I have done so far.

    If you look down the sides of the fence, there is a green shrub/bush. I have no idea what it is called, but it's leaves were brown and shriveled, and then recently, they have opened out. These bushes or what ever started at the top and came half way down, also running across the middle. I dug them out of the middle a few days ago, and continued the run down the sides. They were previously in the middle where I have been digging - carrier bag and piece of wood still there!

    What I am looking for is suggestions as to what to plant. A lot of what is there seems to die away in winter and I am looking for all year round, easy to look after etc. The only plant I know anything about is the Euonymous. I also like something with dark green leaves, and tiny red flowers - almost like a berry.

    The soil is clay, but in the borders/terraces, there is a good foot of decent stuff before you hit the clay.

    To the lower right, I think the two larger plants are pieris.

    Would the red cordyline be OK or are they a bit delicate?

    Any suggestions and so on is appreciated.

    Ideally about £300 to spend.....so not a lot for a fairly large area.

    Russ Garden.jpg
  2. luvplants

    luvplants Apprentice Gardener

    May 26, 2014
    Online Garden Centre
    Hi Russ,

    Just a few ideas that might be helpful. If your looking for evergreen - border shrubs - and you are already familiar with Euonymus, Emerald Gaiety may be a good choice. They grow to about a metre high and are as you know evergreen.

    If your looking for something a bit more “adventures”, you might consider Red Robin. Personally I love the blaze of red from new shoots each year. May be traditional, but grows quickly, does well in clay soil and creates a really interesting backdrop to a garden. Also Robin isn’t particularly expensive to buy either. I’d plant them about 1m apart, giving them enough space to grow into.

    It may be a good idea to dot a few Nandina Domestica – Heavenly Bamboo’s around the garden to tie into the red foliage theme of the Robins in Spring. They’ll keep your garden colourful throughout winter and then they flower in spring followed by lots of small red berries, which you said you liked. Just try and keep them close to the border (not to exposed) for a little winter protection.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your garden.
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    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      I think your thread is being overlooked here in this forum Russ. I'll see if it can be moved to a better place for you by @Zigs or @ARMANDII, if they would be so kind. :)

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