Hi all, just thought i'd post a recommendation AGAINST buying bushnell binoculars, at least based on the very poor experience I've had with them. I bought a pair of H20 10x42 roof prism binoculars to take on my honeymoon to the Galapagos and Costa Rica, my wife has a pair of 8x42 H20's and they seemed to be pretty rugged. So off we went and on the 2nd day in the Galapagos, my brand spanking new pair failed. The left lens wouldn't focus, it wasn't moving at all We had a further 5 days on the islands using our single pair of 8x42 until we could get to some shops on arrival in Costa Rica. Unfortunately, not many shops were open, it was Christmas eve when we arrived in San Jose, the only thing I could get were a crappy pair of 16x30 but they were better than nothing, we still had 3 weeks of Costa Rica to enjoy!! When we got home I returned the 10x42 to the retailers ( Jessops), who, begrudgingly sent them off for repair. A month later, they were back but on the first trip out, the collimation went, resulting in double vision. Again, the shop sent them off for repair, after first telling me there was nothing wrong with them! This time I got a replacement pair. 3 months later, the collimation has gone again. I've sent them to J Vickers, the UK repairers, to be told that I must pay £40 to get them repaired as I obviously had either dropped them or wasn't storing them correctly. I haven't dropped them, I wouldn't expect a warrantly to cover damaged caused by myself and as for improper storage, they always travel in a very well padded camera bag, with my wifes 8x42, a telescope, some spare cheap 10x42 (in case the Bushnells failed again) my canon s3 camera and various lens attachments. The lady I dealt with says that even storing binoculars in a glove box can cause collimation and that the vibrations from taking my binoculars in our motorhome, packaged as i've described is the probable cause!! It seems to me that the only way to enjoy using bushnell H20 10x42 is to never leave the house with them and even then, making sure you have a nice soft cushion to store them on, to avoid any knocks or bangs!! Needless to say, I 'm not paying for the repair, they aren't worth it and i've lost all faith in Bushnell so my other pairs are soon to be appearing on an internet auction site!! My replacement, I think, are going to be opticron explorer's. sorry for the long rant, I needed to get it off my chest!! Glen
Glen, Sorry to hear your problems, I think you should not leave it there as you are out of pocket. Those binoculars were obviously not fit for purpose and you are entitled to take them back to the shop (Jessops?) for a full refund under the Sales of Goods Act. If they refuse then the next steps will be put your complaints in writing to the shop (your complaint is with the shop not the manufacturer). Hopefully they will refund you, if not you may have to take them to the small claims court in the end, see here for a template letter to get you going: http://www.consumerdirect.gov.uk/after_you_buy/making-complaint/template-letters/sale_of_goods_act/ Don't let them get away with it!
:( Hi Glen, what a rotten experience for you.! I know how much planning went into your wedding & Honeymoon, so for that to happen is awful.. I have only had experience with Bushnell in the USA, where I have binoculars & a rangefinder.. They are a company proud of its products in the USA & pride themselves on rugged outdoors equipment suitable for hunters & the like... Why not contact Bushnell themselves & explain your problem & the sloppy treatment meted out to you in the UK...! http://www.bushnell.com/customer_service/contact.cfm?CFID=9912611&CFTOKEN=d43d4a4dd912f29e-83B297C9-B2AD-158F-998AE314622CD9BB Give it a try Glen as I am suprised you have had that problem with them..:thmb:
Thanks for the replies, sorry for the delay I've just had 8 days without pc on holiday in lovely Norfolk/Suffolk border. I was going to start my letter writing when I got back BUT I've received the binoculars back from the repairers with a note saying 'estimate refused returned unrepaired' but without the double vision problem!!! Maybe the postal service has knocked them back into line??!?!?! anyway, anyone want to buy a pair of bino's, 1 careful owner :hehe:. In the mean time, Ive bought myself a replacement pair, opticron explorer's, which so far I'm more than happy with. May I also recommended Rother Valley Optics, nr Sheffield. Their customer service has been superb, they loaned me a pair of binoculars to take on my hols because my order hadn't arrived on time. Glad they did too, saw nightjars, hobby and stone curlews on our travels, all firsts for me! ( photo's of 2 of them to follow soon on the birds thread:thmb