Times when you are so very tired

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Sam1974x, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
    That's what convenience food was designed for. Not to provide day to day nutrition but to give you a break when you need one. Some things HAVE to be done - feeding the kids for example but not necessarily providing them with a fresh nutritionally balanced meal every single time - the odd bit of junk never hurt anyone. Most jobs will wait and many don't need doing at all - or at least so often. Time for you is a priority - that's why airline instructions are to fit your own oxygen mask first. If you aren't functioning you can't help. In order to function you must put your NEEDS first.
  2. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
    Last time I had paid for a repair it was £8.00 - £17.50 sounds pricey.

    Actually last time I had one done I took the car in at 5.25, when told they were closing looked a bit scared and said I had to drive across the Pennines that evening - they ended up doing it for free as they wanted to get the computer off.

    Since then I have directed 6 or 7 people to them so it was a win-win really :yho:
  3. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Yep well they sure didnt get anything of any nutritunal value tonight unless you count garlic :hehe:

    Indeed most jobs will wait - I just need to one day learn that. I simply cannot relax if I know something is in a mess or there is stuff that needs to be done. Guess thats why I get so worn out sometimes!
  4. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Sorry missed your post as I was typing my own!

    My mum is diabetic so tests for me that at any given opportunity as she always says I look tired! Dont think there is anything wrong, just 'one of them days' ya know :)

    On a plus note, the dogs got walked, its pee'ing it down raining now so only watered the baskets and tubs .... and going to visit nephew tomorrow as he is only 3 anyway so not like he is going to miss my visit!

    Have already started listing the jobs for tomorrow in my head though :dh:

    Shouldnt grumble ... when all the kids move out and there is little to do I will probably be on here moaning I am bored :hehe:
  5. Von Igelfeld

    Von Igelfeld Gardener

    Jul 10, 2009
    I find it useful to write what needs to be done on a list - not in your head as that tends to become like a whirlwind of "what shall I do next, what if that , have I got time to do that first etc. making you stressed out and everything keeps looming larger. If you write things down you can then tick them off as completed making you feel much more satisfied and IN CHARGE!
  6. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    Update on puncture..
    Plan was to check it first thing and puff it up if needed, then do the TESCO dash , return home and then off to see the tyre man.
    So, I opened up the garage only to see a totally flat tyre!
    Change to plan B... pump it up and get off to the tyre man and then do the TESCO dash.
    1 Hour later return home after a succesful repair!
    Yes I escaped the £91 for a new tyre:gnthb::gnthb::gnthb:
    £17 odd. A bargain.
    Still got my laptop to fix.
  7. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Well I am pleased that i wasnt the more expensive repair .... you obviously dont have my luck (or lack of it) afterall :)

    Plus I have now learned that tyres can be repaired lol .... Other half knows nothing about cars, so has just gone an brought new tyres in the past !

    Dare I ask whats up with the laptop ?
  8. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I get through car tyres like they're going out of fashion. Its not fair because I'm a calm and sensible driver, I don't go taking hairpins at 90mph or anything like that, I just have no luck with tyres. A stray nail or other sharp object is usually to blame, and once I caught a brand new tyre on a piece of sharp metal and just ripped it to bits. On one of my cars, I got through 7 new tyres in 2 years.

    I have tried to get minor punctures repaired in the past, but every time the fitter will look at it, suck air through his teeth, and tell me that it is so dangerous it could blow out and kill me and my family and cause an international incident unless I buy a new tyre. Usually while I'm there they will tell me that all my other tyres are equally knackered, but I use my own judgement on that and won't let them change them unless I agree that they've had it.
  9. Pippa

    Pippa Gardener

    May 5, 2009
    The weather has been so warm of late and i think that saps ones energy too.

    Great news Capney :gnthb::gnthb::gnthb:

    My bloomin camera card stopped working today on my laptop.:scratch: .I checked it out in Asda,looks like i need a new card.:mad:
  10. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    clueless - maybe change garages if they suggest replacing all the types.

    Where we go is really good. We have asked them before to replace all 4 when we know only maybe 2 need doing and they have told us they would be wasting our money!

    I like places that are honest and will go back whereas if I feel I am being ripped off then I wont go back again :)
  11. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Thats what I am putting it down too. Have a day off today so actually managed to sleep in until 10.30 which is so unlike me !!! Feel so much better for it though :)

    Have managed a few loads of washing, tons of housework and planted two new plants in the garden already :) :)
  12. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    Whats wrong with lap top? the right hand display hinge is very stiff and I can see the display flexing and hear it creaking when I move it.. Im leaving it open until I get it fixed. It will pricey if I leave it like this and the screen shatters.
    Yes. Tubeless tyres can be repaired, but it depends on where the puncture is on the tyre. I saw the fitter using some sort of gauge on the tyre around the puncture. I believe this gauge determines if a repair can be legally carried out.
    I`m sure there someone on thre forum can give us more details?

    Pippa. lets hope it is only the card. Have you lost many pictures?

    Cluless. Hard luck with your tyres.
    I know I should not say this... but I cant remember when the last time I had a puncture. As for tyre life. I would be disappointed if I did not get 40,000 miles from a tyre. I believe the last ones I changed where because of perishing around the outside rim rather then wear.!
  13. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Prob best to take it in to a computer repair shop, or else you could end up damaging the screen which I know costs quite a bit to replace. Would definately have a ring round a few first as they should be able to quote you over the phone for the repair, which I would imagine would be very simple for someone who knows what they are doing :)
  14. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    You are so right Sam. I have been researching it and it seems a simple job.
    The issue is if it goes wrong the cost will spiral to have it put right.
    As you say, let the experts do it. If they get it wrong then the cost is down to them
  15. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Its not the garages fault, I just have bad luck with tyres. I've tried several different places over the years and they all try to sell you stuff you don't need. That's not their fault, they have to make a living. If the fitter reckons a tyre has had it and I disagree, it doesn't get replaced. But its hard to look the fitter in the eye and tell him there's nowt wrong when there is a big rip in the tyre, a big nail sticking out of it, or one one occassion a deformation that randomly appeared and at best made my car horrid to drive, and at worst could have blown out while I was cruising down the motorway causing me to lose control and crash.

    Oddly enough, I had my first car for 3 years and never replaced one tyre, but on that one (a Ford Escort) I just had bad luck with exhaust systems. In two years I had one incident when the exhaust literally exploded while I was on the motorway, one time when it randomly snapped in two, then once when it blew a hole in itself and started filling the car with exhaust fumes. Since getting rid of that car about 4 years ago, I've had to replace a grand total of half an exhaust after the MOT man found 'excess corrosion" in one part of it. Not bad considering I'd paid £500 for the car, did about 20,000 miles in it by then, and allowed it to spend one night sunk in my land so deep that it took two of us with a 3 tonne winch and lots of ropes, chains, spades and long planks of wood to free it:) That same car was the one that had 7 new tyres in 2 years.

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