Hi I've been a member for some years but haven't posted for ages. Since I was last here I've moved to Birmingham from wildest wilts and am slowly recovering from culture shock. Sadly owing to poor health I no longer have a garden but my daughter has an allotment ( in Moor Green if there are any more townies out there) which is a lovely friendly space with mostly organic gardeners, and is a balm to the soul. I brought my greenhouse with me and it is now in full sun, so I thought I would try melons. I think I planted a bit late but they are all in flower and big healthy plants, 9 Ogen and 7 yellow oval ones which as usual I forgot to label - has anyone any tips? I pinched them all out to encourage side branches.
Good afternoon Liz its a so nice to hear from you again my friend,sorry to hear that your health hasn't been 100% and really hope that it has improved some,a warm welcome back
Thank you both I would also like to know if there are any more members in Birmingham, as I do not know many people apart from my daughter and
Welcome back Liz I know we've got a few members around there, although not sure about actually in Birmingham.
Welcome back, Liz Good to see you again. There's bound to be some in Birmingham - if they're willing to own up!
Hi Liz, Not grown melons for years myself, as you say I think its getting a bit late now, and the weather has gone crazy. I seem to remember the female flowers tend to form on the sub laterals, ie, you pinch out the tips after a few leaves and then pinch again at about four leaves. I could be talking complete rubbish, but that kind of rings a bell in my mind.
Whenever I mention living in Birmingham, people either laugh or commiserate! It isn't so bad- lots of lovely parks- I will post some pictures of the allotments when I remember how....and there is a clubhouse with a very cheap barNot to be sneezed at after a hard day's work
Right, off to check side shoots and see if I can distinguish male from female flowers. I usually leave the greenhouse doors open lately to help with pollination, but I shall give a helping hand if I find both kinds.
Hello liz. Im in solihull and a very proud brummie so will always admit to be from these ends :-) Birmingham is by far the best place to live in my eyes even tho technically im in solihull would prefer to live in brum lol
Hi Liz, welcome back from me too and 'beijinhos de Portugal xx'. Hope we'll see you around now and then even if you don't have a garden any more. Enjoy everyone else's!