Our trip away

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by borrowers, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi all, don't know if you've noticed but I've been away for a week. Went down south to see my brother (re 'what illness could this be' thread).

    Have some pics to post but for now just want to tell you what a wonderful place it was. It's in an area called Wellow in Hampshire. It was a lovely little 'cottage/lodge'. Beautiful countryside and garden. Haven't seen so many types of birds for ages! You can take your dog too! Which of course was essential for us.

    When I used to live around that way I never appreciated it. Going back made me do so. Ray thought it was fantastic too and wants to go back. The only downside is that, although places like towns are only a few miles away you really do need a car (or transport of some sort). So, we clocked up over 500 miles in a week!

    Took us 11 hours to get there on Friday 4th, but only 6 1/2 coming back even with the Tyne Tunnel closed! What a horrendous journey it was going down, hot too which was bad. Poor Joyce did not enjoy it at all (the journey that is) and was quite poorly on Sunday night but Monday we took her out the forest (The New Forest) and she was chasing and chewing a stick, which she hasn't done for quite a while, so that was fantastic to see.

    Anyway, if any of you are thinking of going down that way I would highly recommend this place (no I'm not getting a fee!). Great people that own it too. Very secure, with electric gates - not posh though otherwise we wouldn't have enjoyed it:) Very nicely decorated with all you need. Can't praise it enough.

    Was close to Romsey so we saw the Abbey, saw Florence Nightingales family grave which had a bunch of flowers on with a card that said 'Thank you for my profession. From an Austrailian nurse'. How lovely is that? Went to Rufus Stone too - didn't realise he was William the Conquerors son.

    So much I ignored when I lived there. Maybe it's age though, lol. Anyway that's what we've been up to for the past week. Will post some pics soon.

  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Sandra,

    Welcome back:luv: You must have read my mind because I was only thinking on Thursday that I hadn't seen you around for a few days but just thought you might be busy like we all seem to be lately.:)

    Hope everything went ok with your visit to your brother:gnthb:

    That place you stayed at sounds wonderful.I will have to do a bit on Google because I have never heard of Wellow but know roughly where Hampshire is.:D{me with my no sense of direction and all that}

    Nice to see you visited Florence Nightingales grave and how nice of that Australian Nurse for paying their respects to her family grave:thmb:

    I know what you mean about visitng places.I had wanted for ages to go down to Hastings for a visit and a stay and finally the other year we made it and it was to visit and to walk round the Battlefied where Harold fought and lost his life.I learnt more walking round there than I ever did at school about the subject,but then I think that when you are a kid there are more important things to be learnt than some old guy getting shot in the eye:euw:

    Sorry to hear that you had a long journey down there,especially when it is so hot.We have had that problem coming back from Scotland before now and it is a killer with the sun on you and in them days we never had air con.:p

    Anyway,glad to have you back and look forward to seeing those pics:thumb:
  3. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Hi Sandra, I missed you too :thumb: Glad to hear you had a good time on your hols, it sound like a lovely place to be.. Great Story about the Nurse.. It takes a couple of days for dogs to settle into a new place and enviroment but once there settled, Away they go :)

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