If your GP thinks excess acid is the problem, he will prescribe something like Omeprazole or Lansoprazole, which both come in capsule form, taste of nothing, and neutralise stomach acid. Over the counter you can get Ranitidine which does the same but is weaker. Be warned though, if you suspect that is the case, see your GP before taking antacid meds. There are common side effects which may make you feel worse. You need acid in your stomach to properly break down food before it gets as far as your gut. Neutralise that acid and the food that reaches your gut will not be broken down properly, making your gut have to work much harder as it has to do the job that it expected your stomach to have done. I was prescribed such meds because my stomach acid wont stay in my stomach, it comes up and corrodes my esophagus (the condition is commonly, but not entirely correctly, known as acid reflux). The side effects were enough such that I had to change from one type to another, the second type made me feel permanently nauseous so I quit them too, and now I manage the situation through diet. What's your exercise activity like? The human digestive tract (in fact many of our core systems) have evolved to take advantage of the fact that we have to move a lot just to survive. That's no longer true, but it takes a while for evolution to catch up. Basically, lots of physical movement keeps things flowing the way they should, and also keeps pockets of gas from building up. You'll still pump a lot if you're producing a lot of gas, but at least by keeping the gas moving in the right direction, it wont build up and cause pain and discomfort. As an aside, at my martial arts class, where many of the moves involve quite a wide range of body movements, it is not unusual for the class to be disturbed briefly by the odd crack of fragrant thunder. I've heard from people that do things like yoga and tai chi that in their training too, thunder is commonplace.
Laughed to much reading that I farted! They forgot the Silent But Violent!! There is no condition known to man that will get me to stop eating cheese! Seriously though, I used to be quite bad. Since quitting booze though I am a heck of a lot better.
Wheat products can cause it as well. someone said something about it earlier. Cutting down on bread will not only help but will reduce weight. Google 'Wheat Belly'.
I suffer from IBS. I've found peppermint tea and ginger tea have cut down my wind a great deal. Although sometimes when I'm really stressed my gut will still tell me it is and cause me great discomfort, usually via trapped wind.
I get a lot of exercise I am on the go all day, maybe that is part of the problem. Do you mean body weight? I am trying to gain weight I'm definitely thin enough!!!