The supermarket savings thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fat Controller, Dec 11, 2012.

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  1. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    Our latest savings, we have been sent these double use vouchers on all of our accounts.
    anchor cheese.jpg ##

    Reduced to £3 at Tesco, but only £2 at Asda, so do not buy at Adsa for £2, but buy at Tesco for £3 together with 9 other items [1] to trigger their Price Guarantee and you will get both the £1.20 off plus a £1 back, getting your 350g of cheese down to only 80p! (£2.29/Kg)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  2. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    Free Pizza at Asda! Buy any of the Dr Oetker pizzas in the promotional packs for £1.50 at Asda and there's a code in the box to go online and print out a £1.50 money off coupon, go back to Asda any buy another pizza using the coupon, then print another voucher and so on until you freezer's full of pizzas. If 'like' them on facebook you might get emailed a code and not have to pay for the first one (worked for us).

    They were also £1.49 at Morrisons until today which meant you got a penny off your shopping, but caused problems if you only wanted a pizza because Morrisons staff are trained to be mean and they don't like giving you a penny out of their till plus you getting a pizza for nowt (tried it). The answer was to break a small carrot in half to get the cost just over the value of the voucher.

    The pained expression on the self scan supervisor's face when she saw what we were doing was a joy to behold!



    There's also no need to visit Asda as you can buy them for £2 at Tesco as part of a Price Promise shop and get voucher for 50p back. Use the Coke voucher from Tescos magazine for one bottle (even though it's on multi-save) as part of that shop and you'll get the Coke for free and another 89p back.

    P.S. The full price reduction for multi-saves on reduced stuff at Morrisons no longer appears to be working. At least we got dozens of packs of muffins fpr pennies before they fixed it. EDIT: Bought 2 bunches of flowers reduced from £3 each to 9p each (and still looking lovely enough to give to Mrs Scrungee) that were on a multi-save of buy 2 for £5 and got a reduction of 18p, so maybe they have changed it so that you cant get a multi-save reduction for a greater amount that you're paying, what a bunch of meanies!
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      Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
    • Kristen

      Kristen Under gardener

      Jul 22, 2006
      Suffolk, UK
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      • pamsdish

        pamsdish Total Gardener

        Apr 5, 2008
        "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
        @Scrungee you take this to an art form most of us would never dream of.
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        • Scrungee

          Scrungee Well known for it

          Dec 5, 2010
          Central England on heavy clay soil
          Using half a carrot came from our Tesco Price Promise shopping technique of buying things with vouchers, some of them also 'Try me free' and also with vouchers for them, and getting to the number of qualifying items by including half a carrot, a single brussel sprout, a couple of grapes, half a small parsnip, a small piece of root ginger, etc., getting the Price Promise voucher issued on the price before coupon reductions and then claiming back the entire cost of the TMF item which also attracted some Price Promise money back and the manufacture's refund will be before coupon reduction. Ideally the Price Promise shop adds up to £20 and we also use a £3 off £20 shop coupon, and after all the money back and money off we end up with £20's worth of stuff for pennies or even in profit. Plus there's 20 Clubcard Points for the shop and another few for carrier bag re-use.

          Now everybody who sees half carrot at Tesco will wonder if a savvy shopper has been there, although we hide the other half of the carrot as we then go back instore and buy another 10 items using another set of vouchers, including another TMF (each one needs to be on separate receipt) and use another Tesco conditional spend voucher from another Clubcard Account. The Grocery Team gives you funny looks if they spot you hiding half a carrot!
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            Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
          • Jenny namaste

            Jenny namaste Total Gardener

            Mar 11, 2012
            retired- blissfully retired......
            Battle, East Sussex
            I'm speechless Scrungee,
            :mute: :whistle: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
            • Agree Agree x 3
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            • Spruce

              Spruce Glad to be back .....

              Apr 10, 2009
              you should be on the telly , or make you chancellor
              • Funny Funny x 1
              • Scrungee

                Scrungee Well known for it

                Dec 5, 2010
                Central England on heavy clay soil
                £5 off £30 spend at Lidl this weekend I think that link should work even if you're not a facebook member.

                Free soup! Print coupons for £1 off New Covent Garden soups which are £1 at Morrisons, some are £1 at Asda, so free and they are £1.17 at Tesco so only 17p but nothing if you do a Price Promise shop and get your 17p back. EDIT: Unfortunately the ones in Tescos are a different size and wont compare with the cheaper ones at Morrisons. Print as many as you like just put in any old email address say [email protected], print, press the back button change to [email protected], print another and so on until you've got enough. Hurry up as the wont last one with people like us and our daughter (poor student) printing about 100 between us. Don't forget to print half then put them back in the paper tray with the coupons face up and towards the front to use both sides of the paper.
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                  Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
                • Kristen

                  Kristen Under gardener

                  Jul 22, 2006
                  Suffolk, UK
                  @Scrungee you really REALLY need to put some effort into finding some vouchers for a .... double sided printer for you PC :biggrin: .... mine will print 2-up and 4-up as well (reducing an A4 page to fit 2-per-portrait and so on ... I expect their bar-code reader will still be able to handle that) ... so you could save more on that!

                  Or take a Tablet PC along with the voucher on that for them to scan - FREE then :heehee:
                • Scrungee

                  Scrungee Well known for it

                  Dec 5, 2010
                  Central England on heavy clay soil
                  That's how money off codes with O2 Priority Moments works. With some vouchers that use a whole side of A4 plus have loads of other stuff on that wastes ink, I snip the voucher and paste multiple copies into a document to save ink and paper. My laser printer will do double sided but it's monochrome and sales assistants don't like that.

                  Another frugal shop, bought 4 bouquets of flowers reduced to 9p, but on multi-save so free and some New Covent Garden soups also free when using the £1 off vouchers. I added the obligatory half a carrot to get over £0.00 to pay as some SAs at Morrisons are afraid they will lose their jobs if they let customers walk away with bags of stuff without paying a penny. I'm not as an accomplished carrot snapper as Mrs Scrungee and only got mine down to 3p when she will know just where to snap for 2p.

                  Those soups have really good use by dates of 1/11/14 kept in the fridge, and as the coupons expire on 6/11/14 any bought in the last day of validity should be OK up to the end of November, plus they can be frozen, so we might be using them up until the end of January. 4 Months of free soup.

                  soup shop.jpg
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                  • Scrungee

                    Scrungee Well known for it

                    Dec 5, 2010
                    Central England on heavy clay soil
                    I forgot to mention that we called into Tesco on the way back home with the intention of doing a Price Promise shop but noticed that the soups were a larger size there so wouldn't compare (buying at Asda might compare against Morrisons for Asda Price Guarantee - see P.S.), but still bought a few to checkout some different flavours at only 17p for 2 servings. Got another 2 big bottles of Coke (on multi-save) for free using 2 vouchers from their magazine. Found a Price Promise voucher in the car park for over £2 (they aren't linked to Clubcard accounts) so made a profit on the trip.

                    P.S. Anybody up for ordering £50's worth of soup and creating a new Asda account to get £10.50 Topcashback ? (can be exchanged for Tesco Clubcard points and then used in Double Up promotions to get more value for money), buying 26 cartons of soup (£1.98 @ Asda), handing 26 £1 vouchers to the delivery driver to get £26 off, getting an APG for £25.48 that will get bill to zero (my favourite price, but thatAPG's above the threshold for going into moderation/examination) plus getting £10.50 TCB that's worth £22.50 if doubled up, or even more if used to buy vouchers for T&M (x3) or meals at Prezzo (x4) together with all that free soup.

                    There's also some canny tricks with APG that I wont post on open forum in case they pull the plug on them.

                    New Covent Garden Soups often get reduced on late Sunday afternoons at Waitrose, the lowest price we've seen was 5p, so using a coupon with it would get you 95p off your other shopping, Morrisons staff however are trained to be meanies and will almost certainly stop you from using on reduced stuff, with Tesco you need to carefully select your SA.

                    P.S. Our daughter (poor student, she's going to be living on this stuff for months) has just printed some more vouchers and they have a later expiry date than above.

                    I'm assuming that if carton soups are frozen 2 weeks before expiry date before Xmas, they can be defrosted and put in her fridge for 2 weeks when she's back in halls of residence when we take her back in January.
                    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
                  • pamsdish

                    pamsdish Total Gardener

                    Apr 5, 2008
                    "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
                  • Scrungee

                    Scrungee Well known for it

                    Dec 5, 2010
                    Central England on heavy clay soil
                    Tesco Clubcards for new accounts are being issued pre-loaded with 'Fuel Saver' points so you can immediately get 4p/litre off fuel at aTesco filling station. I will now sign up the rest of my hens so they all have Clubcards.
                    • Funny Funny x 1
                    • Scrungee

                      Scrungee Well known for it

                      Dec 5, 2010
                      Central England on heavy clay soil
                      Anybody else stocking up on the free soup? We've bought 44 so far, consumed some, frozen some, given away a few, and have quite a few in the fridge. Get them while you can. I'm wondering if the tomato soup can be used in a pasta dish and the leek & potato soup in a fish pie.


                      The bad news is that the reduced price at Morrisons ends on 26/Oct, at Tesco on 28th Oct and probably at Asda around the same time, so whatever the use by dates of the vouchers they will need to be used before then to get free soup.
                      • Like Like x 1
                        Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
                      • SharonL

                        SharonL Gardener

                        Sep 6, 2014
                        Rossendale Valley
                        Well, I've heard it all now :lunapic 130165696578242 5: the things you learn on ere! :love30:
                        • Agree Agree x 3
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