Hi all just like to say hello! been looking at the site for a few weeks now and think the forums are great. My name is Richard an I am a total newbie at gardening (well apart from cutting Grass). Just moved to a new house in Scotland and the garden is a real mess, well I have been busy over summer laying new lawns I now have come to the bit I know very little about the rest of THE GARDEN!!!!! Live in a old Farmhouse in Aberdeenshire. the house has a wraparound garden all around the house with the largest part being south facing (were most of my attention is needed). the north of the house is mainly drive way and sheds to the west of the house is mainly trees and play area for the kids and last but not lest the east side at the moment is a one large lawn. the gardens are very exposed to winds. Cheers all. see you all on the forums.
Welcome to GC Richard. Well at least the lawns are sorted out and we're all ready to give you a hand with any questions on plants and planting, also anything else you may need to ask, there's a forum here for just about everything!
Good afternoon Richard, welcome aboard the good ship Gardeners Corner. Hope you've had a good look round by now. We have quite a few members up North and I think you've had a better, sunnier Summer than folks like me in the South East corner, Jenny namaste
Wow, sounds like you have your work cut out there Richard! But it sounds wonderful too, happy gardening from another newbie gardener