I am not sure about the government being racist-it wouldn't surprise me though. Either way, they are happy to reduce our personal liberties on the back of the media created "Islamophobia". The newspapers have never been so stupid as to rely on the little respected "truth" of a matter to report on it.
I think some of the supposed anti racism is very very racist. In some diversity training I had; when the lecturer was asked a question about how a certain situation should be handled the gist of her answer was that because we were morally superior it was up to us to make allowances. How patronising and condescending (and down right racist) is that. As humans we look for patterns - when we see someone we look for ways in which they are 'like us' and for ways in which they are 'not like us' (Even young infants do this - they love to see other 'little people' like themselves and will generally respond to other children far quicker than to adults). The extent of our prejudice depends on how much 'not like us' we see people of different nationalities. Generally the more knowledgeable we are about the 'not like us' the less likely we are to perceive them as a threat - unless there is a genuine, immediate threat there (violent behaviour for example). Unfortunately, as much knowledge is spread about by the media, who we know concentrate on bad news, racist and prejudiced views often prevail. When we are under threat from other things (unemployment, recession for example) we are more vulnerable to feeling threatened by 'not like us' (and that's not just race but any differences)
Assuming the government know this too (as I assume they do), then that supports my theory that the government is racist. Instead of showing us how other nationalities are just like us, they make up all sorts of new rules to demonstrate just how different people are. Bible readings banned from school assemblies, the word 'Eid' popping up everywhere around Christmas time, but no mention of Christmas, notices on public buildings being written in numerous different languages, the fact that it is perfectly ok to have an organisation like SADDACA ( http://sadacca.net/about.htm - an organisation set up to, and quoting their website, "promote and improve the lives of African-Caribbean (Afro-Caribbean) peoples and their descendants, the inhabitants of the City of Sheffield and Districts, and other Black people born in the United Kingdom of African parentage who are sympathetic to our aims and objectives."), while it is absolutely NOT ok to have an organisation dedicated to, say, improving the lives of white people of British descent. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against such organisations or the people they are for, this simply highlights my point that current rules and regulations are geared up towards emphasises differences between races, and not similarities.
With all respect and to ALL religions, if they have a God who DOES hear their prayers, Why do they never answer them? Come to that, if they ARE so strong as their beliefs, or whatever, why do they never get any answers from them? Surely if they are That intelligent, then their 'God' would "give them a sign to say which way to face" by now? It doesn't take much to remember the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so WHY should it change overnight?